You are here Format and Installer 0.90 Comments (OutDated)

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21 Format and Installer 0.90 Comments (OutDated)

Comments on the new 0.91 release can be found here:

I'm creating this topic to get comments from developers, moderators and others on the updated Format 0.90 and Installer 0.90.0. Any discussion and contributions can take place here.

All existing bugs from the 0.13.3 release of the installer have been fixed in 0.90.0 based on testing.

This 0.90 release represents our next big step to making the format open for all and automating it as much as possible. It's now being promoted on the frontpage alongside our apps and is available for use by free and freeware publishers as well as commercial publishers by contacting us.

Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56
Some Points


  • Uzbeck Blum


  • Installer Help - "The easy way to shrink your apps" lol
  • Readme.txt is about AppCompactor
  • Output file is called AppnamePortable_*.paf.exe instead of Appname_Portable_*.paf.exe
  • I would prefer the appicon of the base app. Don't like that all packages will use the PortableApps.comInstaller.ico. It's hard to differentiate packages when they use all the same icon.
  • grrrr, WITNO JTH is that, why is the variable $Shortname gone?
    *runs away and rewrites custom code*

Thanks John, Dia Portable 0.97 is on the way Smile

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Uzbek Fixed

I fixed Uzbek (it was just on the format page description. The sample installer.ini and the Installer itself are unaffected.)

I'll fix the Help and Readme.txt in the next release.

We're standardizing on AppNamePortable_1.2.3.4_English.paf.exe from now on. It's easier.

The icon of the installer makes sense in relation to Windows installers for software which use more standardized installer icons. It can be confusing when installing Firefox Portable and seeing a Firefox icon in your taskbar... but it's not actually Firefox. The appicon is still visible in the header of the installer while it's installing.

Yeah SHORTNAME became APPID since it's more descriptive of what it really is (it's supposed to be globally unique). Most apps shouldn't need custom code and if they do shouldn't really need to reference the shortname or appid variables.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56

JTHIt can be confusing when installing Firefox Portable and seeing a Firefox icon in your taskbar... but it's not actually Firefox.

Yeah, but it's more annoying to have a folder including several installers and all have the same icon. Just my 2 cents.

JTHYes, AppNamePortableOptional1 is automatically deleted.

Hmmm, maybe there should be a warning: Because if you don't have a backup, all languages will be lost.

The header image of the installer pages isn't nice. It shows the appicon, but around that there is a grey rectangle. This should be white, IMO.

The installer.ini entries OptionalDirectory1, OptionalDirectory2 ... will be deleted when compiling the package. So you install the program and can't recompile it without creating new installer.ini entries.

The automation of the components page isn't implemented yet? Because it doesn't work.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Alpha / White Header / Optional

The installers would still be alphabetical by name if you had dozens in there, so still really easy to find the right one.

The header should be white and it is when I compile on my PC. What OS and other info can you give on your PC? Are you using a custom Windows theme?

The installer.ini entries remain between compiling. It moves the appropriate files into AppNamePortableOptional1, compiles, then moves em back. We're just not manually using the AppNamePortableOptional1 directory anymore.

The automation is implemented but will only be used with the next updater release. It requires a special command switch. When launched from the platform, the welcome page and directory selection screens are switched, but the component page will always be shown.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56

JTHThe installers would still be alphabetical by name if you had dozens in there, so still really easy to find the right one.

Well, I can't read but pictures are nice Blum

JTHThe installer.ini entries remain between compiling.

Ohh, my bad. Didn't recognize that the compilation failed with these parameters. So I used my older installer for testing. So I guess that is a real bug. If I create the AppNamePortableOptional1 folder, compilation will work. If I use the installer.ini (OptionalDirectory1, OptionalDirectory2 ...), compilation will fail. Maybe I should read the log next time Wink
Edit: Got it sorted, it was a space in my path. It works now (using the installer.ini).

JTHThe header should be white and it is when I compile on my PC. What OS and other info can you give on your PC?

Ok, compiled 3 packages. The first 2 (Dia + Diashapes) have that grey rectangle. The third (FreeMat) hasn't, but the icon isn't sharp (and it was before). The header of the old installer (0.12.x) looks far better. WinXP Pro SP3.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Icon Issues

Be sure the icon has the exact formats specified in the spec. If it has non-standard ones, it won't work right. In Toucan, which I just compiled, it had a 64px 32bit icon in it and wound up with the gray rectangle. Removing it fixed the issue. Also make sure you're using an icon editor that saves the ICOs properly (proper order, etc). Some don't. IcoFX is what I use.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56

I saved the icons with GIMP long time ago, but I'm not a graphic guru. Well, I've released Dia and Diashapes yesterday, both with the gray rectangle. (It may take some time till Patrick uploads them). Maybe the Release Team could look at the icons too.

Last seen: 15 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-02-02 02:36
um like how do you get this

um like how do you get this thing to work it keeps saying no valid dri or base dir ami missing something here ?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

It won't work until you have an app in Format as detailed here:

Then you just pick the app's base directory (the directory that contains the App, Data and Other directories as well as your AppNamePortable.exe launcher and help.html file) and it will create the installer.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26
I happened to check out the website today

I haven't been around in a while and randomly swung by today. I'm checking out this app for the first time. Because I don't know how this installer thing works, I hit the "Go to the Installer Homepage >>" help link in the help.html file and the following page doesn't exist:

EDIT: Without some basic instructions, this app is pretty worthless. I can't even get the program to get past the prompt for a "base application directory" or whatever. I could go read the portable app format spec page, but this app's name makes it sound like it does all that hard work for you. I guess it doesn't. Did I mention we need an instruction page that tells the user how to use this app and get them going in the right direction. All this time off for me not browsing this website is making me see things as an "outsider" and they're not going to be able to use this thing.

Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Fixed, Note

I fixed the link.

The installer is *only* for apps in Format. When you follow the PAF spec, using the installer is just a point and click affair, but you have to be following the spec. The installer will point out basic mistakes for you like missing the appinfo.ini or missing the important keys the installer needs in appinfo.ini, but it's not designed to tell you how to do PAF. You need to learn that yourself by reading the spec.

You're right about needing to make that more clear... I added a couple notes to make that more clear. No additional instructions beyond the PAF spec for the installer are really necessary since the app only has a single dialog with a single entry. If you follow the spec, the installer just works.

UPDATE: Now that I think about it, perhaps I could have it prompt for the needed values to create the appinfo.ini and possibly appicon.ico if needed, but only when launched directly (from the command line, it'll still output the log file). Any thoughts on this?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26
Ah HA! I's a

Ah HA! I's a "helper app" to get your portable app all packaged up.

I was extra cranky earlier...sorry 'bout that! Wink

Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
I think you have a bug in

I think you have a bug in your installer.

This is the log.

MakeNSIS - Copyright 1995-2009 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config: 
Processing plugin dlls: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Plugins\*.dll"
 - FindProcDLL::FindProc
 - InstallOptions::dialog
 - InstallOptions::initDialog
 - InstallOptions::show
 - LangDLL::LangDialog
 - MoreInfo::GetComments
 - MoreInfo::GetCompanyName
 - MoreInfo::GetFileDescription
 - MoreInfo::GetFileVersion
 - MoreInfo::GetInternalName
 - MoreInfo::GetLegalCopyright
 - MoreInfo::GetLegalTrademarks
 - MoreInfo::GetOSUserinterfaceLanguage
 - MoreInfo::GetOriginalFilename
 - MoreInfo::GetPrivateBuild
 - MoreInfo::GetProductName
 - MoreInfo::GetProductVersion
 - MoreInfo::GetSpecialBuild
 - MoreInfo::GetUserDefined
 - System::Alloc
 - System::Call
 - System::Copy
 - System::Free
 - System::Get
 - System::Int64Op
 - System::Store
 - TypeLib::GetLibVersion
 - TypeLib::Register
 - TypeLib::UnRegister
 - nsDialogs::Create
 - nsDialogs::CreateControl
 - nsDialogs::CreateItem
 - nsDialogs::CreateTimer
 - nsDialogs::GetUserData
 - nsDialogs::KillTimer
 - nsDialogs::OnBack
 - nsDialogs::OnChange
 - nsDialogs::OnClick
 - nsDialogs::OnNotify
 - nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
 - nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
 - nsDialogs::SetRTL
 - nsDialogs::SetUserData
 - nsDialogs::Show


Changing directory to: "J:\PortableApps\EclipsePortable\Other\Source"

