Here's a quickie I threw together today. Azureus Vuze won't run on my computer properly without freezing, but I'll get that up once I can be stuffed to hop on my other computer.
You'll need to copy uTorrent.exe over yourself as it is closed source. Installation instructions are enclosed within help.html
uTorrent Portable is the popular uTorrent packaged in format so you can download files on any computer. uTorrent features multiple simultaneous downloads, an RSS Downloader, global and per-torrent speed limiting and a configurable bandwidth scheduler. Plus, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your game wherever you go.
uTorrent Portable 1.7.2 Pre-release 3
Pre-release 2: Updated to 1.7.2, added path changing stuff for settings.dat and updated installer.
Pre-release 3: Now updates paths in resume.dat, copies files properly across to the data folder, handles rss.dat and some other stuff.
Let me know what you think and any bugs you can find. I won't be on tomorrow, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, but I'll try and read this post.
Ryan McCue
I know some people will find this useful so they don't have to go creating their own files, but I don't find this all that needed. All you really have to do is create a folder, place uTorrent in it, and create the 6 appropriate files.
It's the same with Notepad++, but there is still a launcher for it. Plus, it makes it PAF compatible and in future versions, uTorrent will be included, but it can't be yet because of the forum guidelines.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Isn't utorent portable anyway? I always thought that the exe was capable of runnig by itself? Either way its a great app and thanks for making it portable.
[Moderator RM: Deleted duplicate post]
For the third time has come crawling back to portable apps...
But this makes it PAF compatible and may contain fixes later.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
uTorrent is always seen as a portable app because it's a single executive file, but it isn't portable because it creates files in your app data folder.
If you create a blank settings.dat in the same folder as utorrent.exe, it'll be fully "stealth" portable, i.e. nothing in appdata or the registry.
You through it together :tongue:? You mean threw :lol:. I'll take a look at it.
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer."
Alfred North Whitehead
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Seems to work great. Nothing left behind.
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer."
Alfred North Whitehead
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
uTorrent is closed source and unlike Sun & JAVA they are not
planning on open-sourcing it so what is it doing here ?
utorrent isnt packaged with it, this is just a launcher for it. Please read the full post next time
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Works like a charm.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
John would probably take it (since it is the best Torrent client. I did not mean you would hafta forsake your Portable Azureus project. I'll test this launcher a little later.
As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or FreeBSD on yer Windows comp.
I know, but uTorrent is lighter and more portable anyway
I'm still going to do Azureus, though I'm debating whether to do Vuze or the classic version.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
It`s freeware and it`s closed source. Afaik it might me redistributed. Although its`s small and fast I don`t trust it since it was bought by
I don`t suggest using any closed source torrent/filesharing program. (Yes, assuming you are only downloading legal files.) There are to many closed source clients out bundled with spyware or other malware and I can`t think of a single reason not to release the source code other then having something to hide.
To keep credit for your work. Being worried people will steal it and not credit you, etc.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
Well, it's kind of a misconception. The GPL keeps all that safe.
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer."
Alfred North Whitehead
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
There are people out there who would break the law you know. (Although they may not know they are doing that.)
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
I have tried using utorrent as a portable app before, as it is a nice lightweight, self-contained .exe but I ran into a serious limitation. I want to use the application from a removable drive and download torrents onto the removable drive rather than the local machine. The problem I found was that when the torrent is added, the path to the data is stored as an absolute path with the drive letter of the removable drive. When I next plugged my drive into another computer and tried to resume the downloads I got an error as the drive letter of the removable drive had changed.
When I saw this project for making utorrent an integrated part of PortableApps I hoped you would have solved this problem but I have found the same limitation with this version. Any ideas?
I'll add a fix to the next pre-release.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Updated to 1.7.2, various other changed.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I updated to the PR2 version and tried this again but I have found the same problem with drive letters. I entered "e:\incoming\" as the path to put the downloaded data in (the folder on the root of my removable drive) and got about 50% of the file. I have now tried to resume the download on another computer where my removable drive is d: and utorrent says it cannot find the specified path. Did I do something wrong? I tried using relative paths too but they don't work at all. Any more ideas?
