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Installing full version applications

Submitted by puiatti on August 12, 2007 - 2:43pm


Is it not possible to install the full version of MS Office on my flash drive rather then the portable "OpenOffice" release?

My USB pen drive is 16GB so I am happy to give up the space for this.

I noted from another post that the PortableApps platform only lets you install .paf.exe files, just want to confirm this. I really need to have full MS Access on the move when I'm travelling w/o my laptop.



Problem in Install

Submitted by MajAfy on August 11, 2007 - 1:22pm

When I install portable programs onto my Flash Memory, the speed is very low. Even if I install the program on my computer and then want to copy it from my computer to my Flash Memory here again the speed is as low as before.
When I copy ordinary files or music, the speed is very high. It is only with Portable Apps programs that I encounter this problem.

The model of my Flash Memory is pqi 2gb u339.

Please advise me on what to do.


Notepad++ Is Fundamentally Flawed

Submitted by James_Belcrovner on August 11, 2007 - 1:33am

I absolutely vote thumbs-down on Notepad++ because it has a major bug that the program's author, Don Ho, refuses to fix. The bug causes the following problem: when saving a new document, your new document is saved without any extension. So, for example, if you create a new plain-text document, it is saved without the ".txt" extension, and therefore it is saved by Windows as an unknown file type, which Windows will not know how to handle when you try to open it.

Eject Thumb Drive - No matter what drive letter

Submitted by DarkCyber on August 8, 2007 - 8:27am

Eject Thumb Drive - No matter what drive letter

Reading english no problem but writing.

I did't no where to post it, this looks like the rith place.

Tested on windows xp

Needed tools:


First Batch file "Launch.bat":

title Eject Drive
if not exist "NoCleanup.txt" echo Got to protect yourself from yourself >"Nocleanup.txt"

rem Take out the trash you forgot, shame on you

Common Application Runner

Submitted by yacool on August 7, 2007 - 5:08am

Hi there.
I'm portable-addicted Wink and I use others apps on my USB-stick - skype, PSI, Total Commander, Private Data and many more. Sometimes i had problems with run them from it - it was many .exe files in directory, application must have som params or environment variables set berore it is run.
So I developed a small application that runs other application (that supposed to be a portable one) from (for example) App directory.
I can configure all application parameters and define Environment vars before run.

Java Portablizer feedback

BuddhaChu's picture
Submitted by BuddhaChu on August 2, 2007 - 12:36am

Upgraded the Java version installed on my machine to ver 6, update 2 tonight. I still had the older update 1's folder and files on the machine so the directory structure looked like this:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02

I ran Java Portablizer v1.1 to update my ..\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java files and it worked no problem. The program picked up on what was the latest version installed, copied the files, and updated the contents of JavaPortable.ini

PortableAppsBackup - Working Directory

The MAZZTer's picture
Submitted by The MAZZTer on August 2, 2007 - 12:31am

By default, when using 7-zip, the working directory used to compress the files in is %TEMP%. However this can be problematic, if the compressed file is large (say, 7GB) and the user does not have that much space free on that drive (say, 6GB). This causes the disk to fill, 7-zip to fail to allocate more space. It deletes the temp file and PortableAppsBackup has no explanation for the failure. Such large backups can take over 12 hours, and so this is quite irritating.