Processing script file: "J:\PortableApps\EclipsePortable\Other\Source\PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi"
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerConfig.nsh"
!define: "NAME"="Eclipse Portable"
!define: "APPID"="EclipsePortable"
!define: "VERSION"="3.4.2"
!define: "FILENAME"="EclipsePortable_3.4.2_Dev_Test_6"
!define: "CHECKRUNNING"=""
!define: "CLOSENAME"=""
!define: "INSTALLERCOMMENTS"="For additional details, visit"
!define: "USES_ENGLISH"="true"
!define: "USES_AFRIKAANS"="true"
!define: "USES_ALBANIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_ARABIC"="true"
!define: "USES_BASQUE"="true"
!define: "USES_BELARUSIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_BOSNIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_BRETON"="true"
!define: "USES_BULGARIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_CATALAN"="true"
!define: "USES_CROATIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_CZECH"="true"
!define: "USES_DANISH"="true"
!define: "USES_DUTCH"="true"
!define: "USES_ESTONIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_FARSI"="true"
!define: "USES_FINNISH"="true"
!define: "USES_FRENCH"="true"
!define: "USES_GALICIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_GERMAN"="true"
!define: "USES_GREEK"="true"
!define: "USES_HEBREW"="true"
!define: "USES_HUNGARIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_ICELANDIC"="true"
!define: "USES_INDONESIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_IRISH"="true"
!define: "USES_ITALIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_JAPANESE"="true"
!define: "USES_KOREAN"="true"
!define: "USES_KURDISH"="true"
!define: "USES_LATVIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_LITHUANIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_LUXEMBOURGISH"="true"
!define: "USES_MACEDONIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_MALAY"="true"
!define: "USES_MONGOLIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_NORWEGIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_POLISH"="true"
!define: "USES_PORTUGUESE"="true"
!define: "USES_PORTUGUESEBR"="true"
!define: "USES_ROMANIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_RUSSIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_SERBIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_SERBIANLATIN"="true"
!define: "USES_SIMPCHINESE"="true"
!define: "USES_SLOVAK"="true"
!define: "USES_SLOVENIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_SPANISH"="true"
!define: "USES_SWEDISH"="true"
!define: "USES_THAI"="true"
!define: "USES_TRADCHINESE"="true"
!define: "USES_TURKISH"="true"
!define: "USES_UKRAINIAN"="true"
!define: "USES_UZBEK"="true"
!define: "USES_WELSH"="true"
!define: "MAINSECTIONTITLE"="$APPNAME Portable (English) [Required]"
!define: "MAINSECTIONDESCRIPTION"="Install the portable app"
!define: "OPTIONALSECTIONTITLE"="Additional Languages"
!define: "OPTIONALSECTIONDESCRIPTION"="Add multilingual support for this app"
!define: "REMOVEAPPDIRECTORY"="true"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerConfig.nsh"
!define: "MAINSECTIONIDX"="0"
Name: "Eclipse Portable"
OutFile: "..\..\..\EclipsePortable_3.4.2_Dev_Test_6.paf.exe"
InstallDir: "\EclipsePortable"
Caption: "Eclipse Portable | Installer"
VIAddVersionKey: "ProductName" "Eclipse Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "Comments" "For additional details, visit"
VIAddVersionKey: "CompanyName" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "LegalCopyright" " Installer Copyright 2007-2009"
VIAddVersionKey: "FileDescription" "Eclipse Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "FileVersion" "3.4.2"
VIAddVersionKey: "ProductVersion" "3.4.2"
VIAddVersionKey: "InternalName" "Eclipse Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "LegalTrademarks" " is a registered trademark of Rare Ideas, LLC."
VIAddVersionKey: "OriginalFilename" "EclipsePortable_3.4.2_Dev_Test_6.paf.exe"
VIAddVersionKey: "PortableApps.comInstallerVersion" ""
SetCompress: Auto
SetCompressor: /SOLID lzma
SetCompressorDictSize: 32 mb
SetDatablockOptimize: On
CRCCheck: on
AutoCloseWindow: true
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
NSIS Modern User Interface version 1.8 - Copyright 2002-2009 Joost Verburg (J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh:8)
!define: "MUI_INCLUDED"=""
!define: "MUI_SYSVERSION"="1.8"
!define: "MUI_VERBOSE"="3"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "Locate"="!insertmacro LocateCall"
!define: "un.Locate"="!insertmacro LocateCall"
!define: "GetSize"="!insertmacro GetSizeCall"
!define: "un.GetSize"="!insertmacro GetSizeCall"
!define: "DriveSpace"="!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall"
!define: "un.DriveSpace"="!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall"
!define: "GetDrives"="!insertmacro GetDrivesCall"
!define: "un.GetDrives"="!insertmacro GetDrivesCall"
!define: "GetTime"="!insertmacro GetTimeCall"
!define: "un.GetTime"="!insertmacro GetTimeCall"
!define: "GetFileAttributes"="!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall"
!define: "un.GetFileAttributes"="!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall"
!define: "GetFileVersion"="!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall"
!define: "un.GetFileVersion"="!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall"
!define: "GetExeName"="!insertmacro GetExeNameCall"
!define: "un.GetExeName"="!insertmacro GetExeNameCall"
!define: "GetExePath"="!insertmacro GetExePathCall"
!define: "un.GetExePath"="!insertmacro GetExePathCall"
!define: "GetParameters"="!insertmacro GetParametersCall"
!define: "un.GetParameters"="!insertmacro GetParametersCall"
!define: "GetOptions"="!insertmacro GetOptionsCall"
!define: "un.GetOptions"="!insertmacro GetOptionsCall"
!define: "GetOptionsS"="!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall"
!define: "un.GetOptionsS"="!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall"
!define: "GetRoot"="!insertmacro GetRootCall"
!define: "un.GetRoot"="!insertmacro GetRootCall"
!define: "GetParent"="!insertmacro GetParentCall"
!define: "un.GetParent"="!insertmacro GetParentCall"
!define: "GetFileName"="!insertmacro GetFileNameCall"
!define: "un.GetFileName"="!insertmacro GetFileNameCall"
!define: "GetBaseName"="!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall"
!define: "un.GetBaseName"="!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall"
!define: "GetFileExt"="!insertmacro GetFileExtCall"
!define: "un.GetFileExt"="!insertmacro GetFileExtCall"
!define: "BannerTrimPath"="!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall"
!define: "un.BannerTrimPath"="!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall"
!define: "DirState"="!insertmacro DirStateCall"
!define: "un.DirState"="!insertmacro DirStateCall"
!define: "RefreshShellIcons"="!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall"
!define: "un.RefreshShellIcons"="!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\LogicLib.nsh"
!insertmacro: DriveSpace
!insertmacro: end of DriveSpace
!insertmacro: GetOptions
!insertmacro: end of GetOptions
!insertmacro: GetDrives
!insertmacro: end of GetDrives
!insertmacro: GetRoot
!insertmacro: end of GetRoot
!insertmacro: GetSize
!insertmacro: end of GetSize
!insertmacro: GetParent
!insertmacro: end of GetParent
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\TextFunc.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "LineFind"="!insertmacro LineFindCall"
!define: "un.LineFind"="!insertmacro LineFindCall"
!define: "LineRead"="!insertmacro LineReadCall"
!define: "un.LineRead"="!insertmacro LineReadCall"
!define: "FileReadFromEnd"="!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall"
!define: "un.FileReadFromEnd"="!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall"
!define: "LineSum"="!insertmacro LineSumCall"
!define: "un.LineSum"="!insertmacro LineSumCall"
!define: "FileJoin"="!insertmacro FileJoinCall"
!define: "un.FileJoin"="!insertmacro FileJoinCall"
!define: "TextCompare"="!insertmacro TextCompareCall"
!define: "un.TextCompare"="!insertmacro TextCompareCall"
!define: "TextCompareS"="!insertmacro TextCompareSCall"
!define: "un.TextCompareS"="!insertmacro TextCompareSCall"
!define: "ConfigRead"="!insertmacro ConfigReadCall"
!define: "un.ConfigRead"="!insertmacro ConfigReadCall"
!define: "ConfigReadS"="!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall"
!define: "un.ConfigReadS"="!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall"
!define: "ConfigWrite"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall"
!define: "un.ConfigWrite"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall"
!define: "ConfigWriteS"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall"
!define: "un.ConfigWriteS"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall"
!define: "FileRecode"="!insertmacro FileRecodeCall"
!define: "un.FileRecode"="!insertmacro FileRecodeCall"
!define: "TrimNewLines"="!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall"
!define: "un.TrimNewLines"="!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\TextFunc.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\WordFunc.nsh"
!include: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "WordFind"="!insertmacro WordFindCall ''"
!define: "un.WordFind"="!insertmacro WordFindCall ''"
!define: "WordFindS"="!insertmacro WordFindSCall ''"
!define: "un.WordFindS"="!insertmacro WordFindSCall ''"
!define: "WordFind2X"="!insertmacro WordFind2XCall"
!define: "un.WordFind2X"="!insertmacro WordFind2XCall"
!define: "WordFind2XS"="!insertmacro WordFind2XSCall"
!define: "un.WordFind2XS"="!insertmacro WordFind2XSCall"
!define: "WordFind3X"="!insertmacro WordFind3XCall"
!define: "un.WordFind3X"="!insertmacro WordFind3XCall"
!define: "WordFind3XS"="!insertmacro WordFind3XSCall"
!define: "un.WordFind3XS"="!insertmacro WordFind3XSCall"
