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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Warning autorun changed pop up when I start portable apps - how to get rid of this nuisance?

Submitted by avfexp on July 27, 2014 - 5:16am

Hi when I start my portable apps suite first thing that happens is that I get said pop up, the text is very long but it says that something changed in my autorun file and that may be because of a virus or something and if I did not do it myself I should scan the drive for malware bla bla.
The thing is that is nothing wrong with the drive is not infected with anything I has been scanned already I just want to get rid of the annoying popup without having to reinstall everything.
Any ideas? This is happening in W7, W8 it is not OS related.

Personal Video Database: how to add foders with movies in?

Submitted by Dirki on July 25, 2014 - 1:43pm

I have tried a few times to register at that PVD (Personal Video Database) forum without success.

The options in PVD appear to be very good, but I absolutely cannot cope with that program. It appers to be extremely confusing for me.

How can I add (and after edit) different folders the movies / series are stored in to let them scan automatically and get the informations, images for the movies from the data bases?

May be there is an alternative for the program?

Various questions on future features

Submitted by Gynsu2000 on July 25, 2014 - 4:45am

I have few questions regarding features:

1. .NET Portable App : this feature has been announced few years ago but there is still no official word about it. Can we expect this to go live in a near future

2. Launcher customization: will we be able to see basic launcher customization? Like be able to create our own categories and add shortcut to other applications (e.g. installed one, such as Explorer, or Regedit ...)


DSynchronize 2.30.6 False Positive - We Need Your Help

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 22, 2014 - 11:45pm

Currently, there are some false positives in a handful of antivirus engines delaying the release of DSynchronize Portable 2.30.6. These are in the base app and usually the responsibility of the publisher to handle, but the publisher is a bit busy and unfamiliar. So, we're looking for some help.

Current Virus Total Results: 2/53 Listed (Updated: 2014-07-27)

One Commander File Manager is portable

Submitted by commanderbit on July 21, 2014 - 9:56pm

There is a new freeware file manager with some unique features and minimalistic UI for Windows 7 and 8. You can check out for the overview with animated GIFs and download link. Works from Dropbox, USB, HDD (as long as you don't place it in system folder like Program Files) because settings are saved in program folder.

McAffee Portable Stinger Anti Virus Scanner infected with Suspicious.Cloud.9 per Norton 360

Submitted by Buffed on July 16, 2014 - 4:46pm

I've attempted to download McAfee Stinger Portable ver twice since it was uploaded 7-14-14. Both times, my Norton 360 killed it immediately saying:
Filename: zofj9gxt.exe.part
Threat name: Suspicious.Cloud.9
Full Path: c:\users\ (local directory)
Unknown Community Usage,  Unknown Age,  Risk High
Downloaded from Stinger Portable/McAfeeStingerPortable_12.1.0.992_English_online.paf.exe
Actions performed: Actions performed: 1
