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Firefox Portable

Couldn’t load XPCOM issue

Submitted by seatsurf on June 15, 2022 - 10:40am

Second time after updating all portableapps , firefox did not start , giving just an error message:

Couldn’t load XPCOM

It happened first time with 101.0 and today with 101.0.1

What I found out to make it running again:

downloaded FirefoxPortable_101.0.1_English.paf.exe from
extracted with 7-zip
copied all the folder and overwritten the original in portableapps folder

Question about how to update Firefox Portable.

Submitted by gaveitatry on May 22, 2022 - 12:00pm

There have been a few times when I updated Firefox Portable through the browser itself. But the vast majority of the time, I use the PortableApps program to update it. Is either fine, or should I only do it through the PortableApps program? The reason I ask is because it would be faster to use the browser instead because it usually takes 1-2 days before the PA program prompts for an update. And if I did it through the portable browser, I probably wouldn't ever have to launch PA since Firefox Portable is pretty much the only PA program that I use.

How to increase upload speed in Firefox Portable?

Submitted by firefoxuser on May 17, 2022 - 6:50am

Hello, I have internet connection of 60MB download and 30 MB upload,

I want to upload some videos to youtube that are around 200MB size, and it takes so long to upload each video (around 20 minutes) for 200MB, is this because any configuration?

How can I increase the upload speed or fix this issue?

[Fixed] Firefox Portable Nightly download error

Submitted by HolyDemon on May 14, 2022 - 2:34pm

Firefox Portable Nightly has a corrupted or an incomplete download file. when downloading straight from, a 1.6MB installer is downloaded and while using that, it shows ''ERROR. file not found 404''. using platform to install nightly shows the error message. only in the case of ''FIREFOX PORTABLE NIGHTLY'', other Firefox variants are fine.

After upgrade to v100 FFportable not usable any more! Retrieve Bookmarks?

Submitted by pstein on May 7, 2022 - 3:40am

I used Firefox Portable (from PortableApps) a long time without problems.
I setup automatic updates.

So my FF updated automatically from v99 to v100.

When I started this new version an error popup appears;

Error: Platform version '100.0' is not compatible with
minVersion >= 99.0.1
maxVersion <= 99.0.1

and rejects to proceed with start.

This is a bug.
I guess its because FF does not understand a 3-digit version number

Ok, I expect that Firefox PortableApps will be fixed.

But there is another problem:

How to make Firefox Portable edition as default browser in Windows 10 Version 21H1

Submitted by satbirsingh on May 5, 2022 - 5:27am


in earlier versions of Windows 10 its easy to make Firefox Portable edition as default browser and now the option is not there to make FirefoxPortable edition as default browser

Please help!!!!

Thanks in Advance

Satbir Singh
