Hallo my Dear, hallo folks, we need an little support:
A few weeks ago my family and I were affected by a high risk of data loss and identity theft.
We are always using portable installations PortableApps as is Firefoxportable and ThunderbirdPortable.
After a long search, we accidentally found the cause:
Both programs create a local profile in each foreign system. (% USERS% \% APPDATA% \ ... \ ...)
That would not be bad. But:
sensitive data, communication, caching, and more brand Firefox and Thunderbird for what they are:
Spy-friendly installations, none of which is PORTABLE.
Now I ask the community to help:
How do you force Firefox AND Thunderbird ALL to save on the Protable Stick?
How to Force Firefox AND Thunderbird to prevent personal data on HOST System like Windows spreading Data out like a rabid hyena.
We had search for hints, but most people didnt interesting for a solution, it didnt any role, if they left many sensitive traces behind any host system.
And Mozilla itself seems to be support any kind of SPYING me out but didnt help me to prevent identitx theft
And Note: all these action are hidden, no notzes, no ersae afte leaving NOTHING to do tom handle my data carefully by Mozilla.
May be there are many other Portables, which do same risks, but MOZILLA is most important we thinking...
any hint is appreciate
I'll need the actual error that occurred in order to be able to figure it out. Some of those apps are on SourceForge and some are hosted by us. I tried a handful of them and they're all working without issue for me here.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hallo John, thank you for spent your time for my issue. Unfortunatly i cannot attachj any kind of screenshot nor listfile.
The Autoupdate starts with "..connecting..." and races turn by turn through the whole applist. Only teamviewer and two or three other programs updated regulary.
Start Screenshot Top Tail
the Buttom Tail,
and some random Connecting Try and Errors,
and last not least the
End of Autoupdates popup screenshot
Thwere is a hughe list of Opportunities to check what goes wrong, wether it stores or not.
Sorry but i have no idea how to link to external files as seen above
Have a nice week and many thanks for trying to help
Please "include system details (OS version, 32 vs 64-bit, install path, new vs upgrade, etc)."
I need all of that to start. And for you to check if you can download the affected apps within Internet Explorer (and only IE) on the same PC. The platform, like many Windows apps, uses Windows networking components. The same ones used by IE. And if IE on that machine can't download, neither can the platform. Or any app that uses Windows components (RSSOwl, Skype, etc).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hallo, Dear
ok lets start manually.
OS is XP64, Installpath is d:\PortableApps\PortableApps; dont use never IE, IE shit substitute by Firefox all times.
Download via Firefox uses Windows components too.
Take 1st wrong autouploader file:
All Download goes OK.
And Installation is OK
And the installed program runs fine:
And take a look at Updater:
Wow! The manual Updated Program is recognized correctly in newest version.
Now should i take 25times?
Hop this helps to specify, why autoupdatelinks goes wrong inner PA
Firefox uses its own internal networking components. You must use IE and only IE to properly test what I requested. It working in Firefox doesn't help determine the issue one way or another.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The IE6 on XP64 seems to act creazy:
It didnt pay any role if IE6.64 or IE6.32 is used
http://www.bing.com/ --> all seems to be OK but i didnt like4 them, links to Microsoft itself
http://www.msn.com/de-de/?ocid=BHEA000 --> all seems to be OK
http://help.bing.microsoft.com/#apex/18/de/n1999/-1/de --> didnt finished, loops endless
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839&CLCID=407 --> this link from Bing Cannot find server or DNS Error
http://www.portableapps.com/ --> Cannot find server or DNS Error
http://www.portableapps.de/ --> all seems to be OK but DE TLD is very uncomfortable... i didnt like4 them
However, the IE based Internet is corrupt and i can not repait this. It shows how f*cking Gates company
Reset IP Stack, Reset IP-Configuration didnt help. DNS Client service is running.
But some PortableApps Download works fine.
Is Zonedefinition wrong? I had no idea to fix.
You should update IE to the latest version, version 8, and apply all updates. In particular, you have to apply the update that allows XP to be able to use modern SSL certificates. IE6 is long dead and the networking components built into XP won't work when IE6 is the browser. Updating IE will actually update the Windows networking components, which is what you'll need for downloads to work right.
You can download IE8 for Windows XP here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24488
Then you can set Automatic Updates to be applied so that all security updates and such get added. Note that you will no longer be able to load Windows Update and apply updates yourself or select Optional updates as Microsoft shut down the Windows XP site a while ago.
Side note: The reason no sites work in IE6 anymore is because they moved on to more modern web standards some time ago. Most sites won't work with IE8 either. We're just using the upgrade to apply updates to Windows itself so it works better.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hallo John, my dear,
after 3Years ago i started this little thread to find out, why my XP64 wont be able to success the download strategy offer by PA.
However, today some of the trd party Apps like Sysinternal
Cant closed installation successful.
After i copy the Original in the related Apps directory the last newest apps run but the PA Update reminder didnt recognize the solution.
Can you organize, that all related Updates can run pefectly in Automode?
All the common error is an " unknown send request" .
However, i didnt know how to switch the Network components from internal Firefox to IE.
he IE isd long time ago out of work, the Display runds like midtime. No PNG are rendered so all Websites failed to show.
An extra comment is for Update Firefox from ESR59 to ESR 60.
After Update 60 all my Firefox gone wild: nothing useful.
Its a crap, and i want to suppress the Update Notification for the bad Future of Bad Firefox 60 for me.
Can you give a little hi9nt?
Thanks a lot
The PortableApps.com Platform uses Windows' networking components to handle downloading the app database and downloading apps for installs and updates. Windows XP's networking components are severely dated and do not support modern encryption used by many websites, so it will be unable to connect. To work around this, the platform downloads many SourceForge and other apps from our backup hosting for XP users. 320 of our 400+ apps are already setup for this. However, some apps which are hosted by the publisher or require a live download from the publisher will still be unable to connect, so the download will fail. I think the sysinternals apps fall within this as they are hosted by Microsoft and redistribution is prohibited so we can't host the actual apps. This will present as a send request error.
As for getting it to work as well as possible, my advice before is still the same. Be sure you've installed SP3, updated to IE8, and installed all updates from Windows Updater. Without doing this, it's unlikely the updater will work at all.
As for Firefox 60+, it drops support for Windows XP and Vista, like most of our more popular apps do. You can use Firefox Legacy 52 but note that it is unsupported and likely has unknown security issues. Since Firefox 60 likely never started on your machine, you should be able to copy your old FirefoxPortable\Data into FirefoxPortableLegacy52\Data and have it work. https://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox-portable-legacy-52
As for the sysinternals apps, I think all of them have dropped support for Windows XP at this point.
As mentioned in other threads, Windows XP is long dead at this point in terms of modern software support, so software publishers will drop support for it without announcing it. Publishers generally only state that their software works with Windows or Windows 7 and up these days. Any given app version update may cause the app to no longer function on your system. We do not test app compatibility with Windows XP for app updates any longer.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hallo John,
thank you for this long term. I have to agree within all them, and my strategy is to download separatly all paf and install manually.
But what kind of software based Sysinternals Processexplorer and Monitor to fail manually too?
My Workaround is to use simple shortcuts to the sysintenals suite, that oK for me.
Have a nice week
The current versions of Process Explorer and Monitor are listed as requiring Vista and higher, so there's no reason to ever update them for you.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!