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Cannot get jportable 7u51 to run correctly on FFPortable 48 without full Java 7u51 installed

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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2018-09-25 11:48
Cannot get jportable 7u51 to run correctly on FFPortable 48 without full Java 7u51 installed

I've got several Windows 10 (v1803) 64bit machines where I've tried to run jPortable in Firefox Portable without success.
We have multiple legacy systems that require Java7 and specific versions of it on browser plugin, so to be able to connect, we've used FirefoxPortable 48 and jPortable 7u51.
I also have native Java8u171 installed on the systems.
I've used this same setup in Windows 7 SP1 64bit machines for years without any problems but with Windows10 I cannot get this to work.
Java plugin does not load properly unless I have the full 'native' Java 7u51 plugin installed on the system.

When loading page (ex. I get two warnings saying that 'Your Java version is out of date' and suggest to update with Block and Later options. When clicking Later, page has a white box for about 2 minutes. After that, error is displayed that says 'Were unable to verify if Java is currently installed and enabled...'
Now here's where it gets interesting; if I install native Java7u51 on the system and start the same page with FirefoxPortable, I first get the same warning saying that 'Your Java version is out of date' and suggest to update with block and Later options. After clicking the Later -option I get
Security warning saying that 'Do You want to run this application ?' and if I click Run -button, Java loads properly.

So, there's something or some setting blocking Java from loading properly when using jPortable in FirefoxPortable, unless native JRE is installed on system.

I've tried the following on Java:
-Started java control panel on .\portable\CommonFiles\Java\bin and set Security Level to Medium
-Made sure that 'Enable Java content in the browser' is enabled
-added site URL to Exception Site List

Tried the following on FirefoxPortable:
-Made sure that AlwaysUse2bit=True is set in Firefoxportable.ini

If You have any idea on what's causing this behavior, help would be greatly appreciated.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 25 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Firefox Legacy 52

Firefox Portable Legacy 52 is the most recent version with support for Java plugins:

I'm unsure if it supports Java 7 or not as it is no longer supported and insecure, so it may be specifically set not to.

UPDATE: I was able to get Firefox Portable Legacy 52.9.0 to work with jPortable 7 Update 75 Rev 2. Install both alongside each other (in X:\PortableApps for example). Copy FirefoxPortable.ini from the FirefoxPortableLegacy52\Other\Source directory to FirefoxPortableLegacy52. Edit FirefoxPortable.ini and add AlwaysUse32bit=True to the end. Before running Firefox, open up PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java\bin and run javacpl.exe directly. Click the Security tab and check off Enable Java content in the browser. Switch security level from high to medium if required by your applet. Click OK. This will set it per PC and will likely require admin rights.

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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2018-09-25 11:48
No such luck

Thanks for Your quick response.
I've done as you adviced, and yes, Java loads but only Java8u171 is recognized that's installed on system. Not Java7 that's alongside FirefoxPortable as it's supposed to. Since system has Java8 nstalled already, Java is enabled byt defautl for browser in Java control panel.
Any other ideas ?

EDIT: My bad, of course Java8 is recognized, cause applet asks only for 'current' versions. Will test with applet for Java7 and will report back.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 25 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Additional About Config Settings

There are additional settings you can use to tell Firefox not to look locally for plugins and such. If you can't uninstall Java locally you can look into that. I don't have them handy as k I'm away from my office.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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