!define: "WordReplace"="!insertmacro WordReplaceCall"
!define: "un.WordReplace"="!insertmacro WordReplaceCall"
!define: "WordReplaceS"="!insertmacro WordReplaceSCall"
!define: "un.WordReplaceS"="!insertmacro WordReplaceSCall"
!define: "WordAdd"="!insertmacro WordAddCall"
!define: "un.WordAdd"="!insertmacro WordAddCall"
!define: "WordAddS"="!insertmacro WordAddSCall"
!define: "un.WordAddS"="!insertmacro WordAddSCall"
!define: "WordInsert"="!insertmacro WordInsertCall"
!define: "un.WordInsert"="!insertmacro WordInsertCall"
!define: "WordInsertS"="!insertmacro WordInsertSCall"
!define: "un.WordInsertS"="!insertmacro WordInsertSCall"
!define: "StrFilter"="!insertmacro StrFilterCall"
!define: "un.StrFilter"="!insertmacro StrFilterCall"
!define: "StrFilterS"="!insertmacro StrFilterSCall"
!define: "un.StrFilterS"="!insertmacro StrFilterSCall"
!define: "VersionCompare"="!insertmacro VersionCompareCall"
!define: "un.VersionCompare"="!insertmacro VersionCompareCall"
!define: "VersionConvert"="!insertmacro VersionConvertCall"
!define: "un.VersionConvert"="!insertmacro VersionConvertCall"
!include: closed: "J:\PortableApps\PortableApps.comInstaller\App\nsis\Include\WordFunc.nsh"
Icon: "PortableApps.comInstaller.ico"
!define: "MUI_ICON"="PortableApps.comInstaller.ico"
!define: "MUI_UNICON"="PortableApps.comInstaller.ico"
!define: "MUI_HEADERIMAGE"=""
!define: "MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP"="PortableApps.comInstallerHeader.bmp"
!define: "MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_RTL"="PortableApps.comInstallerHeaderRTL.bmp"
BrandingText: " - Your Digital Life, Anywhere®"
!define: "MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP"="PortableApps.comInstaller.bmp"
!define: "MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE"="Eclipse Portable"
!define: "MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT"="$(welcome)"
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!define: "MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE"="PreComponents"
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
!define: "MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE"="PreDirectory"
!define: "MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE"="LeaveDirectory"
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!define: "MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT"="$(finish)"
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ENGLISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1033 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 1033 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 1033 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1033 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1033 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1033 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1033 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ENGLISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_AFRIKAANS.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1078 "Hierdie elektroniese assistent sal jou deur die installasie prosedure van Eclipse Portable lei.\r\n\r\nIndien jy die bestaande installasie van Eclipse Portable wil opgradeer, maak asseblief seker dat Eclipse Portable nie in gebruik is nie.\r\n\r\nSelekteer 'Next' vir die volgende stap."
LangString: "finish" 1078 "Eclipse Portable is nou op jou apparaat geïnstalleer.\r\n\r\nSelekteer 'Finish' om die elektroniese assistent te beëindig."
LangString: "runwarning" 1078 "Beëindig asseblief alle weergawes van  en selekteer dan 'OK'.  Die draagbare applikasie kan nie opgegradeer word indien dit nog in gebruik is nie."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1078 "Die teiken lêer wat geselekteer was bestaan nie.  Selekteer asseblief 'n geldige lêer."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1078 "Die apparaat wat geselekteer was vir hierdie installasie, het te min vry spasie beskikbaar vir die installasie van die nuwe applikasie."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1078 "Op soek na die '' platform..."
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1078 "' Menu' is besig om te inisialiseer..."
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_AFRIKAANS.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ALBANIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1052 "Ky udhëtim magjik do të ju dërgoj tek installimi i Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nNë qoftë se bëni një ngjitje në ndonjë installim egzistues te Eclipse Portable, ju lutem mbylleni për të vazhduar.\r\n\r\nShtyp next për të vazhduar."
LangString: "finish" 1052 "Eclipse Portable është installuar në paisjen tuaj.\r\n\r\nShtyp Finish për të mbyllur udhëtimin magjik."
LangString: "runwarning" 1052 "Ju lutem mbyllni të gjitha kërkesat prej  dhe pastaj kliko OK.  Aplikacioni bartës nuk mund të ngjitet duke punuar nderkohë."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1052 "Destinacionin të cilin ju keni zgjedhur nuk është valid.  Ju lutem zgjidhni një destinacion valid."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1052 "Paisja të cilen keni selektuar për t'u installuar nuk ka vend te zbrëzet për këtë aplikacion."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1052 "Shikim të platformës egzistuese"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1052 "Rifresko Menun e"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ALBANIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ARABIC.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1025 "åÐÇ ÇáãÚÇáÌ ÓíÑÔÏß Ýí ãÑÍáÉ ÊäÕíÈ ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÇÐÇ ÇÑÏÊ Úãá ÊÍÏíË áÅÕÏÇÑ ÓÇÈÞ Eclipse Portable, ÇÑÌæÇ ÇÞÝÇá ÇáÇÕÏÇÑ ÇáÓÇÈÞ ÞÈá Çä Êßãá.\r\n\r\nÇÖÛØ ÇáÊÇáí áÊßãá."
LangString: "finish" 1025 "Eclipse Portable áÞÏ Êã ÇáÇäÊåÇÁ ãä ÊäÕíÈ ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ Úáì ÌåÇÒß\r\n\r\nÇÖÛØ ÇäåÇÁ áÇÞÝÇá ÇáãÚÇáÌ."
LangString: "runwarning" 1025 "ÇáÑÌÇÁ ÇÛáÇÞ ÌãíÚ ÇáÔÇÔÇÊ  Ëã ÇÖÛØ ãæÇÝÞ.  ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ ÇáãÊäÞá áÇ íãßä ÊÍÏíËÉ ÇÐÇ ßÇä ÞíÏ ÇáÇÓÊÎÏÇã."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1025 "ÇáãÌáÏ ÇáÐí ÍÏÏÊå ÛíÑ ÕÇáÍ.  ÇáÑÌÇÁ ÇÎÊíÇÑ ãÌáÏ ÂÎÑ."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1025 "ÇáÌåÇÒ ÇáÐí ÇÎÊÑÊÉ ááÊäÕíÈ áÇ ÊæÌÏ Èå ãÓÇÍÉ ßÇÝíÉ áåÐÇ ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ"
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1025 "ÇáÊÍÞÞ ãä ãäÕÉ"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1025 "ÊÍÏíË ÞÇÆãÉ"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ARABIC.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BASQUE.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1069 "Morroi honek gidatuko zaitu Eclipse Portable-(r)en instalazioan.\r\n\r\nEclipse Portable-(r)en instalazio bat bertsio-berritzen ari bazara, mesedez itxi hasi baino lehen.\r\n\r\nNext-en klik egin jarraitzeko."
LangString: "finish" 1069 "Eclipse Portable instalatu da zure gailuan.\r\n\r\nFinish-en klik egin morroi hau ixteko."
LangString: "runwarning" 1069 "Itxi mesedez -(r)en instantzia guztiak eta gero OK-n klik egin. Aplikazio eramangarria ezin da bertsio-berritu exekutatzen ari den bitartean."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1069 "Aukeratu duzun helburu-karpeta baliogabea da. Aukeratu mesedez baliozko karpeta bat."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1069 "Instalatzeko aukeratu duzun gailuak ez du leku libre nahikorik aplikazio honetarako"
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1069 " Plataforma bilatzen"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1069 " Menua freskatzen"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BASQUE.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BELARUSIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1059 "Ãýòû ìàéñòàð ïðàâÿäçå Âàñ ïðàç ³íñòàëÿöûþ Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÊàë³ Âû àáíà¢ëÿåöå ³ñíóþ÷óþ ³íñòàëÿöûþ ïðàãðàìû Eclipse Portable, êàë³ ëàñêà, çà÷ûí³öå ÿå ïåðàä ïðàöÿãàì.\r\n\r\nÍàö³ñí³öå Äàëåé äëÿ ïðàöÿãó."
LangString: "finish" 1059 "Eclipse Portable ³íñòàëÿâàíà íà Âàøà ¢ñòðîéñòâà.\r\n\r\nÍàö³ñí³öå Ãàòîâà, êàá çà÷ûí³öü ìàéñòàð."
LangString: "runwarning" 1059 "Êàë³ ëàñêà, çà÷ûí³öå óñå êîï³³  ³ íàö³ñí³öå OK. Ïàðòàòû¢íàÿ ïðàãðàìà íå ìîæà áûöü àáíî¢ëåíà ïàêóëü ïðàöóå."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1059 "Ïàïêà íàçíà÷ýííÿ, ÿêóþ Âû âûáðàë³ – íåïðàâ³ëüíàÿ. Êàë³ ëàñêà, âûáÿðûöå ïðàâ³ëüíóþ ïàïêó."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1059 "Óñòðîéñòâà, ÿêîå Âû âûáðàë³ äëÿ ³íñòàëÿöû³ íå ìàå äàñòàòêîâà ìåñöà äëÿ ãýòàé ïðàãðàììû."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1059 "Ïîøóê ïëàòôîðìû"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1059 "Àáíà¢ëÿåööà ìåíþ"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BELARUSIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BOSNIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 5146 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 5146 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 5146 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 5146 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 5146 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 5146 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 5146 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BOSNIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BRETON.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1150 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 1150 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 1150 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1150 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1150 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1150 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1150 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BRETON.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BULGARIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1026 "Òîçè ñúâåòíèê ùå âè íàïúòñòâà ïðè èíñòàëàöèÿòà íà Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÀêî úïðãðåéäâàòå ñúùåñòâóâàùà èíñòàëàöèÿ íà Eclipse Portable, ìîëÿ, çàòâîðåòå ïðîãðàìàòà ïðåäè äà ïðîäúëæèòå.\r\n\r\nÊëèêíåòå Next, çà äà ïðîäúëæèòå."
