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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Web Site - addon to your account ???

p71rock's picture
Submitted by p71rock on July 11, 2011 - 1:10am

I have seen on another site where the users have a "like" or "Track my Favorite App"
to where you can be notified of updates by logging in. I think this would aid in updating apps above and beyond using the program updates that I really like a lot in v2. And or in this also list new apps released on the applications list.

Is it possible/safe to move/transfer all portable apps between drives?

Submitted by sn1975 on July 10, 2011 - 10:45am

Hi all,

Is it possible/safe to move/transfer all portable apps between drives?

For example between two different USB memory sticks or from a USB portable hard disk drive to a USB memory stick?

Does it matter that the drives have different drive letters?

Many thanks.

[ website ] RSS updated long after the news is posted on first page

ghostintheruins's picture
Submitted by ghostintheruins on July 9, 2011 - 1:33am

Hello there,

Not sure if it is just my sage++ issue or a general one (I tested the ffx built-in rss reader too and it's the same case) but isn't the all idea of RSS newsfeed to get the news when it's updated and not so late afterwards? (last rss update was on June 10th.)

Is it a platform issue or just the lack of time for the website admin(s)?

I apologize if this was already answered.

Cheers and keep up the good work.

Opera, Portable

Submitted by cjcoury on July 4, 2011 - 12:21am

Development of Opera Tor was discontinued, but, when using an older version, there is a notice of an upgrade of Opera. Will the newer portable version of Opera be integrated with Tor and Polipo to upgrade Opera Tor?

PA.c Themes Thread V2.0

Submitted by Motosuwa on July 3, 2011 - 3:27pm

Time to start theming, people! Post any themes you have for the PA.c Platform here, and make sure you do it well. For SMA purposes, please insert copyright info into the theme.ini file wherever applicable using semi-colons. If anyone wants an example, just look later on for the Ouendan themes, which will have an example of copyright insertion. But for now, theme away!

Notepad++ Latest version needs a repack

Submitted by JarC on July 1, 2011 - 9:20am

I'm not sure who to report this to.

I've just downloaded and installed the new Notepad++ portable and am afraid it's in need of a repack.

I suddenly had a load of plugins I did not want and on top of that they were all ANSI and I received a msg for just about all of them telling me so and if the plugin should be deleted to prevent the msg from re-appearing in future

[further use of foul language is something that is looked down upon, please refrain from further use of them - Mod Zach Thibeau ]

Change Chrome Icon

Submitted by BPeddle on June 30, 2011 - 8:07pm

Is there anyway to change the Chrome Icon, Ideally I am going to have 3-4 versions of Chrome Portable running. I do support and have to log in to multiple accounts frequently and they can't be in same browser. Id like to be able to easily identify the instance open by icon.


Forum pagination (page navigation)

solanus's picture
Submitted by solanus on June 30, 2011 - 1:01pm

This is a simple request. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I'd like to see the pagination for the posts both at the top AND the bottom of the page.
For multipage threads, often the first thing I want to see is the last post posted, or I'll want to browse through all the pages, but that means I need to scroll down to the bottom of the page every time I want to advance to the next page.
Can we have page navigation at the top of the page as well?

Portable Apps on SDHC Card

Submitted by pigphish on June 29, 2011 - 11:17am

I have been successfully using portable apps on a removable sata drive.

However, I tried to migrate to a lexar 133x class 10 sdhc card. It was unusable.

I am curious if others have been successful using PA on an SD card and what their success has been.

I called lexar and they did state it should not be a problem but cautioned that excessive writes would significantly shorten the life of the card.

thanks, George
