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Two ideas: Surveying users of which apps to ditch or maintain, and outsourcing maintenancing apps with substantial communities

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-29 19:54
Two ideas: Surveying users of which apps to ditch or maintain, and outsourcing maintenancing apps with substantial communities

The first idea.

Different people would like to see different apps to have versions and your resources to make it happen are limited. For example I'd like to see different browsers (Vanilla Chromium is pretty standard on Linux, other people would like to see different apps... First I thought you may want to survey users how many of those apps they still use you started making portable versions for like 10 years ago? Staying with browsers as an example, SRWare Iron may have been cool 10 years ago... Anyone still has a preference for it today? Opera anyone? I'm not asking you to make my browser of preference necessarily but I though some "housekeeping" would make sense to survey users preferences. What apps they still widely use you started offering a decade ago and what other apps would more than likely be popular today have you dedicated your resources to them.

The second idea.

If I go to the page for example it says:

LibreOffice is packaged for portable use by with permission and assistance from The Document Foundation.

I just wondered LibreOffice don't have a large enough community that they couldn't maintain the LibreOffice version? The same with Firefox. On the other hand, Google, the company, quote possibly won't make an official version of Google Chrome (You should ask nonetheless; You never know if you never ask), I guess the same is true for Microsoft and Edge. But my hunch is outsourcing maintenance of a few popular apps to their respective communities (to take LibeOffice and Firefox as examples) is quite possible. This way you can free up your precious resources to make some other apps portable users would use today but no one else would make them happen if not the team. Smile

What do you think? I appreciate the work you are doing.

Last seen: 5 months 15 hours ago
Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
Donating Users

In the past I have suggested that donating users will have access to a list of candidates for new added portable applications.
Then they will rank it and this will be the way new products are released (Or at least some way new product are added).

I think this policy might generate more donations and more activity.

Regarding expanding the capacity to update and support existing products, I wonder if one could use GitHub Actions (Or any other CI) to automate and speed up the release up updates.

Of course some updates require work like new product (Look for new registry keys, etc...) but I guess in many cases it is just rebuilding.
So potentially it could be automated to some degree with CI.

The problem is, we don't see enough of the work happening behind the scenes in PortableApps.
There is a GitHub account, but we don't see most of the applications there.
Maybe moving more and more there will get more people involved?

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