LangString: "finish" 1026 "Eclipse Portable áåøå èíñòàëèðàíà íà Âàøåòî óñòðîéñòâî.\r\n\r\nÊëèêíåòå Finish, çà äà çàòâîðèòå ñúâåòíèêà."
LangString: "runwarning" 1026 "Ìîëÿ, çàòâîðåòå âñè÷êè îòâîðåíè  è êëèêíåòå OK. Ïðåíîñèìèòå ïðîãðàìè íå ìîãàò äà ñå úïãðåéäâàò, àêî ðàáîòÿò."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1026 "Ïàïêàòà, êîÿòî Ñòå èçáðàëè íå å ïðàâèëíà.  Ìîëÿ, èçáåðåòå ïðàâèëíàòà ïàïêà."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1026 "Óñòðîéñòâîòî, âúðõó êîåòî Ñòå èçáðàëè äà èíñòàëèðàòå, íÿìà äîñòàòú÷íî ïðîñòðàíñòâî çà òåçè ïðèëîæåíèÿ."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1026 "Ïðîâåðÿâàì çà ïëàòôîðìàòà"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1026 "Îñâåæàâàì ìåíþòî íà"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_BULGARIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_CATALAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1027 "Aquest assistent et guiarà a la instal.lació de Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSi estàs actualitzant una versió anterior de Eclipse Portable, si us plau tanca'l abans de continuar.\r\n\r\nPitja Següent per continuar."
LangString: "finish" 1027 "Eclipse Portable ha estat al teu dispositiu.\r\n\r\nPitja Finalitzar per tancar aquest assistent."
LangString: "runwarning" 1027 "Si us plau tanca totes las instàncies de  i pitja Acceptar.  L'aplicació portable no pot ser actualitzada mentre està executant-se."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1027 "La carpeta seleccionada no és vàlida. Si us plau escull una carpeta vàlida."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1027 "El dispositiu que has seleccionat per fer la instal.lació no té prou espai lliure."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1027 "Buscant la Plataforma de"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1027 "Recarregant el Menú de"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_CATALAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_CROATIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1050 "Èarobnjak æe vas voditi kroz instalaciju Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nAko želite nadograditi postojeæu instalaciju Eclipse Portable, molimo da aplikacije zatvorite prije nastavka."
LangString: "finish" 1050 "Eclipse Portable je instaliran na vaš ureðaj.\r\n\r\nKliknite Završi kako bi zatvorili èarobnjka."
LangString: "runwarning" 1050 "Molimo vas zatvorite sve dijelove  i kliknite ok. Portable app ne može biti nadograðen dok je pokrenut."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1050 "Odredišni direkorij koji ste izabrali nije valjan. Molimo vas izaberite valjan direktorij."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1050 "Ureðaj na koji ste izabrali instalirati nema dovoljno mjesta za ovu aplikaciju."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1050 "Provjera za platformu."
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1050 "Osvježavanje menija."
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_CROATIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_CZECH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1029 "Tento prùvodce vám pomùže s instalací programu Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf ,pokud aktualizujete na novou verzi aplikace Eclipse Portable, prosím zavøete tuto aplikaci.\r\n\r\nPokraèujte kliknutím na Další."
LangString: "finish" 1029 "Aplikace Eclipse Portable byla nainstalována.\r\n\r\nKliknìte na Dokonèit pro uzavøení tohoto prùvodce."
LangString: "runwarning" 1029 "Prosím zavøete všechna okna aplikace  a kliknìte na OK. Aplikace nemùže být aktualizována zatímco bìží."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1029 "Neexistující cílová složka.  Prosím zvolte jiný cíl instalace."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1029 "Na disku, který jste pro instalaci zvolili, není dostatek místa."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1029 "Hledám PortableApps platformu"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1029 "Menu PortableApps se aktualizuje"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_CZECH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_DANISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1030 "Denne guide vil hjælpe dig gennem installationen af Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nHvis du opgraderer en eksisterende installation af Eclipse Portable, så luk den venligst inden du fortsætter.\r\n\r\nKlik Næste for at fortsætte."
LangString: "finish" 1030 "Eclipse Portable er blevet installeret på din enhed.\r\n\r\nKlik Færdig for at lukke guiden."
LangString: "runwarning" 1030 "Luk venligst alle åbne  og klik derefter OK.  Applikationen kan ikke opgraderes mens den kører."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1030 "Den destinationsmappe du har valgt er ikke gyldig.  Vælg venligst en gyldig mappe."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1030 "Den enhed du har valgt at installere på har ikke nok plads til denne applikation."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1030 "Undersøger for Platformen på enheden"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1030 "Opdater Menuen på enheden"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_DANISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_DUTCH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1043 "Deze wizard zal u door de installatie van Eclipse Portable begeleiden.\r\n\r\nIndien u een bestaande installatie wil vernieuwen van Eclipse Portable, sluit deze dan alstublieft af voordat u verder gaat.\r\n\r\nKlik Volgende om verder te gaan."
LangString: "finish" 1043 "Eclipse Portable is geinstalleerd op uw apparaat.\r\n\r\nKlik Eindigen om deze wizard te sluiten."
LangString: "runwarning" 1043 "Sluit alstublieft alle processen van  en klik dan op OK.  De draagbare toepassing kan niet vernieuwd worden zolang deze nog gebruikt wordt."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1043 "De gekozen bestemmingsmap is ongeldig.  Kies een geldige map."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1043 "Het toestel dat u geselecteerd heeft, heeft onvoldoende beschikbare schijfruimte voor deze toepassing."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1043 "Controleert op Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1043 "Vernieuwt Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_DUTCH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ESTONIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1061 "Paigaldusnõustaja juhib sind läbi Eclipse Portable paigaldusprotsessi.\r\n\r\nKui sa uuendad Eclipse Portable, palun sulge programm enne jätkamist.\r\n\r\nJätkamiseks klõpsa Edasi."
LangString: "finish" 1061 "Eclipse Portable on paigaldatud.\r\n\r\nPaigaldusnõustaja sulgemiseks klõpsa Lõpeta."
LangString: "runwarning" 1061 "Palun sulge  ja vajuta Sobib. Programmi ei saa uuendada kui programm töötab."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1061 "Valitud sihtkaust on vigane. Palun vali õige kaust."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1061 "Valitud seadmel ei ole programmi paigaldamiseks piisavalt vaba ruumi."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1061 "Kontrollitakse olemasolu"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1061 "Värskendatakse Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ESTONIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_FARSI.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1065 "Èå ˜ã˜ Ç?ä ãÑÇÍá ÔãÇ ã? ÊæÇä?Ï ÈÑäÇãå Eclipse Portable äÕÈ ˜ä?Ï.\r\n\r\nÇÑ ÔãÇ ã? ÎæÇå?Ï Eclipse Portable ÑÇ ÈÑæÒ ÑÓÇä? ˜ä?Ï, áØÝÇ ÇÒ Âä ÎÇÑÌ Ôæ?Ï æ ÊãÇã? äÓÎå åÇ? ÏÑ ÍÇá ÇÌÑÇ ÈÈäÏ?Ï.\r\n\r\nÈÑÇ? ÇÏÇãå ÈÑ Ñæ? Ϙãå ÈÚÏ ˜á?˜ ˜ä?Ï."
LangString: "finish" 1065 "Eclipse Portable ÈÑ Ñæ? ÏÓÊÇ ãæÑÏ äÙÑ æ ÏÑÇ?æ ÔãÇ äÕÈ ÔÏ.\r\n\r\n ÔãÇ åã ǘäæä ã? ÊæÇä?Ï Èå ˜ã˜ ãäæ? ÈÑäÇãå Âä ÑÇ ÇÌÑÇ ˜ä?Ï"
LangString: "runwarning" 1065 "áØÝÇ äÑã ÇÝÒÇÑ  ÑÇ ÈÈäÏ?Ï æ ÇÒ Âä ÎÇÑÌ Ôæ?Ï. Ç?ä ÈÑäÇãå ÞÇÈá äÕÈ ä?ÓÊ ÏÑ ÍÇá?˜å ÏÑ ÍÇá ÇÌÑÇÓÊ."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1065 "ÝæáÏÑ ÇäÊÎÇÈ? ÔãÇ ãÚÊÈÑ ä?ÓÊ¡ ÝæáÏÑ ãÚÊÈÑ? ÑÇ ÇäÊÎÇÈ ˜ä?Ï"
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1065 "ÏÑÇ?æ ÇäÊÎÇÈ? ÔãÇ ÝÖÇ? ˜ÇÝ? ÈÑÇ? äÕÈ Ç?ä äÑã ÇÝÒÇÑ ÑÇ äÏÇÑÏ"
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1065 "ÏÑ ÍÇá ˜ ˜ÑÏä æÈ ÓÇ?Ê ÈÑÇ? Ó?ÓÊã"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1065 "ÈÇÒ?ÇÈ? ãÌÏÏ ãäæ? äÑã ÇÝÒÇÑ ÑÊÇÈá"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_FARSI.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_FINNISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1035 "Tämä velho opastaa, kun asennat ohjelmaa Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nJos päivität aiemmin asennettua ohjelmaa Eclipse Portable, ole hyvä, ja sulje se ennen kuin jatkat.\r\n\r\nPaina Seuraava jatkaaksesi."
LangString: "finish" 1035 "Eclipse Portable on asennettu laitteellesi.\r\n\r\nPaina Lopeta sulkeaksesi tämän asennusvelhon."
LangString: "runwarning" 1035 "Ole hyvä ja sulje kaikki  -ohjelmat ja paina sitten OK, koska käynnissä olevaa ohjelmaa ei voi päivittää."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1035 "Valitsemasi kohdekansio ei kelpaa. Ole hyvä ja valitse kelvollinen kansio."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1035 "Valitsemassasi laitteessa ei ole riittävästi tilaa tälle ohjelmalle."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1035 "Tarkistetaan -laitetta"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1035 "Päivitetään -valikko"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_FINNISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_FRENCH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1036 "Cet assistant vous guidera tout au long de l'installation de Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSi vous avez une version de Eclipse Portable en cours d'utilisation, veuillez l'arrêter avant de continuer.\r\n\r\nCliquez sur Suivant pour continuer l'installation."