Is it stored in the .torrent files, or the .dat files?
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Can you change the default download folder location? Right now it saves it to "My Documents\Downloads"
"Truth is a river that is always splitting up into arms that reunite. Islanded between the arms, the inhabitants argue for a lifetime as to which is the main river." -- Cyril Connolly
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
you can change it within utorrent itself...just look at the settings.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
I'm just saying to have it set in the "default" settings.
"Truth is a river that is always splitting up into arms that reunite. Islanded between the arms, the inhabitants argue for a lifetime as to which is the main river." -- Cyril Connolly
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
The launcher automatically replaces the drive letter.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Ryan maybe you should add to the Readme that if yon don't properly uninstall the program and just delete the utorrent.exe and Appdata files it wont delete the Registry files created by utorrent.
Works well and leaves nothing xcept some keys for the Firewall.
And I think that the problem mentioned here could be resolved by adjusting the drive letter in resume.dat. I didnt check my thesis. Could someone do that?
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Now updates paths in resume.dat, copies files properly across to the data folder, handles rss.dat and some other stuff.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
yeah..i made a portable version of utorrent...before i knew anybody else was doing it......twas pretty good...but the biggest limitation i found was 1gb flash drive...1/3rd full...only leaves 600 mb to download onto call me weird...but that isn't enough
i made a few others too that didnt really work that well...
ive had a bit better luck try this
Setting up a portable uTorrent is easy.
1. Download the latest standalone version, and copy it onto your data stick.
2. Create an empty data file with notepad or any other text editor, and name it settings.dat
3. Place the settings.dat file in the same folder on your portable disk as uTorrent.
4. Run uTorrent from your portable drive and configure the options and preferences.
Now you’re ready to go. You can start downloading at school, and finish at home. And the good thing is that you don’t need to install uTorrent or another Bit Torrent client, just a USB-port, that’s all you need.
If you’re planning to use uTorrent on different computers with different bandwidth settings, make sure that you set the maximum upload speed to 90% of the available upload speed to guarantee fast download speeds.
Does it work with version 1.7.5 or has something changed since then?
According to the changelog, nothing regarding files has changed, so it should be fine.
I'll see if I can update this (along with WinMerge, RSSOwl and Pencil (I think)) as soon as possible.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
When I try to install it it comes up with:
Error opening file for writing
I tried ignoring it but the next file does the same. Also I now can't delete the uTorrentPortable Folder.
EDIT: I installed it in a different folder which has worked but I still can't get rid of the uTorrentPortable folder.
There's nothing in the installer that could do this anyway. Is the disk full?
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
When I install it into Portable Apps, I click on the uTorrent Portable app in the menu, but it says uTorrent.exe was not found, and that I should check the configuration.
utorrent is closed source. So it cant be hosted here.
Ryan only made a Launcher for it and you have to separately download the actual Program.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Why is this launcher here? If this is OSS, then why is there a launcher?
the package is done by someone else, John just made the Launcher to easily integrate it with the Menu.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Can you download skins for this? I couldn't find the folder to put the skin in.
Place the bmp file in \PortableApps\uTorrentPortable\App\utorrent
When is this going to be listed on the applications page? It works 100%. If its because its only a launcher why not have a launcher section as there seem to be quite a few that are all fully working but are listed as development or in this case outdated and redundant. Advocate
This won't be on the application's page because it's just a launcher. This is listed as outdated because it hasn't been updated in a while, and isn't up to PAF specifications
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Is it possible that you guys may create a portableapps launchers site linked and affiliated with this one? That way you keep to the mission and more efficiently distribute the launchers. Advocate
I am planning to do something like that on my website, once I get it up and running. But right now the dev test list page is not for launcher-only's.
I think the reason is that they are to complicated to set up for your basic computer user.
Do you mind if I take over on this, at least to update it?
EDIT: New versions's done, just waiting for an OK.
I'm fine with that (although, I reserve the right to steal it back
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Cool, thanks. I'll post it up later.
Not bad launcher, but if it ever gets on the applications page it would be nice.
Because this portable version is outdated, you can found another (the latest, 1.8.2, here :
Utorrent 1.8.2 (latest)