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OpenOfficeWriterPortable does not run along LibreOffice

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-26 04:49
OpenOfficeWriterPortable does not run along LibreOffice

Hello, can following be solved?

I have 2 users logged in simultaneously on my PC - me and another user (with a different install location of PortableApps) - and I can not launch OpenOfficeWriterPortable.exe, while LibreOfficePortable.exe is running on another user. I can launch D:\Apps\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable\App\openoffice\program\swriter.exe (or soffice.exe) without issues though - so it's only about the Portable.exe launcher. Do I need to un-lock is somewhere? Thanks.


Dialog box error:

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 11 min 59 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Same EXE

They use the same EXE because they were originally the same app. As such, only one can run at a time at present.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 10 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2010-08-18 10:40
It is Possible -- at Least for Single-User Log-in

I have LibreOffice Portable and OpenOffice Portable installed on my system -- I also have a fully installed version of LibreOffice on the system. And I find that it is possible to use all of them at the same time, though, that said, I am only using a single-user log-in. I don't know how to do a two-user login so can't test that myself. In any case how to manage this (you will need to adjust the paths I give to suit your own system set-up):

1) In your LibreOffice Portable go to the file LibreOfficePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\LibreOfficePortable.ini

2) Open that file in Notepad and in the section titled [Launch] amend or add the line SingleAppInstance=false If the setting already exists you just need to make sure that it is set to false In any case make the setting and then save the file.

3) Repeat the above for your installation of OpenOffice Portable.

4) Once done just launch LibreOffice Portable and OpenOffice Portable as you normally would for a PortableApp i.e. use the 'launchers' as you normally would.

5) You will need to redo the above every time you install a new version of OpenOffice/LibreOffice Portable.

I would be very interested if you manage to get this to work on your two-login system so please post back here with the result of your experiment. If it was me I would use them for a couple of days with non-critical documents just to satisfy myself that all was running smoothly. I have at some times had all three of my LibreOffice/OpenOffice installations running at the same time and all functioning without issues. (For the fully installed LibreOffice I made no alterations to make this possible -- it just launches and runs fine without tweaking.)

P.S. My operating system is Windows 7 Pro. SP1 x64 (in case that is important).

Use Portable Apps on both Flash Drive and HDD/SSD.

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-26 04:49

Abraxian, you are amazing! Thanks, I confirm your solution does work fine with both OO and LO.
My OS is Win10Pro, another user is connected via RDP (modded RDPWrap), and since adding the string there is no issue in simultaneous work. Cheers!

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