LangString: "finish" 1036 "Eclipse Portable a été installé avec succès sur votre périphérique.\r\n\r\nCliquez sur Fermer pour terminer cet assistant."
LangString: "runwarning" 1036 "Veuillez fermer toutes les instances de  et cliquez ensuite sur OK. La mise à jour de cette application ne peut être effectuée si elle est en cours d'utilisation."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1036 "Le dossier de destination sélectionné est invalide. Veuillez choisir un dossier valide."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1036 "Le périphérique sélectionné pour l'installation ne contient pas assez d'espace libre pour cette application."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1036 "Vérification des éléments installés sur la Plateforme"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1036 "Actualisation du Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_FRENCH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_GALICIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1110 "Este asistente guiaralle na instalación de Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSe está a actualizar unha instalación existente de Eclipse Portable, por favor peche a aplicación antes de continuar.\r\n\r\nPrema Seguinte para continuar."
LangString: "finish" 1110 "Eclipse Portable foi instalado no seu dispositivo.\r\n\r\nPrema Finalizar para pechar este asistente."
LangString: "runwarning" 1110 "Por favor peche todos os procesos de  e despois prema OK. A aplicación portátil non pode ser actualizada mentres estea executándose."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1110 "O cartafol de destino seleccionado é inválido. Por favor escolla un cartafol válido."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1110 "O dispositivo seleccionado para a instalación non ten espazo libre dabondo para esta aplicación."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1110 "Comprobando a Plataforma"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1110 "A recargar o Menú do"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_GALICIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_GERMAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1031 "Dieser Assistent wird Sie bei der Installation von Eclipse Portable unterstützen.\r\n\r\nWenn Sie eine existierende Installation von Eclipse Portable aktualisieren wollen, schliessen Sie sie bitte, bevor Sie fortfahren.\r\n\r\nKlicken Sie bitte auf Weiter, um fortzusetzen."
LangString: "finish" 1031 "Eclipse Portable wurde auf Ihrem Laufwerk installiert.\r\n\r\nBitte Beenden klicken, um diesen Assistenten zu verlassen."
LangString: "runwarning" 1031 "Bitte schliessen Sie alle Instanzen von  und klicken Sie dann auf OK.  Die portable Anwendung kann nicht aktualisiert werden, solange sie läuft."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1031 "Das ausgewählte Zielverzeichnis ist ungültig!.  Bitte wählen Sie ein gültiges Verzeichnis."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1031 "Das Laufwerk, welches Sie zur Installation ausgewählt haben, hat nicht genug freien Speicherplatz für diese Anwendung."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1031 " Platform überprüfen"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1031 " Menü neu laden"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_GERMAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_GREEK.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1032 "Áõôüò ï ïäçãüò èá óáò âïçèÞóåé óôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç ôçò åöáñìïãÞò Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nAí êÜíåôå áíáâÜèìéóç óå ìéá õðÜñ÷ïõóá åãêáôÜóôáóç ôïõ Eclipse Portable, ðáñáêáëþ êëåßóôå ôçí åöáñìïãÞ ðñéí óõíå÷ßóåôå.\r\n\r\nÐáôÞóôå Next ãéá íá óõíå÷ßóåôå."
LangString: "finish" 1032 "Eclipse Portable Ý÷åé åãêáôáóôáèåß óôç óõóêåõÞ óáò.\r\n\r\nÊÜíôå êëéê óôï êïõìðß Finish ãéá íá êëåßóåé áõôüí ôïí ïäçãü."
LangString: "runwarning" 1032 "Êëåßóôå üëá ôá ðáñÜèõñá ôïõ  êáé ìåôÜ ðáôÞóôå ÏÊ. Ç åöáñìïãÞ äåí ìðïñåß íá áíáâáèìéóôåß, åíþ âñßóêåôáé óå ëåéôïõñãßá."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1032 "Ï öÜêåëïò ðñïïñéóìïý ðïõ Ý÷åôå åðéëÝîåé åßíáé Üêõñïò. ÅðéëÝîôå Ýíá Ýãêõñï öÜêåëï."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1032 "Ç óõóêåõÞ ðïõ Ý÷åôå åðéëÝîåé íá åãêáôáóôÞóåôå ôçí åöáñìïãÞ äåí Ý÷åé áñêåôü åëåýèåñï ÷þñï ãéá áõôÞ ôçí åöáñìïãÞ."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1032 "¸ëåã÷ïò ãéá Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1032 "ÁíáíÝùóç Ìåíïý"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_GREEK.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_HEBREW.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1037 "ùó ääú÷ðä éðçä àåúê ãøê ääú÷ðä ùì Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nàí àúä îòãëï äú÷ðä ÷ééîú ùì Eclipse Portable, ñâåø àåúä áá÷ùä ìôðé äîùê ääú÷ðä.\r\n\r\nìçõ äáà ìäîùê."
LangString: "finish" 1037 "Eclipse Portable äåú÷ðä òì äîëùéø ùìê.\r\n\r\nìçõ ñééí áëãé ìñâåø àú äàùó."
LangString: "runwarning" 1037 "ñâåø áá÷ùä àú ëì äúåëðéåú ùì  åìàçø îëï ìçõ àéùåø. äééùåí äðééã ìà éëåì ìäùúãøâ áæîï ùäåà òãééï ôòéì."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1037 "úé÷ééú äéòã ùáçøú àéðä îåëøú. áçø áá÷ùä úé÷ééä ÷ééîú."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1037 "ìîëùéø ùàìéå áçøú ìäú÷éï àéï îñôé÷ æéëøåï ôðåé ìééùåí."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1037 "îçôù àú Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1037 "îøòðï àú úôøéè"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_HEBREW.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_HUNGARIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1038 "Ez a varázsló végigvezeti Önt a(z) Eclipse Portable telepítési folyamatán.\r\n\r\nJavasoljuk, hogy ha a(z) Eclipse Portable meglévõ példányát frissíti, indítás elõtt zárja be az alkalmazást. \r\n\r\nKattintson a Tovább gomra a folytatáshoz."
LangString: "finish" 1038 "A(z) Eclipse Portable telepítve lett az Ön által megadott eszközre.\r\n\r\nA telepítés befejezéséhez kattintson a Bezárás gombra."
LangString: "runwarning" 1038 "Kérjük, zárjon be minden futó  nevû alkalmazást és kattintson az OK gombra. A hordozható programok csomag nem lépes a fájlokat frissíteni, amíg ez az alkalmazás fut."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1038 "A megadott célmappa érvénytelen. Kérjük válasszon egy érvényes célmappát."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1038 "A kiválasztott eszközön nincsen elegendõ hely az alkalmazás telepítéséhez."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1038 " Platform ellenõrzése"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1038 " Menü frissítése"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_HUNGARIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ICELANDIC.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 15 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 15 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 15 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 15 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 15 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 15 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 15 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ICELANDIC.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_INDONESIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1057 "Wisaya ini akan memandu Anda dalam pemasangan Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nJika Anda melakukan perbaruan atas pemasangan Eclipse Portable yang telah ada, silakan tutup sebelum memulai.\r\n\r\nKlik Next untuk melanjutkan."
LangString: "finish" 1057 "Eclipse Portable telah terpasang pada perangkat Anda.\r\n\r\nKlik Finish untuk menutup wisaya ini."
LangString: "runwarning" 1057 "Harap tutup semua , lalu klik OK.  Aplikasi portabel tidak dapat di-perbarui jika  masih berjalan."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1057 "Folder yang Anda pilih salah.  Silakan pilih folder yang benar."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1057 "Perangkat yang Anda pilih tidak memiliki cukup ruang untuk aplikasi ini."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1057 "Mencari Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1057 "Memperbarui Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_INDONESIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_IRISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 2108 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 2108 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 2108 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 2108 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 2108 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 2108 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 2108 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_IRISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ITALIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1040 "Questa procedura vi guiderà durante l'installazione di Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSe state aggiornando una installazione già esistente di Eclipse Portable, vi invitiamo a chiuderla prima di procedere.\r\n\r\nPremere  su Continua per proseguire."
LangString: "finish" 1040 "Eclipse Portable è stato installato sulla vostra periferica.\r\n\r\nPremere Fine per terminare questa procedura."
