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Non .paf portable apps

Submitted by andyk68 on June 16, 2007 - 7:27am

Hi all. This is my first post and i'm really getting into this portable apps stuff. I've got the portable apps suite installed on my USB stick and it runs and looks great. What i'd like to know is how to install apps that dont have the .paf ext. If its just a .exe it seems to install it but i can only access it by browsing instead of clicking in the menu. Is there a way of putting .exe apps in the menu please?

Appsportable Menu will not run

Submitted by oboist1 on June 1, 2007 - 2:28pm

I installed AppsPortable Suite to my thumbdrive. Then loaded (expanded the 89 MB) to my root. The AppsPortable Menu will not run. All other applications in the suite run just fine when accessed from the Root sub dir's.

I did this twice (the second time after deleting ALL thumb drive files) without success. Same error message both times.

Thanks !


Websense blocking access to sites

Submitted by dsmalls on May 30, 2007 - 4:34pm

I recently threw the PortableApps suite on one of my USB sticks and I gave it to my wife to take to work with her so she'd be able to surf the sites that her work blocked and so she'd have her Firefox bookmarks with her wherever she went. I gave her a little tutorial on how to use the GetProxy app to figure out what the proxy was at her work and she did (PROXY:8080) and she applied the settings to Firefox but she still can't navigate to the restricted sites.

uTorrent Download Destination Help.

Submitted by Demon86rjc on May 28, 2007 - 8:25pm

Ok I Followed The Instructions & Have The uTorrent & The settings.dat In The Same Folder On My USB. I Found HOWTO: uTorrent - Portable App and Settings, But Everything I Tried Didn’t Work. I Wanted To Know Is How Can I Make It Work So When I Download Something I Can Have It Go To My USB.

Thanks In Advance


[Moved to 'Other Apps Support' by moderator JTH as utorrent is not published or supported by]

default browser for gmail notifier

Submitted by themantiss on May 28, 2007 - 6:49pm

dudes, new to the portable apps, loving it, mean idea
anyway, enough of the brown nosing
when the gmail notifier is running, double clicking on it opens the default browser on the machine you are on and opens your gmail account. my question is, how do i get it to open the firefox on my stick? there seems to be 2 options in the options (system default) and Internet Explorer (lab machines at uni dont have firefox). any ideas?
