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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Check updates at exit?

Submitted by neocronos on March 24, 2023 - 7:33pm

Hi folks, I'm a long term user and I saw how the platform grow and became more and more usefull and fun.
I have a request for the new version, A checkbox in options that enables the window of update apps to not be loaded when the app starts, but it is loaded when close the app.

Out of date source codefor the On-Screen Keyboard Portable

Submitted by dudyk on March 19, 2023 - 6:33am

I need an open source on-screen keyboard I could change, so I tried the portable one, it worked well for my basic needs, so I got the source code from the app page, but turns out that it's very different from the binary distributed on the page.
Where can I find the current source code?
Thank you.

Help moving .hidden files and folders/directories?

Peppernrino's picture
Submitted by Peppernrino on March 13, 2023 - 1:44pm

I am currently developing an application that uses a .hidden directory to store its settings, etc.

When I add this folder to AppNamePortable.ini, it creates the original .hiddenAppNameDirectory that I'm attempting to copy, and also another directory beside it called .CopyOfhiddenAppNameDirectoryCreatedByPortableApps or something similar.

I have tried adding the settings.json file only to no avail.

Is there a way to rewrite a line in the settings.json on startup, or is there some other way I am missing here? Am I out of options?

Feature Request: Backup app before updating

Submitted by ardouronerous on March 7, 2023 - 9:06pm

Normally, what I would do when I get an update for an portable application is that I'd run 7-Zip, go to the app directory and create a backup zip of said portable application before I update the app. This has saved me multiple times whenever I need to downgrade the app for whatever reason.

I'd like for my process to be automated though, built into the Updater app, maybe as an opt-in option in the Advanced tab.