LangString: "runwarning" 1040 "Vi invitiamo a chiudere tutte le sessioni aperte di  e quindi premere su OK.  L'applicazione portatile non può essere aggiornata mentre è in esecuzione."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1040 "La cartella di destinazione selezionata non è valida.  Vi preghiamo di selezionarne una valida."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1040 "La periferica che avete selezionato per l'installazione non ha spazio libero sufficiente per questa applicazione."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1040 "Controllo della Piattaforma"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1040 "Aggiornamento del Menù"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ITALIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_JAPANESE.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1041 "‚±‚̃EƒBƒU[ƒh‚Å‚ÍEclipse Portable‚̃Cƒ“ƒXƒg[ƒ‹‚ð‚²ˆÄ“à‚µ‚Ü‚·B\r\n\r\nEclipse Portable‚̃AƒbƒvƒOƒŒ[ƒh‚ð‚²Šó–]‚̏ꍇ‚ɂ́A‚»‚Ì‚·‚Å‚É‚¨Ž‚¿‚ÌEclipse Portable‚ðI—¹‚µ‚Ä‚©‚çi‚ñ‚Å‚­‚¾‚³‚¢B\r\n\r\nmŽŸ‚ցn‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚·‚é‚Ɛi‚Ý‚Ü‚·B"
LangString: "finish" 1041 "Eclipse Portable‚Í–³Ž–‚ɃCƒ“ƒXƒg[ƒ‹‚³‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B\r\n\r\nmI—¹n‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚µ‚ăEƒBƒU[ƒh‚ðI—¹‚µ‚Ü‚·B"
LangString: "runwarning" 1041 "‘¼‚Ì“®ì‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éƒvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ð‚·‚×‚ÄI—¹‚µA‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢B‚»‚ꂪI‚í‚é‚Ü‚ÅEclipse Portable‚̃AƒbƒvƒOƒŒ[ƒh‚͍s‚í‚ê‚Ü‚¹‚ñB"
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1041 "Žw’肵‚½ƒtƒHƒ‹ƒ_‚ªŒ©‚‚©‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB³‚µ‚¢ƒtƒHƒ‹ƒ_‚ðŽw’肵‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢B"
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1041 "Žw’肵‚½ƒfƒoƒCƒX‚ɂ̓Cƒ“ƒXƒg[ƒ‹‚ɏ\•ª‚È‹ó‚«—e—Ê‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB"
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1041 " Platform‚ðƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1041 " Menu‚̍XV"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_JAPANESE.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_KOREAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1042 "ÀÌ ¸¶¹ý»ç´Â Eclipse PortableÀÇ ¼³Ä¡ °úÁ¤À» ¾È³»ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.\r\n\r\nÀÌ¹Ì ¼³Ä¡µÈ Eclipse PortableÀ»(¸¦) ¾÷±×·¹À̵åÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ̶ó¸é, ´õ ÁøÇàÇϱâ Àü¿¡ ÇØ´ç ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ´Ý¾ÆÁÖ¼¼¿ä.\r\n\r\n°è¼ÓÇÏ·Á¸é ´ÙÀ½(Next)À» Ŭ¸¯ÇÕ´Ï´Ù."
LangString: "finish" 1042 "Eclipse PortableÀÌ(°¡) »ç¿ëÀÚ ÀåÄ¡¿¡ ¼³Ä¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.\r\n\r\n¸¶¹ý»ç¸¦ ´ÝÀ¸·Á¸é Á¾·á(Finish)¸¦ Ŭ¸¯ÇÕ´Ï´Ù."
LangString: "runwarning" 1042 "ÀÇ ¸ðµç ÀνºÅϽº¸¦ ´ÝÀº ÈÄ È®ÀÎ(OK)À» Ŭ¸¯Çϼ¼¿ä. ½ÇÇà Áß¿¡´Â ¾÷±×·¹À̵åÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1042 "¼±ÅÃÇÑ Æú´õ°¡ À¯È¿ÇÏÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù. ¿Ã¹Ù¸¥ Æú´õ¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇϼ¼¿ä."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1042 "¼³Ä¡¸¦ À§ÇØ ¼±ÅÃÇÑ ÀåÄ¡¿¡ ÀÌ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥¿¡ ¸Â´Â ÃæºÐÇÑ ¿©À¯ °ø°£ÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1042 " Platform È®ÀÎ Áß......"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1042 " Menu ÃʱâÈ­ Áß......"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_KOREAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_KURDISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 9999 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 9999 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 9999 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 9999 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 9999 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 9999 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 9999 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_KURDISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_LATVIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1062 "Ðis vednis palîdzçs jums uzstâdît Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nJa jûs atjauninât iepriekð uzstâdîtu Eclipse Portable versiju. Pirms turpinâðanas, lûdzu, aizveriet to .\r\n\r\nSpiediet Tâlâk, lai turpinâtu."
LangString: "finish" 1062 "Eclipse Portable ir uzstâdîta jûsu iekârtâ.\r\n\r\nSpiediet Beigt, lai aizvçrtu vedni."
LangString: "runwarning" 1062 "Lûdzu, aizveriet visus  logus un nospiediet OK.  Pârnesamo programmu nevar atjauninât, ja tâ ir atvçrta."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1062 "Jûsu norâdîtâ mape ir nederîga.  Lûdzu izvçlieties citu mapi."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1062 "Izvçlçtajâ iekârtâ nepietiek brîvâs vietas, lai uzstâdîtu ðo programmu."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1062 "Meklç platformu"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1062 "Atjaunina izvçlni"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_LATVIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_LITHUANIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 0 "Ðis vedlys padës jums ádiegti Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nJeigu Jûs atnaujinate Eclipse Portable, praðome uþdaryti prieð pradedant.\r\n\r\npaspauskite Toliau norëdami tæsti."
LangString: "finish" 0 "Eclipse Portable ádiegta Jûsø árenginyje.\r\n\r\nPaspauskite baigti norëdami uþdaryti diegimo vedlá."
LangString: "runwarning" 0 "Praðome uþdaryti visas veikianèias  programas ir tuomet paspausti OK.  Programa negali bûti atnaujinta kol yra paleista."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 0 "Neteisingai pasirinktas katalogas.  Pasirinkite tinkamà katalogà."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 0 "Árenginys á kurð norite ádiegti programà neturi pakankamai vietos ðiai programai."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 0 "Naujienos puslapyje"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 0 "Atnaujinti MENIU"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_LITHUANIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 4103 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 4103 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 4103 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 4103 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 4103 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 4103 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 4103 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_MACEDONIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1071 "Îâî¼ âîëøåáíèê å âå âîäè íèç ïðîöåñîò íà èíñòàëàöè¼à íà ïëàòôîðìàòà Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÀêî íàäãðàäóâàòå ïîñòîå÷êà âåðçè¼à îä ïëàòôîðìàòà Eclipse Portable, âå ìîëèìå çàòâîðåòå ¼à ïðåä äà ïðîäîëæèòå ïîíàòàìó.\r\n\r\nÊëèêíåòå 'Íàïðåä>' çà äà ïðîäîëæèòå."
LangString: "finish" 1071 "Ïëàòôîðìàòà Eclipse Portable áåøå èíñòàëèðàíà íà âàøèîò óðåä.\r\n\r\nÊëèêíåòå íà 'Êðà¼' çà äà ãî çàòâîðèòå îâî¼ âîëøåáíèê."
LangString: "runwarning" 1071 "Âå ìîëèìå çàòâîðåòå ãè ñèòå èíñòàíöè îä  è ïîòîà êëèêíåòå íà 'ÎÊ'. Ïðåíîñíàòà àïëèêàöè¼à íå ìîæå äà áèäå íàäãðàäåíà äîäåêà ðàáîòè."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1071 "Äåñòèíàöèîíàòà ïàïêà êî¼à ¼à îäáðàâòå å íåâàëèäíà. Âå ìîëèìå èçáåðåòå âàëèäíà ïàïêà."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1071 "Óðåäîò êî¼ ãî èçáðàâòå çà èíñòàëàöè¼à íåìà äîâîëíî ñëîáîäåí ïðîñòîð çà îâàà àïëèêàöè¼à."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1071 "Ïðîâåðêà çà ïîñòîåœå íà Ïëàòôîðìàòà"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1071 "Îñâåæóâàœå íà Ìåíèòî íà"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_MACEDONIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_MALAY.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1086 "Sekarang anda akan dibawa untuk memasang Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nJika anda memuat taraf pemasangan Eclipse Portable, sila tutup sebelum meneruskan pemasangan .\r\n\r\nKlik Next untuk seterusnya."
LangString: "finish" 1086 "Eclipse Portable telah siap dipasang dalam pendrive anda.\r\n\r\nKlik Finish untuk tutup."
LangString: "runwarning" 1086 "Sila tutup  dan klik OK. Portable app tidak boleh dipasang semasa sedang dijalankan."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1086 "Destinasi fail yang anda pilih salah. Sila pilih fail yang lain."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1086 "Pendrive yang anda pilih tidak cukup ruang untuk dipasang."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1086 "Memeriksa Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1086 "Membuka semula Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_MALAY.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_MONGOLIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1104 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 1104 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 1104 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1104 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1104 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1104 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1104 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_MONGOLIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_NORWEGIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1044 "Denne veiviseren vil lede deg gjennom installasjonen av Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nOm du oppgraderer fra en allerede eksisterende installasjon av Eclipse Portable, vennligst lukk programmet før du fortsetter.\r\n\r\ntrykk Next for å fortsette."
LangString: "finish" 1044 "Eclipse Portable har blitt installert på ditt apparat.\r\n\r\nTrykk Finish for å lukke denne veiviseren."
