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VSCodium Portable (FOSS Visual Studio Code)

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Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-12-31 09:15
VSCodium Portable (FOSS Visual Studio Code)

Application: VSCodium
Category: Development
Description: VSCodium is a community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VS Code. Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git. Users can change the theme, keyboard shortcuts, preferences, and install extensions that add additional functionality.

Note to the PortableApps maintainers: I would love for this to become included in the Portable Apps catalogue.

Download links for v1.87.2.24072 Dev Test 1:

I need someone to confirm whether the ARM64 version of my download works without issue.

Download link for VSCodium Portable v1.83.1.23285 Dev Test 1 - x86 and x86-64 version, the last x86 compatible version:

  • VSCodium Portable v1.83.1.23285 Dev Test 1 - x86 and x86-64 version:
  • Installer EXE [149.3MB download / 635MB installed] (MD5: 80aa4d81f871062f30272a401b5fb7bc)
  • 7z archive [113MB download / 635MB installed] (MD5: f5c49ef4a75dba8887dbeaba598d5f30)

Release Notes:

  • Dev Test 1 (2024-03-21): Updated base app.
  • Dev Test 1 (2024-03-09): Updated base app. Also provided Installer EXEs, because some people would rather complain and criticise my work behind my back if I don't do all the work to make a free product conform to their standards.
  • Dev Test 1 (2024-01-22): Updated base app.
  • Dev Test 1 (2023-12-29): Updated base app.
  • Dev Test 1 (2023-06-25): Updated base app and added arm64 version.
  • Dev Test 1 (2023-05-30): Updated base app.
  • 1.77.3 Dev Test 1 (2023-04-21): Initial release.
Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-12-31 09:15
1.78 update

I've just uploaded an update that upgrades the base app to v1.78.2.

This took longer than I wanted, but part of it was because there appeared to be some issues with the initial 1.78 release, which resulted in the VSCodium devs creating 3 releases over 2 days. I decided to wait a bit to create a more stable release.

Another change is that this release only supports 64-bit versions of Windows. This is because this version of VSCodium appears to have only been released for the AMD64 and ARM64 architectures. I'm not sure if this is temporary or a decision to permanently drop support. In either case, this version will not work on 32-bit versions of Windows. As a result, I will have the OP link to both the latest release as well as the last release that supported x86.

Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-12-31 09:15
1.79 update

I've just uploaded an update that upgrades the base app to v1.79.1.

It appears that the lack of an x86 1.78 version was because of an error in VSCodium's build system. It was fixed for this release and so, the main upload now works with both x86 and x86-64 again.

I've also tried uploading a portable version of the arm64 version. This version does require the x86 emulation that is built into Win10 to run the PortableApps Launcher EXE. VSCodium itself, however, should run natively on arm64 processors. Please can anyone who has an ARM Windows device give this release a try and report your experience.

Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-12-31 09:15
1.85 update

I've upgraded the base app to v1.85 for both the x86-64 and arm64 versions.

Otherwise, it appears that the VSCodium devs have now permanently ended support for x86 Windows versions. As a result, I have included the last x86 version that was compiled.

Otherwise, I still need people to confirm whether the arm64 version works, and report your experience.

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2015-01-12 05:47
Could you please pack it into

Could you please pack it into a .paf.exe instead of a 7zip? I guess this might be a prerequisite for it to be included in the Portable Apps catalog.

Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-12-31 09:15
Can't do that right now

I would love to, but the PA Installer generator is failing for my portable app because it doesn't have a help.html file included. Unfortunately, I just don't have time to create the file at this time.

Peppernrino's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2016-09-05 13:42
Here :)
Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-12-31 09:15
What the hell?

That was a pretty scummy move. First you criticise my work behind my back, and now you're using my forum thread to plug your own competing product.

I clearly stated the problem I had that prevented me from packaging my work as an installer. What possessed you to believe that the appropriate response was to ignore what I said and try usurp my work instead of, for example, donating an appropriate help file?

Otherwise, I've managed to create installers thanks to the help file you made. It's just a shame that you did so in the spirit of competing instead of upholding the FOSS virtues of sharing and collaboration. Not sure why you did it; it took me less than 5 minutes to edit it to suit my package, and even improve and fix it.

Peppernrino's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2016-09-05 13:42
I feel you are having an inappropriately emotional reaction...

My friend,

I'm not here to fight you. And this isn't a competition. If you believe so, or took that other comment as criticism, your ego needs work. But I'll apologize for the sake of.

This isn't even close to the first duplicate of a development version of an app. You've been gone for a few months. I was just picking up the slack. The same thing has happened to me several times. And we are both peddling literally the same product. Someone else's product. Open source is open source. You don't own what you've done here. Please just cooperate. I'm glad you are following packaging rules now. That was my only "criticism". Good job on a nice app.

I built my package from scratch, because I wasn't sure if I could trust what you put in there. But you're welcome for the help file that you actually stole from my work. Sort of hypocritical, but I'm glad to help. lol Smile

But seriously, for the record, it takes actually 5 minutes to make a help file... I didn't feel like this was a valid excuse, and to me it implied that you weren't intending to do it, and were possibly drawing people towards a shady distribution. I have been on this site for many years now, and have seen people using open source packages to promote their own business, etc. So forgive the itchy trigger finger.

And in the same vein, I was originally asked to create the vscodium package on the vscode thread you grabbed the other comment from... I think it's pretty clear who is stepping on whose toes. If anything. Jeez. Happy portable-apping, homie. Blum

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