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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

"Living" portable?

strider_mt2k's picture
Submitted by strider_mt2k on February 17, 2006 - 11:31am

Does anyone use their portable applications as their PRIMARY applications?

My secondary PC is getting on in years.
As an experiment I was considering replacing it with a low-end PC and running all my portable apps from my flash drive, if possible.

I don't want to boot from the drive, simply run my apps from it.

Does anyone here use their flash drive in such a manner, and if so, how goes it?

Flash Drive Security

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 17, 2006 - 10:44am

Does anyone know of an open source tool to secure my flash drive and still use Portable Apps?

I've found a few that are "vault" type tools, but I can't run the apps from within them.

I'd really just like to password protect the drive or a folder on it.

Thanks for helping a newbie.

More Forum Problems

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 17, 2006 - 10:27am


This is the wife of Les. I have logged in with my user name but when I do, I get the info of JJ (using just the initials of the real name, from the F Islands - which is not my location.) Something wrong here Sad


Forum Problems

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 17, 2006 - 10:23am


My wife registered me. I am able to login from my computer. She cannot login as me from her computer. She then registered (from her computer) under her own name and cannot login from her computer.

1. She can login as me from "my" computer, she cannot from hers.

2. She can login with her registered name and password from my computer but the information she gets is someone else's location (i.e. she is getting someone elses information?) She cannot login from her computer.

The bottomline is there is something wrong with forum logins/registrations. Some wires appear to be crossing. There is more but this is enough for now...

Lexar Jumpdrive Traveler

Submitted by wearingaredhat on February 16, 2006 - 11:10pm

It looks as if the portable application world is increasing in popularity extremely. I was given the 1 GB Lexar JumpDrive Traveler as a gift recently. You can see it online at Its fairly interesting... It has a program called "Traveler.exe" on it. When you run the program it lets you start "portable" version of IE, Outlook Express, and a Sync application. When you run IE from the traveler program, It starts up IE and its a fairly default version. It also creates a folder on the drive entitled "My Settings" which contains various IE settings (bookmarks and what not) that you would normally find in the Documents and Settings folder on the local machine.

Portable JRE & Batch files

Submitted by RossGoodman on February 16, 2006 - 6:18am


I have followed the advice of others and have placed a JRE on my USB, just in time as my current desktop only has 1.3 !

For most of my apps (datastudio & freemind) I simply create a batch file which hard codes the relative path to the java.exe and this works a treat.

Two questions:

When I do this I end up with 1 dos window and 1 app window, is there any way I can get the dos window to "go away" leaving my application running. On *nix I would simply tell it to run in the background.

The batch file approach does not seem to work with RSSOwl, I get "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java"
