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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Out of date source codefor the On-Screen Keyboard Portable

Submitted by dudyk on March 19, 2023 - 6:33am

I need an open source on-screen keyboard I could change, so I tried the portable one, it worked well for my basic needs, so I got the source code from the app page, but turns out that it's very different from the binary distributed on the page.
Where can I find the current source code?
Thank you.

Help moving .hidden files and folders/directories?

Peppernrino's picture
Submitted by Peppernrino on March 13, 2023 - 1:44pm

I am currently developing an application that uses a .hidden directory to store its settings, etc.

When I add this folder to AppNamePortable.ini, it creates the original .hiddenAppNameDirectory that I'm attempting to copy, and also another directory beside it called .CopyOfhiddenAppNameDirectoryCreatedByPortableApps or something similar.

I have tried adding the settings.json file only to no avail.

Is there a way to rewrite a line in the settings.json on startup, or is there some other way I am missing here? Am I out of options?

Feature Request: Backup app before updating

Submitted by ardouronerous on March 7, 2023 - 9:06pm

Normally, what I would do when I get an update for an portable application is that I'd run 7-Zip, go to the app directory and create a backup zip of said portable application before I update the app. This has saved me multiple times whenever I need to downgrade the app for whatever reason.

I'd like for my process to be automated though, built into the Updater app, maybe as an opt-in option in the Advanced tab.


Improve LosslessCut app

Submitted by xmha97 on December 12, 2022 - 4:29pm

Hi, The portable version of the LosslessCut app can be improved.


➖ ;WorkingDirectory=%PAL:AppDir%\LosslessCut
➕ CommandLineArguments=--user-data-dir=%PAL:DataDir%\AppData

➖ [DirectoriesMove]
➖ LosslessCutAppData=%APPDATA%\LosslessCut

This command line can be used for all Electron apps.

