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Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2016-02-15 17:18

I've been using DSynchronize for over a year to back up an 128 GB SD Cruzer Flash Drive to an external hard drive. Was very happy with it. I only did spot checks to see if files and folders were copying and it all seemed OK.

Today, I wanted to transfer my 128 GB SD Cruzer Flash Drive to a new one i.e. concerns about cycles etc.and everything seemed OK THEN my eye was caught by a folder on the source drive that was NOT on the destination drive. I ran the DSynchronize again, same thing. Ran it again and this time checked the box for bidirectional in case that was a factor, again no folder.
Then I checked for the folder in the external drive, again no folder. The folder name is WIAandWIOA it's not empty.
Is it possible the name coincides with a system label?

Yes, I changed the name of the folder and still no success.

How can I contact the developer Dimio Kenny Williams and ask about this?

Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
You find the information you

You find the information you need on the DSynchronizePortable app page. Either the Learn more about DSynchronize... link or the Developers name (Dimio) links directly to Dimio's homepage. He is the developer of the base app and should be contacted if it's an apps specific problem (I guess it is).
Kenny Williams is the developer here that did the portablization and takes care of updates. He is better know as scriptdaemon, as that's his nick. You can find his profile via the link on the page I mentioned first.
You cannot contact him directly but I think he will find this topic sooner or later.

Philippe Hermoso
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-04 17:03
DSynchronizePortable with Trojan ???

Hi all

just wanted to update it, and I received this warning:

Trojan:Win32/Azden.B!cl on PortableApps\DSynchronizePortable\App\DSynchronize\DSynchronize.exe

anybody else got this ?



Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
False Psoitive

This is called a false positive.

Here's the antivirus link for Dsynchronize Portable 2.46.22, which explains and links to the scan results:

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