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[Fixed] Inkscape Portable does not recognize a Ghostscript installation

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Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-08-03 16:00
[Fixed] Inkscape Portable does not recognize a Ghostscript installation

I am not allowed to install software on my work computer. I have the most recent versions of inkscape and ghostscript installed on a jump drive. I installed them in the following drives:

When I open inkscape and try to open an eps file, I get an error. I am not a programmer or a program developer so I need help. Am I doing something wrong. I thought if they were installed as above, then the programs knew how to communicate. Thanks in advance for any help. I know this question was asked about older versions of both programs.


[EDIT] Title adjusted for bug report - mod GC

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Apologies, Temporary Fix

My apologies, evidently our previous fix for this problem is no longer sufficient.

[EDIT] You'll need to change the contents of Custom.nsh to the following, and regenerate the launcher. IF you're not able, or uncomfortable doing so, we'll push out a fix shortly.


Var CustomBits

Var GSMode
Var GSDirectory
Var GSRegExists
Var GSExecutable

Function _Ghostscript_ValidateInstall
	${If} $Bits = 64
		${If} ${FileExists} $GSDirectory\bin\gswin64c.exe
			StrCpy $GSExecutable $GSDirectory\bin\gswin64c.exe
			;${DebugMsg} "Found valid 64-bit Ghostscript install at $GSDirectory."
			StrCpy $R8 "Found valid 64-bit Ghostscript install at $GSDirectory."
			Push true
			Goto End
			;${DebugMsg} "64-bit Windows but gswin64c.exe not found; trying gswin32c.exe instead."
			StrCpy $R8 "64-bit Windows but gswin64c.exe not found; trying gswin32c.exe instead.$\r$\n"

	${IfNot} ${FileExists} $GSDirectory\bin\gswin32c.exe
		StrCpy $GSDirectory ""
		StrCpy $GSExecutable ""
		;${DebugMsg} "No valid Ghostscript install found at $GSDirectory."
		StrCpy $R8 "$R8No valid Ghostscript install found at $GSDirectory."
		Push false
		Goto End

	StrCpy $GSExecutable $GSDirectory\bin\gswin32c.exe
	;${DebugMsg} "Found valid 32-bit Ghostscript install at $GSDirectory."
	StrCpy $R8 "$R8Found valid 32-bit Ghostscript install at $GSDirectory."
	Push true
	Goto End

!macro _Ghostscript_ValidateInstall _a _b _t _f
	!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
	;${DebugMsg} "Checking for Ghostscript in $GSDirectory..."
	${DebugMsg} `$R8`
	Call _Ghostscript_ValidateInstall
	!insertmacro _== $_LOGICLIB_TEMP true `${_t}` `${_f}`
!define IsValidGhostscriptInstall `"" Ghostscript_ValidateInstall ""`

	; Borrowed the following from PAL 2.2, Remove on release of PAL 2.2
		; Work out if it's 64-bit or 32-bit
	System::Call kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()i.s
	System::Call kernel32::IsWow64Process(is,*i.r0)
	${If} $0 == 0
		StrCpy $Bits 32
		StrCpy $Bits 64
	StrCpy $0 $Bits
	${SetEnvironmentVariable} CustomBits $0

	; If [Activate]:Ghostscript=find|require, search for Ghostscript in the
	; following locations (in order):
	;  - CommonFiles (..\CommonFiles\Ghostscript)
	;  - GS_PROG (which will be $GSDirectory\bin\gswin(32|64)c.exe)
	;  - Anywhere in %PATH% (with SearchPath)
	; If it's in none of those, give up. [Activate]:Ghostscript=require will
	; then abort, [Activate]:Ghostscript=find will not set it.
	${ReadLauncherConfig} $GSMode Activate Ghostscript
	${If} $GSMode == find
	${OrIf} $GSMode == require
		StrCpy $GSDirectory $PortableAppsDirectory\CommonFiles\Ghostscript
		${IfNot} ${IsValidGhostscriptInstall}
			ReadEnvStr $GSDirectory GS_PROG
			${GetParent} $GSDirectory $GSDirectory
			${GetParent} $GSDirectory $GSDirectory
			${IfNot} ${IsValidGhostscriptInstall}
				SearchPath $GSDirectory gswin32c.exe
				${GetParent} $GSDirectory $GSDirectory
				${GetParent} $GSDirectory $GSDirectory
				${IfNot} ${IsValidGhostscriptInstall}
					; If not valid, ${IsValidGhostscriptInstall} will clear
					; $GSDirectory for us.

		; If Ghostscript is required and not found, quit
		${If} $GSMode == require
		${AndIf} $GSDirectory == ""
			MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP `$(LauncherNoGhostscript)`

		; This may be created; check if it exists before: 0 = exists
		${registry::KeyExists} "HKCU\Software\GPL Ghostscript" $GSRegExists

		${DebugMsg} "Selected Ghostscript path: $GSDirectory"
		${DebugMsg} "Selected Ghostscript executable: $GSExecutable"
		ReadEnvStr $0 PATH
		StrCpy $0 "$0;$GSDirectory\lib;$GSDirectory\bin"
		${SetEnvironmentVariablesPath} PATH $0
		${SetEnvironmentVariablesPath} GS_PROG $GSExecutable
	${ElseIfNot} ${Errors}
		${InvalidValueError} [Activate]:Ghostscript $GSMode

	${If} $GSRegExists != 0  ; Didn't exist before
	${AndIf} ${RegistryKeyExists} "HKCU\Software\GPL Ghostscript"
		${registry::DeleteKey} "HKCU\Software\GPL Ghostscript" $R9
Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2017-08-03 16:00
I installed the portable apps

I installed the portable apps on a jump drive. What are you referring to when you say to create a launcher? I can change the code in the file. I know enough about coding to be able to do that. However, I just downloaded and installed the apps from this website. I know nothing about a launcher.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46

All of our applications use a launcher (*Portable.exe) that takes care of settings, etc.
As you're not familiar with it, I recommend waiting for us to release a fix, which should be in the very near future.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46

The environment variable PYTHONHOME also needs to be replaced with PYTHONPATH as below:

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 13 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Fixed in 0.92.2 Rev 2

Gord fixed this in the Inkscape Portable 0.92.2 Rev 2 release.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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