really love thunderbird portable
I create a shortcut of thunderbirdportable.exe on windwows 10 and 7 sendTo -> shell:sendto
It woks , i does open the send window , but if i select multiple files , just only 1 file are attachemented
I' m wonder if there is a command line so I can select multiple files and send all of them
The ThunderbirdPortable.exe launcher passes along whatever you give it after the command line it sends to thunderbird.exe (-profile=x:\location).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hi John
I have tried to create a sendTO , with a link of the portable version
but only 1 file is attached even I selected 6 files
it's a limit of ThunderbirdPortable.exe
I can confirm it is passing along multiple files. I just tried it and the execute string is:
X:\PathTo\thunderbird.exe -profile "X:\PathTo\profile" "X:\Path\file1.txt" "X:\Path\file2.txt"
I'm not sure if Thunderbird supports multiple files passed on the command line when the -profile switch is used, but those two file names in a row is the way explorer passes them to ThunderbirdPortable.exe so it just slaps it on the end of the call it is already making.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hi John
but i'm talking about ThunderbirdPortable.exe
I created a ThunderbirdPortable.exe shortcut in sendTO , and it does attach only 1 file
I have tried total command and other utilities and ThunderbirdPortable.exe does pass only 1 file
It looks like Thunderbird itself only supports passing in a single file on the command line unless you specifically compose arguments. All others are ignored. This is with a local install passing it to thunderbird.exe directly in Explorer.
If you want to pass in multiple files, you must construct the pass as:
-compose "attachment='D:\File.txt,D:\File2.txt'"
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!