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Bible program - "In The Beginning Was The Word"

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Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52
Bible program - "In The Beginning Was The Word"

Hey, y'all fellow Bible students on

The free Bible Study software mentioned above is available below:

And according to portablefreeware, is portable via using Universal Extractor to unpack it. Tried it out a few days ago - me like!

Finally, the excellent - but not particularly portable - E-sword has a worthy rival (sorry, me no likey "Sword Project" - even tho' it IS portable - due to its butt-ugly interface)...

Version 2 of this proggy is OK, but I like version 3 better, tho' 'tis still in beta.
- One of the bummers about v3 beta is that its ability to import e-sword modules is flaky, and doesn't work - at least not for me (something about needing a password to unlock the modules, which I thought only applied to the *paid* modules - of which I have none)
- Another flaky behavior is that it runs fine from my HDD (unpacked, not installed), yet when I try to run it off of my thumb, I get an error message that some dll file is "not found in the path" (um, the DLL's sitting right *there* in the main directory, and I can discern no "ini" file of other such file that lists any "path" in the 1st place...)
So, am waiting excitedly for v3 *final* to come out!...

Anyhoo, check it out, and post yer thoughts/impressions here!

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-04-06 10:47
If you were trying to load

If you were trying to load topic modules they can be password protected by the creator I think. Maybe that is what is going on.

Off to check out your find!

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52

...when I use the modules in E-sword, they's no pw-protexion, so naturally to find that another app using them would *invoke* a pw-protexion scheme was rather surprising (and frustrating).

A scan of the boards for this app reveals that its author has talked to the e-sword author, and for some reason can't convince him to UN-pw-protect them.

Kinda sucks...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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