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TDLister Portable (Discontinued)

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 24 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
TDLister Portable (Discontinued)

Application: TDLister, formerly ToDoList
Category: Office
Description: Task Manager

We have elected not to continue supporting ToDoList in any form. To learn more about the decision and the ToDoList author's actions which lead to the decision, please read the full discussion:

Existing users can convert to the standard zip version using a custom converter we prepared. For users looking for a supported task manager that integrates with the Platform's app store, updater, and backup utility, we recommend either Task Coach Portable or Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition with the Lightning extension. Both are excellent projects from publishers who have been supportive of for years.

Our lightly modified TDLister version to address the author's worry about supporting additional packages is still available on SourceForge as are the full source files under the Eclipse license, as always.