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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Downloaded updates invalid

Submitted by djbradster on June 3, 2015 - 2:44am

I'm receiving the error that "downloaded copy of "xxx" is not valid and can not be installed. This could be due to an incomplete download or other network issue. Please try running the updater again when complete"

This is happening with 3 separate portables. Where does Portable Apps download the updates to before it installs them? I'm pretty sure I need to delete the corrupted copy before I can proceed.


Editor: do we need another top level one?

Submitted by Wm ... on June 2, 2015 - 1:51pm

This is for discussion.

NotePad++ isn't quite as portable as it orta be once the plugin updater is included, I use it non-portably at home and on other systems I use frequently, for e.g.

There has been a recent (today) request for RJ Texted but from where I am it seems less generalised than NP++ which puts it into the realm of IDE and non-general editors.

Do we need another editor? We seem to be gathering IDEs that include an editor and so on.

Google Chrome extensions and apps question

Submitted by demipape on May 31, 2015 - 11:45pm


I use both Google Chrome and Firefox on my laptops, pcs, mobile, etc. I have a Google account and I sign in to Google Chrome so that all my various data is synced across my Google Chrome devices/sessions. I also use Firefox sync in the same way.

I have now set up PortableApps on a usb stick (with GChromePortable and FFoxPortable).

Undetected apps?

Submitted by NorrinRadd on May 29, 2015 - 9:51pm

I just updated PA from 11.something to the current version. The apps I had previously installed no longer show up in the menu. Their folders are still there under the PA folder, but apparently PA does not "see" them.

Now what?

Carbide Reformat

Submitted by jasonmccullar on May 28, 2015 - 5:12pm

I have an 8GB Carbide that I recently purchased.

LOVE the product by the way.

I want to know if I can get the software install that came on it, so I can return it to factory new condition, rather than just using the portable apps software. It has a custom menu and other items that I want to keep on my portable apps drive.

Thanks for your time.

PS. If this is not in the proper forum, my apologies, but I did not see one that fit better.

Strange Ad

Submitted by Bindlestiff on May 19, 2015 - 10:25am

I was a little surprised to log in today and see an add "Sweet Chinese Women Are Ready to Date U". If this had been an e-mail it would have ended up in the spam bucket. It seemed somehow inappropriate for this site.
