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Translation Templates from Platform v. 12.0 Beta 2 (Templates for Platform next release, 36 languages)

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Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2012-09-29 10:12
Translation Templates from Platform v. 12.0 Beta 2 (Templates for Platform next release, 36 languages)

Here are some of the Translation Templates, for languages that have not been updated to Platform version 12.0 Beta 1 / Beta 2. Maybe useful for translators who do not want to update the locale files with new English strings, but want a prepared template in one file.

Translators can download from two kinds of files: templates and notes. Templates containing mixed strings from old, outdated locale files and new, from current version Platform 12.0 Beta 2 English locale file. Notes containing information about the strings to be translated line numeration, strings with changed content and suggestions.

Go to the, and there click on the toolbar menu option DOWNLOAD:
Afrikaans (notes)
Albanian (notes)
Arabic (notes)
Basque (notes)
Belarusian (notes)
Bulgarian (notes)
Catalan (notes)
Chinese (Traditional) (notes)
Czech (notes)
Danish (notes)
Estonian (notes)
Farsi (notes)
Filipino (notes)
Finnish (notes)
Galician (notes)
Hebrew (notes)
Indonesian (notes)
Irish (notes)
Korean (notes)
Lithuanian (notes)
Luxembourgish (notes)
Macedonian (notes)
Malay (notes)
Portuguese (Portugal) (notes)
Romanian (notes)
Serbian (Cyrillic) (notes)
Serbian (Latin) (notes)
Slovak (notes)
Spanish (notes)
Sundanese (notes)
Swedish (notes)
Tamil (notes)
Thai (notes)
Turkish (notes)
Ukrainian (notes)
Vietnamese (notes)

For editing locale files translators can use Notepad++, Notepad++ Portable, SynWrite or other the appropriated source code text editor. Translation style for various languages you can learn there and there (in website languages only). Usage of computer terms in some languages you can learn also from Mozilla Glossaries. The necessary term from downloaded Plain Text Files or Unicode UTF8-Encoded Text Files is possible find with Notepad++, or wery easy with SynWrite.

Finalized content of translated locale file you can post in Platform Localization Updates topic (long discussions there not allowed!) directly in forum comment if used Preformatted (PRE) tag (Compose tips) or in (select Paste Exposure: Public) and then post link in comment. If you need to resolve a problems with translation, then you can post in language old topic or create new topic in Localization Discussion Forum.