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Can I put plugins like flashplayer in the Commonfiles folder?

Submitted by Zalica on March 11, 2014 - 7:24am

I've installed firefox,thunderbird and firefox 2nd profile. It's a little annoying that I have to put 3 flashplayer in the folders of each program.

Is it possible to put the plugins like flashplayer or others in the commonfiles folder,just like jportable?
I think it'll be easier if these plugins update.


ChromePortable using local Chrome registry settings?

Submitted by boodaman on March 10, 2014 - 2:56pm

Hi, I'm a long time user of Chrome Portable. I realized today that I was using a really old version (24.x) so I went to upgrade with the latest.

When I run the latest Chrome Portable, however, it is using all of the registry settings and config from the local Chrome my employer installs on my desktop.

Notepad++ DSpellCheck plugin not functioning properly

Submitted by einst3 on March 10, 2014 - 2:38pm

Notepad++ 6.5.5 portable has DSpellCheck plugin problems on Win7 x64.

change in notepad++ or dspellcheck settings on win 7 x64 causes plugin to remove all dspellcheck files and directorys in the Data\Config\plugins\config folder (DSpellCheck.ini and Hunspell folder dissapear after application closes).

to repoduce:
1) install notepad++ fresh.
2) change settings for spelling like increasing suggestions to 7 through interface.
3) restart npp (files may dissapear, if not restart npp again).
4) dspellcheck settings and files have dissapeared from plugin folder.

problems with using portable java and installed java at the same time

Submitted by Tom Pfueller on March 6, 2014 - 4:00am


I have to use a program that requires a certain version of Java (1.7.45) and Browswer (Firefox v17) as client.

I thought hard about this problem, because not only me but also other users have already installed a newer version of Jave (e.g. 1.7.51) and Firefox.

I tried to download portable versions of Java and Firefox and using them as a client to access the program without using the installed versions.

This works fine, but Java causes the following problems

Google Chrome: Get a portable Chrome app with an old version

Submitted by kamtschatka on March 5, 2014 - 6:17am

I am working as a web developer and we have to test against all possible versions of chrome. Due to changes in the portable Chrome, it will try to download chrome from the official google servers. This means that it is currently impossible to get a portable chrome app with an older version(e.g. chrome 23)

We tried installing multiple chrome versions side by side on the same machine, but that causes too much interference with other chrome versions, therefore we would switch all of those chrome browsers to a portable chrome app.

GoogleChromePortable active log-ins are closed when changing computers?

Submitted by haze_1986 on February 26, 2014 - 10:30pm

Initially thought it was due to the change in Iron to chrome.exe, but I have isolated the problem to chrome only. I've found that after logging in to emails and some forums sites, I will be logged out the next time I start up chrome on another computer. I have been able to replicate this issue on several different systems for now. If I logged in from one computer, and restart portableapps or chrome then there is no problem.

Sites that are affected

IronPortable fail to start after chrome is started

Submitted by haze_1986 on February 25, 2014 - 4:25am

Hi all, due to the number of email accounts, I have been using iron and chrome together, mostly one for work and one for general net surfing. After the latest update, I've found that if I have chrome already started, lauching ironPortable would cause an error "Another instance of ${APPNAME}" is already running. Please close other instances of ${APPNAME} before launching ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}. I set both chrome and iron to start automatically normally and it seems that iron is faster so there is no problems most of the time. However, if I close iron and restart the error would appear.

Fixed: PDFTK Builder doesn't open

Submitted by jojothehobo on February 24, 2014 - 2:31pm

I installed PDFTK builder in my portableapps folder and a menu item appeared. When I tried to start it I got the portableapps pdftk icon that stayed on for a second or two and then closed.
I tried running, running as administrator (I never got the chance to enter a password) and ran from the gui, the PortableApps program folder and even from the portableapps pdftk app folder. No joy.

Does anyone else have this problem, or even better, has anyone else solved it?

