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DeltaWave Audio Null Comparator

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Joined: 2024-08-05 10:24
DeltaWave Audio Null Comparator

What is it?
DeltaWave is an experimental software built to allow detailed comparison of two different captures of the same audio signal. It was inspired by the idea of Audio DiffMaker, but it is a completely new piece of software, written from scratch. No parts of Audio DiffMaker were used in DeltaWave. Calculations and algorithms used in DeltaWave are also different, and results are more than likely not agree between these two programs. As I was never successful at using Audio DiffMaker but wanted to, DeltaWave was born.

Is it free?
DeltaWave is provided to you free of charge, and contains no advertisements or in-program purchases.

What can I do with it?
As the most basic function, DeltaWave allows an objective measure of how different two captures of the same audio signal might be.

Examples where this can be useful include:

  • Compare analog and digital captures of the same track
  • Compare two different digital formats of the same track (different number of bits, different sampling frequency, different filtering, or even difference between PCM and DSD formatted files)
  • Determine how much of a difference an electronic component makes on the output of an audio system
    • Audio interconnects
    • Power cables
    • Digital/USB interconnects
    • Pre-amps
    • DACs
    • Amplifiers
    • etc.
  • Visualize audio waveforms using:
    • Zoomable wave comparison plots
    • FFT Spectrum analysis charts
    • Cepstrum analysis
    • Spectrograms
    • Phase differences
  • Listen to each track, individually
  • Listen to the difference track after subtracting the two
  • Write out the difference track as 32-bit or 64-bit WAV file for external analysis


Reads WAV, FLAC, DSD, AIFF, MP3, AAC files
Supports 16, 24, 32 and 64 bit WAV and FLAC files, as well as various DSF files with DSD64, DSD128, and DSD256 format, Apple Losseless as well as MP3 lossy formats
Level differences
Accurately computes and corrects for level differences between files
Phase correction
Determines and corrects for fractional phase offset down to 1/1000 of a sample
Clock Drift correction
Determines and corrects for clock drift between two files
Low/High pass filtering
Can filter both files to allow only lower or higher frequencies into the final comparison
Notch Filter
Allows the use of a single notch filter to remove a specific frequency component. Useful when testing or comparing simple sinewaves
Skip samples
Skip any number of samples at the beginning and the end of each file
Control all Settings
Detailed settings can be configured for each of the processing units in DeltaWave. Settings can be saved to become default.

Official website