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Slow internet connection, will cloud based portable apps help?!

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Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2014-07-06 09:20
Slow internet connection, will cloud based portable apps help?!

I unfortunately have a snail of a connection, until that improves I would like to use portable apps in the best possible format for speed.

Many things that I do require a lot of downloading and updating. Facebook Games for example are horrifically slow to load and update. Would it be advantageous to have a cloud based browser or one with a persistent cashe or both to save needed information until next session?!

Thanks! P.S. Since learning about portable apps from (I think) it has been an awesome tool! Kudos on its progression! Smile

Last seen: 1 day 18 hours ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
who will run?

if you place portable app in cloud storage, then where is the operating system which will run it?
On your local windows computer.
So you will load the program from the cloud to your ram and then it will run under that windows computer.

If you say your connection is slow, this be all even slower.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2014-07-06 09:20
It did not crawled! :(

Thanks for your timely response Otto. I found out first hand how slow it was. Two further questions if you don't mind answering if you know:

1. Would possibly installing portablapps on a cloud OS (Amazon EC2, Rightscale, etc) be quicker as well as accessible everywhere the best option?


2. Installing it on a pendrive with a persistent cache. I would opt for the former for speed but the latter for simplicity and portability. If I could get the cache to stay intact as not to need to download additional data on my browser for use again and again that would be a must.

Thanks again!

Last seen: 1 day 18 hours ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
runs on windows

portable Apps are made to run on Windows, current versions as w7 or w8 are supported, some Apps might still run on XP and few even on w2k, but those are not so many.
If cloud OS provides all features of current windows installation it should work.
But how do you want to use the apps and access them?

You can install all on the stick as most other people do. You can simply enable local cache in the browser and it will then write it to the drive. If the stick is of the very fast variety it could be faster , but note that not all sticks will be able to write very fast.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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