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AbiWord: Print out impossible under WIN 98 SE

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Anonymous (not verified)
AbiWord: Print out impossible under WIN 98 SE


Abiword is an excellent software, but under WIN 98 SE it is impossible to make a print out !
I test it on several computers with Win 98 SE.
On Windows XP it is working well !
I have the newest version of Abiword portable.
What's matter ? What can I do ?

With best regards


Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-12 17:13
Try printing with another

Try printing with another app to see if the printer is at fault, or Abiword. If it's Abiword, then try printing to a file and then printing that file.

~nm35 {blog} {projects} {standalone apps}

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