UPDATE: I don't use runas with the laptop so it's not the runas part so i'm thinking its the Veracrypt / Portable apps.
I think this is a bug in the way the lock file is created and / or it's something with Veracrypt / chrome / runas ? I just need to know what file I need to remove before i start Portable Chrome I been living with this issue for like what seems a decade lol...I don't need to be warned I am fully aware of issues with apps and data and I perform all my own full backups.
1) I always let windows shutdown properly
2) Almost every @#$%ing time I start Iron on my desktop I have to relaunch it twice
3) Almost every @#$%ing time I start Iron on my laptop I have to relaunch it twice
4) this PortableApps.comLauncherRuntimeData-IronPortable.ini gets created properly and removed properly even on TASKIKILL /F /IM chrome.exe !?!?!
5) I think it may have to do with how windows shuts down Veracrypt before Chrome is shutdown ?
This is how I actually run chrome more securely BTW:
runas /user:internet /savecred "H:\PRIVATE\IronPortable\IronPortable.exe --no-sandbox"
So what I think happends is that chrome starts as different user then once windows shuts down it some how kills chrome or closes Veracrypt mount before the other user's app is closed.
I think I can try something to the effect of killall chrome tasks running as internet before veracrypt closes or something ...
Once I figure it out ill update this post. I was trying to start my Portable chrome on my wife's computer and that's the only thing it would do...
but why do you not close the program before closing down windows as the normal way would be?
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland