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Iron Portable did not close properly last time it was run

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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2006-08-01 21:44
Iron Portable did not close properly last time it was run

UPDATE: I don't use runas with the laptop so it's not the runas part so i'm thinking its the Veracrypt / Portable apps.

I think this is a bug in the way the lock file is created and / or it's something with Veracrypt / chrome / runas ? I just need to know what file I need to remove before i start Portable Chrome I been living with this issue for like what seems a decade lol...I don't need to be warned I am fully aware of issues with apps and data and I perform all my own full backups.

1) I always let windows shutdown properly
2) Almost every @#$%ing time I start Iron on my desktop I have to relaunch it twice
3) Almost every @#$%ing time I start Iron on my laptop I have to relaunch it twice
4) this PortableApps.comLauncherRuntimeData-IronPortable.ini gets created properly and removed properly even on TASKIKILL /F /IM chrome.exe !?!?!
5) I think it may have to do with how windows shuts down Veracrypt before Chrome is shutdown ?

This is how I actually run chrome more securely BTW:

runas /user:internet /savecred "H:\PRIVATE\IronPortable\IronPortable.exe --no-sandbox"

So what I think happends is that chrome starts as different user then once windows shuts down it some how kills chrome or closes Veracrypt mount before the other user's app is closed.

I think I can try something to the effect of killall chrome tasks running as internet before veracrypt closes or something ...

Once I figure it out ill update this post. I was trying to start my Portable chrome on my wife's computer and that's the only thing it would do...

Last seen: 15 hours 6 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

but why do you not close the program before closing down windows as the normal way would be?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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