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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

ESBCalc Portable

Submitted by HND52087 on August 27, 2010 - 2:46pm

Hello everybody. What I'm asking for is this and just so you know, this is all the information I was able to scratch up and before I forget I did searched about this and if I remember, is still excepting freeware software, so then what I'm asking for shouldn't be a problem.

Request Game: RuneScape

Submitted by Starport592 on August 25, 2010 - 8:01pm

Okay, yes, I know that RuneScape is an online game, and I fully understand that. I would like to mention that all critisism towards the fact that this is an online multiplayer game to be played in a web browser is already known to me. However, JaGeX and other administration has created it's very own client. It is free, open source, and doesn't require administrator properties to install. Installation takes minutes, and if you use the client sometimes it will even override some proxies.

(Again) Deamon tools

Submitted by Grovert11 on August 25, 2010 - 5:38am

I saw a topic about portable deamontools.
They said it wasn't possible to make a portable virtual disk, BUT i have a U3 USB and it makes a virtual disk everytime i put in my usb. Maybe it is possible to use that to make a portable deamontools.
