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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Google Chrome 26 Loses theme when drive letter changes

Submitted by Joshwiker14 on April 9, 2013 - 10:30pm

Hi. I'm having this problem where the theme doesn't load properly and reverts to default when the drive letter changes, but all the other settings are changed properly as the drive letter changes.

First I tried re-installing the theme, but the chrome-webstore thought it was already installed. So I reset the theme to default from settings, and restarted chrome(It didn't seem to do anything otherwise), and re-installed the theme with no problem, but It didn't fix the problem.

  • I tried re-installing chrome. Didn't work.

SourceForge Hg/SVN Repositories Updated, New Locations (Apr 8, 2013)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on April 8, 2013 - 11:55pm

The portableapps and portableappsdev SourceForge projects have been upgraded to the new Allura open source system for managing projects. As part of the upgrade, the repositories have changed. The old repositories are now read-only.

Details and info on migrating are here:

Development Toolkit (Hg)


New: ssh://

Cómo puedo hacer un progrma portable del tipo

RjveraL's picture
Submitted by RjveraL on April 7, 2013 - 5:48pm


Desde hace un buen rato tengo una consulta... Cómo puedo hacer un progrma portable del tipo

Tienen algún VideoTurorial sobre este tema.

Desde ya muchas gracias,


Sorry, my English is very bad...

For a long time I have a question... How I can make a program portable of the type

They have a Video turorial on this topic.

From already thank you very much,



Using the same (defaultdata) registry key everytime the portable app runs.

Submitted by gbrao on March 21, 2013 - 10:32am

How can I make a portable app use the same reg key every time it runs. That is, any changes made to the key by the app itself should be discarded when the app is closed.

I cannot use [FileWriteN] because the value in the key is very long. And, the app writes random values to the key so I do not know what to "Find".

The other option would be to first delete the saved reg files in Data\settings every time the app runs, I'm assuming the reg files in Defaultdata will be used then. Is it possible to delete files in Data\settings ?

Idea: Shortcuts to more folders, choose which to use?

Submitted by GameMakerFan on March 20, 2013 - 8:35pm

Hi, I'm quite a fan of this site and everything you can get here. It is really awesome to be able to bring my apps with me wherever I go. But I was wondering if something else could be added. You know about those folder shortcuts on the sidebar? Is it possible to change those to link to other folders, or subfolders the way the Windows Start menu has it? That would be a bit more useful to me, since I'm more organized than some.


Custom.nsh & !addpluginsdir

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on March 19, 2013 - 6:10pm

I'm in the process of updating Listary Portable, and have run into a snag, due to a change in the format settings are being saved in.

Settings are now being saved in JSON format, and I'm using the nsJSON plugin to handle the file, to be able to change specific values in the file. I've previously tried doing ConfigWrite/ConfigRead, but the app doesn't like the modified file, hence why I'm trying to read/write from the file "properly".

Need help to make OpenYabs portable

Submitted by derox on March 17, 2013 - 7:02pm

Hello community,

i need some help with OpenYabs please. I've used the 2.4 template, the launcher and the devtoolkit. all things are in place, but i stuck with the launcher.ini.

openyabs is an opensource "yet another business software" and can be found here: yabs is a java related software and doesn't need to be installed (only extract). i thought i can pass that java ini step with the portable java launcher, but some files are saved in the userdirectory, for example C:\Users\Username\.yabs.

Thank you very much, derox

Windows 8 support for associations

Submitted by farat_as on March 16, 2013 - 2:05pm


I know that your are working for the new association module. Thats why I will not write you to fix the PortableFileAssociator. But please fix them for the new module.

Windows 8 ask to user with which app the user wants to start(run) the file. This question is asking just for the FIRST time for each format (extension of file). Please make something to do not ask this question. Because each time I restart the PortableFileAssociator (and re-press the "Add file associations" button) windows 8 asks me this question for each file.
