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qBittorrent missing from apps list

Submitted by OzPortableLongTerm on May 1, 2014 - 12:46am

qBittorrent appears in the "internet" category just after puTTY in the apps list on the web site, but is missing from the "get more apps" within the platform. I can't it anywhere under any category, and it is missing from the "by title" list.

This is a pity as I to the other small torrent client which, last time I tried it, pushed advertising.

[Fixed] Iron Portable 34.0.1847.116 leaves 3 registry keys

Submitted by marcelo-ar on April 26, 2014 - 2:17pm

Iron Portable 34.0.1847.116 leaves three registry keys behind after first Run

5 Keys added while Iron Portable is Running:

Keys added: 5

Only 2 Keys deleted after Iron is closed:

Keys deleted: 2

Scribus - setting gs location

Submitted by gpittman on April 25, 2014 - 7:33pm

I have installed Scribusng on a network drive, and the program works fine (Win XP and Win 7).

However, I have been unable to get the location for ghostscript to be remembered. Each time I start Scribus, it tells me that gs is not installed.

Inside the My Documents folder (network drive space), I have one named ScribusNg (or whatever the installer named it).
After failing with the old gs (8.70), I installed gs 9.14 in a gs directory inside ScribusNg.

Python bindings in GnuCash portable

Submitted by David Lynch9 on April 23, 2014 - 12:23pm

I am running GnuCash 2.6.3 portable on Windows Vista SP2.

I am trying to use python to input share prices (modifying ), because other methods don't work.

The list archives seem to indicate that python bindings for windows are problematic. However, the change log for GnuCash portable implies they are implemented.

I get the error message:

from gnucash import Session, Account, Split
ImportError: No module named gnucash

GPU-Z, be EXTREMELY careful

Submitted by obscenum on April 17, 2014 - 4:20pm


A little warning regarding GPU-Z, it is not safe.

When I started it, it completely locks up my machine.
Have to kill power, then the following cycle happens:

1. Push power button, PC switches on for 3-4 seconds, and then switches off.

2. 2-3 seconds after that it switches on and displays an error "Press F1 to enter UEFI setup".

3. Presses F1, UEFI setup is OK so I choose "Discard changes and Exit".

4. The PC resumes normal boot.

This is on a system with dual Nvidia GTX690, driver version 335.23 and Windows 8.1 Update, 64-bit.

Google Chrome Portable won't sync with my Google Account

Submitted by JTHM on April 16, 2014 - 9:34am


I've noticed for a few days that Google Chrome Portable 34.0.1847.116 has not updated with my web passwords from my home PC. Today I noticed that my bookmarks had not synced either and upon investigation I'm finding that the Google Chrome Portable browser will not sign in to my Google Account.

Is this just me or is anyone else seeing this too?

Many thanks.

Qbittorrent - How to prevent files from being created in C:\Users folder?

Submitted by boogadie on April 14, 2014 - 8:15pm

When qBittorrent Portable is started it creates two folders in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local and C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming. Is there a way to prevent these folders from being created? They seem unnecessary as the same files are created in the installation directory. Even though the folders get deleted when I exit qBittorrent Portable I don't want them created at all since I have it installed on another hard drive. Is there a way to do this?
