Hi All,
Newbie here so don't bite too hard:-))
I just wanted to report that the Portable Suite works under Steganos Portalbe Safe.
i.e. I have 4gb USB pen drive and half of it is a secure virtual drive (created beforehand with SPSafe)
I wanted to try first... because what's the point of having half of your office & personal staff in the hands of someone else when the USB gets lost or stolen.
This may be some food for tought for you...Can you guys not "secure" somehow the Suite directories with some kind of password? Nothing serious...but enough to prevent average PC users (and nosy coops) from reading the files.
As default, the apps are storing everything into the USB folders, so if USB pen is lost...say good buy to your private stuff...and passwords.
Also one more question:
Is it possible to change the Names of the Apps in the Suite?
Say, I want to call ClamWin Portable just a simple AntiVirus. It's much easier to distinguish what is what instead of remebering what ClamWin does.
Good job with the Suite though...
I think the PortableApps are the feature of PC/Console usage for mobile users.
regards dan
You can rename the .exe to whatever you choose, but it will still show up as ClamWin Portable on the menu. I would recommend trying out XrXca's PAM Mod or SmithTech's SmithTech Portable Menu.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I've tryied the renaming bit already...no luck.
I'll play with those two and see how it goes.
PStart will let you pick the name in the menu.
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
in some programs the menu picks out the "Proudct Name" and not the name of the .exe, s' rare but it happens.
You have to either use ResHack (Google it) to change the app description or try one of those Mods. Both (PAM Mod and SmithTech Menu) have the ability to rename apps from within the menu.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
"As default, the apps are storing everything into the USB folders, so if USB pen is lost...say good buy to your private stuff...and passwords."
Yes, they do.
Though you can change the setting of the default locations if you are using a firefox or thunderbird.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.