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Notepad++ seems to restart too quickly after installing a plugin which causes certain plugin config files to be lost

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Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2024-01-21 19:37
Notepad++ seems to restart too quickly after installing a plugin which causes certain plugin config files to be lost


I haven't quite been able to figure this one out but I've been having an issue where anytime I install a new plugin thru the Plugin Admin, Notepad++ restarts too quickly resulting in plugins losing their config files or resetting back to defaults. Presumably this is a side effect to the loading and unloading the portable app does and I suspect that the app is restarting too quickly while this process is still happening. Is there any way to put some additional delay during the restart after a plugin gets installed? Or disable the restart prompt altogether and let me close and re-open Notepad++ manually after a plugin install? If you need a sample set of plugins to observe this behavior, install "BigFiles", "Linter", and "Customize Toolbar" from the Plugins Admin and make changes to their configs. Install another plugin after and you will get some notifications stating that config files were not found and any customization of these plugins are lost when Notepad++ restarts itself. It may take a few tries but it happens very consistently on my system. Thanks.

Edit: I found this note here:
It does not work for me. Even if I close Notepad++ after the restart, and then re-open it, the plugin config files are still permanently wiped. This note implies that if you do this, your plugin settings will be restored but that is not the case for me.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 18 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Forced Restart

Unfortunately, Notepad++ forces a restart and the portable launcher can't always trap for it. It's built into Notepad++ itself and can't be turned off. I'm gonna look into another way to handle this.

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