Can you create an online portable installer for OneNote 2016 without the .NET Framework included since most Windows 10 already have it install? The user can easily install it manually if need it. Also, most of us will be using in a full desktop Windows instead of WinPE or a portable Windows version that is more difficult to install .NET Framework.
Can you also allow it to install addons to OneNote? It would be nice if you include the Onetastic Addons as default: https://getonetastic.com/
Thanks and I hope you consider the request.
Microsoft's Software License specifically prohibits publishing and distribution, See the "Software License" section here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/servicesagreement/
If you package Portable Installer with OneNote, then it's is prohibited. What if you only distribute the Portable Installer without OneNote and require the user to download OneNote and then create the portable version locally. Just a thought.
The license is very specific - as we would be publishing a package, it would not be permitted.