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Firefox crashes before I can even do anything

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Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2014-10-29 00:44
Firefox crashes before I can even do anything

A couple days ago I was downloading something on firefox but in the middle of that download the power went out when I got back on all my history was gone and now firefox crashes before I can even do anything.

I tried deleting the folder and reinstalling it but that didn't fix the problem, is there anything that can be done to fix firefox?

Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
have you tried installing to a different folder or drive?

A clean (new) install of Firefox should of fixed your problem.

What type of drive are you installing to? local HD, USB drive etc?

Can to try installing to a different folder? Something like "FirefoxPortableTest" and see if that works?

If not, can you try installing to a different Drive?

If installing to a USB drive, can you try a different one and/or try the drive in a different USB slot.

You could also try running Firefox Portable in Safe Mode to see if that launches. (I do that by holding down the Shift key and starting FirefoxPortable)

I'm just guessing, but if deleting the folder and reinstalling didn't fix the problem, the problem might be caused by something else other than Firefox Portable. Maybe a problem with the drive, maybe something like a security (AntiVirus?) program stopping Firefox from running?

I suspect someone more knowledgeable (and helpful) will be along shortly to give you better advice/help.

good luck with your problem.

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