LangString: "runwarning" 1044 "Vennligst lukk alle tilfeller av  og deretter trykk OK. Den portable applikasjonen kan ikke oppgraderes når den kjører."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1044 "Mappen du valgte er ugyldig. Vennligst velg en gyldig mappe."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1044 "Apparatet du har valgt å installere på har ikke nok ledig plass for denne applikasjonen."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1044 "Søker etter Plattformen"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1044 "Oppdaterer Menyen"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_NORWEGIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_NORWEGIANNYNORSK.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 2068 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 2068 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 2068 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 2068 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 2068 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 2068 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 2068 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_NORWEGIANNYNORSK.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_POLISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1045 "Kreator przeprowadzi Ciê przez proces instalacji Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nJeœli chcesz zaktualizowaæ istniej¹c¹ wersjê aplikacji, przed rozpoczêciem instalacji zamknij aktualizowany program.\r\n\r\nNaciœnij Dalej by kontynuowaæ."
LangString: "finish" 1045 "Eclipse Portable zosta³ zainstalowany.\r\n\r\nNaciœnij Zakoñcz, aby zamkn¹æ instalator."
LangString: "runwarning" 1045 "Zamknij wszystkie okna programu  i naciœnij OK. Nie mo¿na zaktualizowaæ uruchomionego programu."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1045 "Wskazany folder jest niepoprawny. Wska¿ poprawn¹ œcie¿kê docelow¹."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1045 "Za ma³o miejsca na dysku docelowym."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1045 "Sprawdzanie Platformy"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1045 "Odœwie¿anie menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_POLISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_PORTUGUESE.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 2070 "Este assistente irá guiá-lo na instalação do Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSe tiver uma instalação anterior do Eclipse Portable, por favor feche o programa antes de continuar.\r\n\r\nPrima Seguinte para continuar."
LangString: "finish" 2070 "Eclipse Portable foi instalado com sucesso.\r\n\r\nPrima Fechar para fechar este assistente."
LangString: "runwarning" 2070 "Por favor, feche todas as instâncias de  e prima OK. O programa não pode ser actualizado se estiver aberto."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 2070 "A pasta de destino seleccionada é inválida. Por favor, escolha uma pasta válida."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 2070 "O dispositivo seleccionado não tem espaço livre suficiente para a instalação."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 2070 "A verificar a existência da Plataforma"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 2070 "A actualizar o menu do"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_PORTUGUESE.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_PORTUGUESEBR.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1046 "Este assistente irá guiá-lo na instalação da aplicação Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSe está a actualizar uma instalação existente de Eclipse Portable, por favor feche-a antes de continuar.\r\n\r\nClique em Seguinte para continuar."
LangString: "finish" 1046 "Eclipse Portable foi instalado no seu dispositivo.\r\n\r\nClique em Terminar para fechar este assistente."
LangString: "runwarning" 1046 "Por favor feche todas as instâncias de  e depois clique em OK. A aplicação portátil não pode ser actualizada enquanto está a ser executada."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1046 "A pasta de destino que seleccionou é inválida. Por favor escolha uma pasta válida."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1046 "O dispositivo que seleccionou para a instalação não tem espaço livre suficiente para esta aplicação."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1046 "A localizar a Plataforma"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1046 "A recarregar o Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_PORTUGUESEBR.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ROMANIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1048 "Acest program vã va ajuta sã instalaþi Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nDacã faceþi update la o instalare precedentã a Eclipse Portable, vã rugãm sã o închideþi înainte de a continua.\r\n\r\nApãsaþi Next pentru a continua."
LangString: "finish" 1048 "Eclipse Portable a fost instalat pe dispozitivul dumneavoastrã.\r\n\r\nApãsaþi Finish pentru a închide instalarea."
LangString: "runwarning" 1048 "Vã rugãm sa închideþi toate instanþele care ruleazã ale   ºi apãsaþi OK. Aplicaþia portabilã nu poate fi updatatã în timp ce ea ruleazã."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1048 "Folderul destinaþie este invalid. Vã rugãm alegeþi un folder valid."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1048 "Dispozitivul pe care doriþi sã efectuaþi instalarea nu are memorie suficientã pentru aplicaþie."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1048 "Se cautã Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1048 "Se reîmprospateazã Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_ROMANIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_RUSSIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1049 "Ýòîò ìàñòåð ïîìîæåò âàì óñòàíîâèòü Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÅñëè Âû îáíîâëÿåòå ñóùåñòâóþùóþ óñòàíîâêó Eclipse Portable, òî çàêðîéòå åå ïåðåä òåì êàê ïðîäîëæèòü.\r\n\r\n Íàæìèòå Äàëåå ÷òîáû ïðîäîëæèòü."
LangString: "finish" 1049 "Eclipse Portable áûë óñòàíîâëåí íà Âàøå óñòðîéñòâî.\r\n\r\nÍàæìèòå Çàâåðøèòü ÷òîáû çàêðûòü ýòîò ìàñòåð."
LangString: "runwarning" 1049 "Ïîæàëóéñòà, çàêðîéòå âñå çàïóùåííûå êîïèè  è çàòåì íàæìèòå OK. Ïîêà ïîðòàòèâíîå ïðèëîæåíèå çàïóùåíî, îíî íå ìîæåò áûòü îáíîâëåíî."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1049 "Âûáðàíà íåïðàâèëüíàÿ ïàïêà íàçíà÷åíèÿ. Ïîæàëóéñòà, âûáåðèòå ïðàâèëüíóþ ïàïêó."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1049 "Íà âûáðàííîì Âàìè óñòðîéñòâå íå õâàòàåò ñâîáîäíîãî ìåñòà äëÿ óñòàíîâêè ýòîãî ïðèëîæåíèÿ."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1049 "Ïðîâåðêà ïëàòôîðìû"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1049 "Îáíîâëÿåòñÿ ìåíþ"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_RUSSIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SERBIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 3098 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 3098 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 3098 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 3098 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 3098 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 3098 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 3098 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SERBIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SERBIANLATIN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 2074 "Ovaj program æe vas provesti kroz instalaciju aplikacije Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nAko unapreðujete veæ postojeæu instalaciju aplikacije Eclipse Portable, molim da je zatvorite pre nego što nastavite.\r\n\r\nKliknite Dalje za nastavak."
LangString: "finish" 2074 "Aplikacija Eclipse Portable je instalirana na vaš ureðaj.\r\n\r\nKliknite Kraj za završetak."
LangString: "runwarning" 2074 "Molim zatvorite sve kopije aplikacije  i zatim kliknite Prihvati.  Prenosna aplikacija se ne može unparediti kada je aktivna."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 2074 "Izabrani ciljni direktorijum nije ispravan. Molim izaberite ispravan direktorijum."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 2074 "Na ureðaju koji ste izabrali za instalaciju nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 2074 "Tražim postojeæu instalaciju platforme"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 2074 "Osvežavam meni"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SERBIANLATIN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SIMPCHINESE.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 2052 "±¾°²×°Ïòµ¼½«Òýµ¼Äú°²×° Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÈç¹ûÄú´òËãÉý¼¶¾É°æ±¾µÄ Eclipse Portable, ÇëÔÚ²Ù×÷֮ǰ¹Ø±ÕËü.\r\n\r\nµã»÷ ÏÂÒ»²½ ¼ÌÐø."
LangString: "finish" 2052 "Eclipse Portable ÒѾ­±»°²×°µ½ÄúµÄÉ豸ÉÏÁË.\r\n\r\nµã»÷ ½áÊø À´¹Ø±Õ±¾°²×°Ïòµ¼."
LangString: "runwarning" 2052 "Çë¹Ø±ÕËùÓÐÓë  Ïà¹ØµÄ³ÌÐò£¬È»ºóµã»÷ È·¶¨.  µ±PortableAppÈí¼þÔÚÔËÐÐʱ£¬ÊDz»ÄܽøÐÐÉý¼¶µÄ."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 2052 "ÄúÑ¡ÔñµÄ°²×°Ä¿Â¼ÎÞЧ£¬ÇëÑ¡ÔñÒ»¸öÓÐЧµÄĿ¼."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 2052 "ÄúÑ¡ÔñµÄ°²×°É豸ûÓÐ×ã¹»µÄ¿Õ¼äÀ´°²×°±¾Ì×¼þ."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 2052 "ÕýÔÚ¼ì²é ƽ̨"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 2052 "ÕýÔÚ¸üР ²Ëµ¥"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SIMPCHINESE.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SLOVAK.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1051 "Tento sprievodca vás prevedie inštaláciou programu Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nPokia¾ aktualizujete existujúcu inštaláciu programu Eclipse Portable, pred pokraèovaním ho ukonèite.\r\n\r\nPokraèujte kliknutím na tlaèítko Ïalší."
LangString: "finish" 1051 "Program Eclipse Portable bol nainštalovaný.\r\n\r\nKliknutím na tlaèítko Dokonèi ukonèíte sprievodcu."
