i want to use RegistryValueWrite in the launcher.ini. The first value includes an equality sign. So the registry entry is set wrong because
the launcher is interpreting all after the equality sign as the second value.
How can i use a = in RegistryValueWrite and tell the launcher to ignore it?
thank you for help
Br madbayer
If you're able to provide an example, we may be able to help better.
Have you tried either double or single quotes around the whole value?
HKCU\Whatever\Key\Value="This is my=value to put here"
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
this is the registry key i want to set:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"SIGN.MEDIA=30A945B App\\EMP\\EMP_MPP.exe"="~ WIN7RTM"
yes i tried something like this '"SIGN.MEDIA=30A945B App\\EMP\\EMP_MPP.exe"'
You likely need single quotes in this case:
'SIGN.MEDIA=30A945B App\\EMP\\EMP_MPP.exe"="~ WIN7RTM'
it always take the first eqality sign. If i do like you said i get this result:
but it should look like this:
Br madbayer