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KeePass: Rev 2

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Last seen: 11 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2007-04-03 19:03
KeePass: Rev 2

PortableApps posted the Keepass 1.3 update when it came out and a few days later posted a Rev 2 update. Since there is no Rev 2 update on the Keepass website I take it Rev 2 is just a PortableApps update? I can't find any reference to what Rev 2 is ,does ,or why it was needed. I'm just curious as I run Keepass on my laptop and desktop and Flash drive and don't want to get out of sequence on releases.

Just curious. Thank you.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 14 hours 50 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

It's a portablization update. It's mentioned in its release announcement story. Rev X versions are always updates to just the portable part of the equation and not the base app. You should update for the best experience.

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