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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

PortableApps in the Context Menu?

Submitted by Jacob Mastel on September 13, 2008 - 12:08pm

I've noticed that when I'm using Portable software I'm often a little annoyed at not having the context menu buttons (the right click options). So I was thinking (yes I know scary) wouldn't it be nice if we had an app that could be configured to add in context menu items for portable software. My thought would be a setup simmilar to how 7-zip is configured (7-zip > options). The app could be configured to any app on the flash drive. I don't mean something like eXpresso that monitors by .blahs. The context menu would work on any file.

Poratable Quake 3 demo

Submitted by crush on September 12, 2008 - 11:22am

I downloaded the free demo from ID Software's website for Quake 3, and tried to install it to my thumb drive. It seems to have worked and I've used it on a computer that has never used Portable Apps before. I was just wondering if anyone else had an issue with this or has there been any known issues with using Quake 3 (demo) from a USB drive? CD - Worldwide Delivery...

Submitted by w2net on September 12, 2008 - 2:49am

Hi everyone,

We, The Rozaleenda Group, Inc., global provider of Web, Media, Software, E-Business, TV and Telecom solutions, want to distribute products (specially full Suite) in high-quality retail-ready CD-ROM around the world, and in INDIA (since we are based in India). We can market worldwide via internet and ship to many major countries with a very low shipping cost. And, we can market in India regionally, by providing CDs to various retail stores etc.

Screenshot issues.

Submitted by statement on September 11, 2008 - 4:47pm

There's a certain inconsistency with the screen shots for a lot of apps listed here.

For example:

The screen shot in this page doesn't link to a bigger image.

but on this page the screen shot does link to a bigger image.

Another thing, if you have javascript disabled you can not view the screen shot.

It just goes to the page where the image was supposed to be and displays this

Page Not Found (404 Error)


LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on September 11, 2008 - 8:30am

I often encounter that all Portable projects must be GPL because otherwise they cannot be hosted on Sourceforge. But on further examination Sourceforge has a list of many licenses. The main ones are:

GNU General Public License (GPL)
GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
BSD License
Public Domain
MIT License Apache License V2.0
Artistic License
Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
Academic Free License (AFL)

Sync between USB and PC

Submitted by schwooba on September 9, 2008 - 12:13pm

What does everyone recommend for synchronizing my portable apps off my USB to my PC?

Ideally, I would like to have one master copy of all my apps (located on a server or USB), so when I sign into a PC or Laptop, it would pull/sync from the master copy and run it locally (for speed purposes or if I forgot my USB drive).

I like Toucan but I'm not sure how to automate the syncing part of it.

Oh, and did I mention I would like it secured too without using Truecrypt (because it requires admin rights). It's a tall order but I'd appreciate your input and advice.

Very, very restrictive college network

Submitted by Hypahnova on September 9, 2008 - 9:05am

Not entirely sure whether this should be in off topic or not, so sorry if I'm mistaken.

Yesterday was my first day at a new college, unlike my old college, the network is incredibly restrictive compared to my old one, no installing anything, firefox portable just has a broken icon and won't load, no display control panel... The most I can do is run .exes from USB, and change the wallpaper.

Portable PGP?

Submitted by YossariansGhost on September 7, 2008 - 2:20pm

I have been following the threads about WinPT, GPG and other portable PGP applications for a while, since a truly portable, stand alone PGP/GPG application would be my current #1 want.

However, for those developing the apps, it seems to be some tough going.

So, I have continued to search...

What about this?

Update reports

Submitted by Donnie on September 6, 2008 - 12:08pm

I haven't found any place to put this. Does a place/thread exist where users can report new version? You simply can't have an eye on all applications.

ClaimAV is updated. 0.94

I don't get updates. If I take a look at the report I see

"WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.93.1 Recommended version: 0.94"
