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A few notices and suggestions from a new user

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Last seen: 20 hours 41 min ago
Joined: 2019-03-22 09:18
A few notices and suggestions from a new user

I recently discovered this forum and its great community Smile

I have found PortableApps program enormously useful for a kind of user like me but here are a few of my notices (and suggestions) for the developers of this great website.

1. Some programs in PortableApps are 32-bit only while there are 64-bit versions available, such as:
> FileZilla
> Notepad++
> MirandaNG
> CrystalDiskInfo
> IrfanView

2. Suggestions which programs would be worth adding to PortableApps:
> HWMonitor
> Total Commander
> ImgBurn
> Bulk Rename Utility
> HandBrake
> HDTune
> InstalledCodec
> IP Messenger
> jsMSI Unpacker EXE
> NetworkTrafficView
> OBS Studio
> ProduKey
> ShowPW
> UltraVNCViewer
> UniExtract
> USBDeview
> WindowexeAllkiller
> hfs
> prime95

3. There is a weird thing related to FreeFileSync. The version available via PA is quite ancient (something around 6.0). I do use freefilesync 7.9 which is the last one working portable. It has a two features which makes it superior to the one available on PortableApps. It features syncing with FTP servers and it has 64-bit version. Would be nice to have it available on PA Smile

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 3 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
64-bit, Requests, FFS

The majority of 64-bit built apps don't offer an advantage over their 32-bit counterparts. Some are even slower. Even Firefox 64-bit was slower than 32-bit for the first year or two of its existence. A full explanation of which apps are selected as dual mode (32+64-bit) is included in the detailed breakdown here:

For app requests, please search and post to the Request Apps forum. Many have been suggested previously. Some are not possible due to licensing. Some are already available (OBS Studio).

For FreeFileSync, a complete explanation is given on the FreeFileSync Portable homepage:

FFS 7.9 will not run from another process on a large percentage of machines. It fails to launch about 1/2 the time on all three of my machines when run as it's base zip version from the PA.c Platform or something like FreeCommander with the classic 'cannot open file "GlobalSettings.xml"' error. As such, it also fails with the FreeFileSyncPortable.exe launcher to make it more portable. The publisher never fixed this error and eventually switched portable to a commercial license (it's not "donationware" if the "donation" is mandatory) which may also be violating the GPL. We make available the last fully portable properly licensed version.

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