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Notepad++ makes read-only it's opened files

Submitted by farat_as on May 18, 2014 - 5:39am


I mostly use notepad++ for every document file possible on my 2 machine. But sometimes something going wrong with it.

When I open any document with notepad++ and I close the tab of this document, Notepad++ sets this file "in use" and thats why I can not delete the file (but I don't close Notepad++).

Normally this should not happened. Also I should say that this is not happening every time. But I use 2 machines with notepad++, and this is happenening 2-3 times in a day.

Thank you.

MPC-HC loads default settings instead of those set in \Data\settings\mpc-hc.ini

Submitted by Zagor on May 13, 2014 - 5:43pm

Here's what happened. I've extracted the program, started it, opened Options > Formats > Association > Modify. In other words I tried to associate this player to open video files by default. Association is working fine but for some reasons MPC-HC loads default settings instead of those I set in \Data\settings\mpc-hc.ini. Any help?

[Fixed] Pencil Project Portable miscategorized: listed under "Graphics & Pictures" but installs into "Development"

Submitted by Prolorn on May 9, 2014 - 11:16pm

As per title, website and platform installer categorize Pencil Project Portable under "Graphics & Pictures", but after installation app is listed under "Development".

Not sure which is a better fit, but should probably be consistent.

All versions up to 2.0.5 have:
PencilProjectPortable\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini, line 10: Category=Development

utorrent portable creates registry entries, tries to install itself

Submitted by lyakasal on May 6, 2014 - 4:57am

I have just upgraded to utorrent portable I am using it from a non-Administrator account, on Windows 7 64-bit.
Each time I run it, it creates the following registry entries:


It's not much of a problem for me, but after I logout from my account, and login again, it asks me to provide an Administrator password for utorrent installation.

Spybot S&D Portable 2.x nothing to update

Ulf2014's picture
Submitted by Ulf2014 on May 5, 2014 - 12:55pm

Since Version 2.x (Spybot - Search & Destroy Portable), the Virus definition does not update. If I want to Upgrade searching endlessly for updates, and nothing happens.

My Operating systems:
Windows XP (SP3) and 8.1

Installation path:
E:\PortablerPC\PortableApps\SpybotPortable. "E" stands for the USB-Stick.

SDUpdSvc.exe [2014.05.05 09.38.21] Kein Handler für / asupdate gefunden
SDUpdSvc.exe [2014.05.05 10.22.22] Kein Handler für / asupdate gefunden
SDUpdSvc.exe [2014.05.05 10.56.59] Kein Handler für / asupdate gefunden

Error Messages:
