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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

nsis help again

powerjuce's picture
Submitted by powerjuce on March 2, 2008 - 2:14pm

hey all i need some nsis help.
I found this code on the nsis site and could u guys please explain it to me

!define APP_NAME find_close_terminate
!define WND_CLASS "Notepad"
!define WND_TITLE "Untitled - Notepad"
!define TO_MS 2000
!define SYNC_TERM 0x00100001
!include WinMessages.nsh
Name "${APP_NAME}"
OutFile "${APP_NAME}.exe"
LangString termMsg ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Installer cannot stop running ${WND_TITLE}.$\nDo you want to terminate process?"
LangString stopMsg ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Stopping ${WND_TITLE} Application"
!macro TerminateApp

Help for devs with PortableApp icons

BuddhaChu's picture
Submitted by BuddhaChu on March 2, 2008 - 8:43am

I've put up a new page on Ryan's PortableApps wiki explaining how to check if your appicon.ico complies with PortableApps developer standards.

If there's an artist or dev out there that can figure out how to use @icon sushi to create new icons or add more sizes & bit depths to and existing icon that would be great.

Missing Splash Screen Aliases

Submitted by Patrick Patience on March 1, 2008 - 3:05am
Because I have nothing better to do here at 3 in the morning, I thought I'd go through and find which URL's displayed in the Splash screens actually didn't exists, here's the applications who need to have aliases added to there actual page.

Generic Installer

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on February 29, 2008 - 8:46pm

I would like to create a kind of generic installer / downloaded for applications that are maybe to large to be put inside the installer by Downloading the installer or zip file by the installer.

- User starts the installer
- Autodetect and select PortableApps folder
- Deploy the PortableApps template launcher and folder structure
- Download the main application (optionally choice of download locations) to temp
- After download unzip or install deploy the app in the correct portable location

Operating Systems Page

Submitted by Patrick Patience on February 29, 2008 - 8:26pm

I just have some ideas to improve the operating systems page under applications.

First off, I found some nice Tango style icons for Mac and Linux that seem to be GNU GPL licensed, I think they would look fantastic there. There's a bit of choice for Mac, and Tux is beside the Lego man, here.

Also, I think we should add a better screenshot to the Mac On a Stick Page (I can do that), and maybe ask the owner of the tutorial if we can post it here, and even post the document that gman(?) posted in the Other Apps Support forum.

what's the easiest way to make portable app

Submitted by daman8331 on February 29, 2008 - 12:04pm

what's the easiest way to make portable app
according to me thinstall is the easiest way to make a portable app
i have tried all soft but i think it's the best
here is the thinstall virtualization suite

[link to illegal software removed by moderator JTH. Linking to pirated software is illegal and not permitted here.]

if anyone know any other easier way to make portable app than thinstall plz post here
