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[Fixed] Smart Defrag Portable 2.9.0 leaves a scheduled task behind to check for updates

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on September 25, 2013 - 12:10pm

I've determined that the current Smart Defrag Portable release leaves behind a scheduled task on Windows XP and higher. The job file calls the Updater.exe within Smart Defrag Portable to check for a new version. If one is found, it opens a web page to let the user know. No EXE files are left behind and, if Smart Defrag Portable is no longer on the system, nothing will happen.

This can be solved by adding the following lines to the SmartDefragPortable.ini launcher file in App\AppInfo\Launcher after the DirectoriesMove section:


gVim Portable Windows registration

Submitted by jstocker on September 20, 2013 - 7:38am

When starting gVim Portable on a system without installed Vim using administrator rights, it will ask you for registering gVim. If you already have an installed gVim or you start gVimPortable without administrator rights (and enabled UAC) no question will pop up.

Answer from maintainer Chris Morgen:

You are correct; the OLE support should not be there (...) that he worked from the standard installer (gvim74.exe) rather than the build without OLE support (

Dear John Haller, may you update the App by a version without OLE (but please with python/dyn)?

jPortable Launcher pack

Submitted by xvalen214x on September 17, 2013 - 10:03am

Hi, I have a few comments about jPortable Launcher.
JavaPortableLauncher.exe itself is a portable apps, and the format of Portable Apps Platform (the App directory) is not required. However, CommonFiles\Java64 (or Java32) which is jPortable is required at the parent directory. What I think, is to add a configuration file for changing the name or the location of jvm, or make it like Eclipse Portable (Java in App directory, otherwise use the system one).
What I do for now, is to put the content of jPortableLauncher under CommonFiles ^^'.
