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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

The "documents" folder structure

Submitted by Kees_Pieterse on August 14, 2014 - 5:55pm

I just want to note that the "document" folders functionality is rather primitive. Apparently it has been this way for a long time.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that something like this is included. This is my first time installing PortableApps.

However, as Windows systems these days have at least 4 default "libraries", namely: "Documents", "Music", "Pictures" and "Videos", I would argue that having only three (with "Documents" acting as the root of those other three) is rather disingenious (I mean the antonym of "ingenious" ;-)).

Ditto Portable data handling

Submitted by pau on August 10, 2014 - 8:16am

Just Curios:
While examining Ditto Portable from the PA-Directory vs. the portable version from the author itself I realized that the PA-Version always deletes the ditto.settings ditto.db from the app directory after I closed.

Why does it do this? Would there be a problem leaving these files on the stick without relocating them?

I mean if my PC crashes the database isn't updated with newest entries.

Please enlighten me.

Cleaning up after program opens file

Submitted by terra666 on August 8, 2014 - 3:34pm

I am trying to portablize a program. Everything is working fine, but for one thing. The program creates a file in the directory it opens a file from. So, lets say I open folder1\blah.ext the program will create "file.ext" in that folder. If I open a new file in let's say folder2\blahblah.ext it will create a new "file.ext" in that directory as well.
My question is how can I clean up those files on the exit of the program.
Thank you for the help.

Custom.nsh to run a service

Submitted by billboz on August 2, 2014 - 5:41pm

Hey guys i have been making PAF's for awhile but i am thinking
of some apps that require a "service" to be running...

does any body have any info, or examples of "Custom.nsh script"
that would point me in the right direction....

honestly im looking for moore than some one to say
look at NSIS site! im sure it is their but how is it scripted in
a segment for a PAF...

thanks to any one that can help...i am a visual leaner witch makes it
harder than just reading..

Bundling Firefox Portable with CMS eval package

Submitted by iwrconsultancy on July 27, 2014 - 5:26pm

Was intending to release a portable version of the Hyperframe CMS, bundled with LightTPD and Firefox Portable so that Windows users can evaluate the CMS without having to install anything on their computer, or set up a hosting account.

Just thought I 'd check that it's OK to use Firefox Portable in this way.

Hyperframe is open source.

ABBYY FineReader 12 Launcher

Submitted by terra666 on July 20, 2014 - 3:00am

Hi, I have created ABBYY FineReader 12 Launcher, and was wandering if anybody is interesting in it to check and see if it is working properly. It needs FineReader 12 installed on target computer in the default directory, as the launcher is copying the needed files directly from target computer.

P.S.: I am also working on a launchers for several other programs. However, due to licensing restrictions it will require the programs to be installed on the machine.

Accessing An Application with database using Pen drive

Submitted by J.Mamitha on July 19, 2014 - 9:35am

I need to develop an application which runs on Pen drive when inserted. If I create using Java and SQL, I dont have idea whether to keep data in system or pen drive. How to access my application when pen drive inserted and the database should be saved in pendrive itself.

It will be appreciated greatly.

Backing up Apps only

Submitted by Steyn van der Walt on July 15, 2014 - 12:46am

Is it possible to split the Programs (not only App Data) and Documents as separate backup options. Sometimes one just want to backup your Apps only. It will save a lot of time if your Documents takes up most of the drive's space, it may consist mainly of Music which does not change often.

Why must it be specified what to put in data folder?

Submitted by Hansj on July 14, 2014 - 1:13pm

Fx. in Sandboxie when a folder is forced sandboxing, and an application in the folder is run then all its saves to documents folder or registry is virtualized. So why can´t portableApps catch those calls and place them automatically in data folder, why must they be specified in launcher.ini?
