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Looking for something that will read prc files...

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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-09 00:50
Looking for something that will read prc files...

This may should have gone into a specific forum and if so, I apologize. I love my ebooks and keep them on my jump drive. But I can't always be on my own PC (sound familiar). Wish Mobipocket would come out with a reader for jump drives. Anyone know of a solution that I have missed? Thanks! Cob...

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-04 10:47

For those who don't know...
.prc is one of two file formats natively supported by all PalmOS devices (the other being .pdb). There are a number of sub-formats in use by various applications, I don't know for sure which one the OP is referring to. The OP refers to Mobipocket (, which is a free (I believe closed source) ebook reader which supports a number of formats. The MobiReader is available on the WinXP/2000 platform, as well (see website reference).

To the OP,
The website indicates there is the ability to convert to a .pdf file available in the current 6.0 Win version. I have not installed or tried it. I would suggest trying it and then using any of the .pdf readers available here or elsewhere on your USB stick.

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