LangString: "runwarning" 1051 "Prosím, zavrite všetky inštalácie programu  a kliknite na tlaèítko OK. Upgrade nemožno dokonèi, lebo je nejaká inštalácia spustená."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1051 "Zvolená cielová složka je neplatná. Vyberte platnú složku."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1051 "Na cielovom zariadení nieje dostatok miesta k dokonèení inštalácie."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1051 "Hladám existujúcu inštaláciu"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1051 "Obnovujem Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SLOVAK.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SLOVENIAN.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1060 "Ta èarovnik vas bo vodil skozi namestitveni proces Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nÈe nadgrajujete obstojeèo aplikacijo Eclipse Portable, jo prosim zaprite preden nadaljujete.\r\n\r\nKliknite Nadaljuj za nadaljevanje namestitve."
LangString: "finish" 1060 "Eclipse Portable je bila namešèena na vaši napravo.\r\n\r\nKliknite Konèaj za zapret èarovnika."
LangString: "runwarning" 1060 "Prosim zaprite vse  in nato kliknite OK.  Prenosna aplikacija ne more biti nadgrajena medtem ko je zagnana."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1060 "Izbrana ciljna mapa je neveljavna/ne obstaja. Prosim izberite veljavno mapo."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1060 "Na izbrani napravi ni dovolj prostora za namestitev te aplikacije."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1060 "Preverjam Platformo"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1060 "Posodabljanje Menija"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SLOVENIAN.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SPANISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1034 "Este asistente le guiará durante la instalación de Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSi está actualizando una instalación existente de Eclipse Portable, ciérrela antes de continuar.\r\n\r\nHaga clic en Siguiente para continuar."
LangString: "finish" 1034 "Eclipse Portable se ha instalado en su dispositivo.\r\n\r\nHaga clic en Finalizar para cerrar este asistente."
LangString: "runwarning" 1034 "Cierre todas las instancias de  y haga clic en Aceptar.  La aplicación portátil no se puede actualizar mientras se está ejecutando."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1034 "La carpeta de destino que ha seleccionado no es válida.  Elija una carpeta válida."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1034 "El dispositivo que ha selecionado para la instalación no dispone de espacio suficiente para esta aplicación."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1034 "Comprobando la Plataforma"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1034 "Actualizando el menú de"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SPANISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SPANISHINTERNATIONAL.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 3082 "Este asistente lo guiará en la instalación de Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nSi Usted está actualizando una versión ya existente de Eclipse Portable, por favor, ciérrela antes de proseguir.\r\n\r\nHaga clic en Siguiente para continuar."
LangString: "finish" 3082 "Eclipse Portable ha sido instalado en su dispositivo.\r\n\r\nPresione Finalizar para cerrar este asistente."
LangString: "runwarning" 3082 "Por favor, cierre todos las instancias de  y luego haga clic en OK. No se puede actualizar dicho programa portátil mientras se está en ejecución."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 3082 "La carpeta de destino no es válida. Por favor, escoja otra carpeta."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 3082 "No hay suficiente espacio libre en el dispositivo seleccionado para instalar la aplicación."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 3082 "Buscando la Plataforma de"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 3082 "Recargando el Menú de"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SPANISHINTERNATIONAL.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SWEDISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1053 "Den här guiden tar dig igenom installationen av Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nOm du uppgraderar en existerande installation av Eclipse Portable, var vänlig avsluta den innan du fortsätter.\r\n\r\nKlicka på \"Nästa\" för att fortsätta."
LangString: "finish" 1053 "Eclipse Portable har installerats på din enhet.\r\n\r\nKlicka på Avsluta för att stänga denna guide."
LangString: "runwarning" 1053 "Var vänlig stäng alla öppna  och klicka sedan på OK. Den portabla applikationen kan inte uppgraderas när den körs."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1053 "Målmappen du valde är inte giltig. Var vänlig välj en giltig mapp."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1053 "Enheten du har valt att installera applikationen på har inte tillräckligt mycket ledigt utrymme."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1053 "Letar efter plattform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1053 "Uppdaterar meny"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_SWEDISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_THAI.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1054 "¤Ø³àÅ×Í¡µÔ´µÑé§â»Ãá¡ÃÁ Eclipse Portable\r\n\r\n¶éÒµéͧ¡ÒÃÍѾà¡Ã´â»Ãá¡ÃÁEclipse Portable·Õèä´éµÔ´µÑé§äÇéáÅéÇ, ¡ÃسһԴâ»Ãá¡ÃÁ¡è͹¨Ð´Óà¹Ô¹¡ÒÃãæµèÍ\r\n\r\n¡´»ØèÁ Next à¾×èÍ´Óà¹Ô¹¡ÒõèÍ"
LangString: "finish" 1054 "Eclipse Portable ä´éµÔ´µÑé§àÊÃç¨ÊÁºÃÙ³ìáÅéÇ \r\n\r\n¡´ Finish à¾×èͨº¡Ò÷ӧҹ"
LangString: "runwarning" 1054 "¡Ãسҷءâ»Ãá¡ÃÁ¢Í§  ¨Ò¡¹Ñ鹡´ OK.  àÃÒäÁèÊÒÁÒö´Óà¹Ô¹¡ÒÃã´æ ä´é ¶éÒâ»Ãá¡ÃÁ´Ñ§¡ÅèÒÇÂѧ·Ó§Ò¹ÍÂÙè"
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1054 "¤Ø³àÅ×Í¡â¾Åà´ÍÃìäÁè¶Ù¡µéͧ ¡ÃسÒàÅ×Í¡â¾Åà´ÍÃìãËÁè·Õè¶Ù¡µéͧ"
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1054 "¤Ø³äÁèÁÕ¾×é¹·ÕèÇèÒ§à¾Õ§¾ÍÊÓËÃѺ¡ÒõԴµÑé§â»Ãá¡ÃÁ¹Õé"
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1054 "µÃǨÊͺÃкº¢Í§"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1054 "¡ÓÅѧâËÅ´àÁ¹Ù¢Í§ ãËÁè"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_THAI.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_TRADCHINESE.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1028 "¥»¦w¸ËºëÆF±N·|¤Þ¾É§A¦w¸Ë Eclipse Portable¡C\r\n\r\n¦pªG§A¬O·Ç³Æ±N¤w¦w¸Ëªº Eclipse Portable ¶i¦æ¤É¯Å¡A½Ð±N¸Óµ{¦¡Ãö³¬¡C\r\n\r\n«ö Next ¥HÄ~Äò¦w¸Ëµ{§Ç¡C"
LangString: "finish" 1028 "Eclipse Portable ¤w¦¨¥\¦w¸Ë¦b§Aªº¸Ë¸m¡C\r\n\r\n«ö Finish µ²§ôºëÆF¡C"
LangString: "runwarning" 1028 "½Ðµ²§ô©Ò¦³Ãö©ó  ªºµ{§Ç¡A¨Ã«ö OK Ä~Äò¡C·íÀH¨­µ{¦¡¦b¹B¦æ®É¡A¬O¤£¯à¶i¦æ¤É¯Åªº¡C"
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1028 "§A¿ï¨úªº¦w¸Ë¸ô®|¨Ã¤£¥¿½T¡A½Ð¿ï¨ú¥¿½T¸ô®|¡C"
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1028 "§A¿ï¨úªº¸Ë¸m¨Ã¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªºªÅ¶¡¦w¸Ë¥»µ{¦¡¡C"
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1028 "´M§ä ¥­¥x¤¤"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1028 "§ó·s ¿ï³æ¤¤"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_TRADCHINESE.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_TURKISH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1055 "Bu sihirbaz Eclipse Portable kurulumunda size yol gösterecek.\r\n\r\nEðer Eclipse Portable uygulamasýnýn mevcut bir kurulumunu güncelliyorsanýz, lütfen devam etmeden önce uygulamayý kapatýn.\r\n\r\nDevam etmek için Ýleri'ye basýn."
LangString: "finish" 1055 "Eclipse Portable aygýtýnýza kuruldu.\r\n\r\nSihirbazý kapatmak için Son'a týklayýn."
LangString: "runwarning" 1055 "Lütfen çalýþan tüm  uygulamalarýný kapatýp, Tamam'a týklayýn. Taþýnabilir uygulama çalýþýr haldeyken güncelleme yapýlamaz."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1055 "Seçtiðiniz hedef klasör geçersiz. Lütfen geçerli bir tane seçiniz."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1055 "Yüklemek için seçtiðiniz aygýt, bu uygulama için yeterli boþ alana sahip deðil."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1055 " Platformu Aranýyor"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1055 " Menüsü Yenileniyor"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_TURKISH.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_UZBEK.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 0 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 0 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 0 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 0 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 0 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 0 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 0 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_UZBEK.nsh"
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
!include: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_WELSH.nsh"
LangString: "welcome" 1160 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Eclipse Portable.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of Eclipse Portable, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue."
LangString: "finish" 1160 "Eclipse Portable has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
LangString: "runwarning" 1160 "Please close all instances of  and then click OK.  The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running."
LangString: "invaliddirectory" 1160 "The destination folder you selected is invalid.  Please choose a valid folder."
LangString: "notenoughspace" 1160 "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app."
LangString: "checkforplatform" 1160 "Checking for Platform"
LangString: "refreshmenu" 1160 "Refreshing Menu"
!include: closed: "PortableApps.comInstallerLanguages\PortableApps.comInstallerLANG_WELSH.nsh"
!insertmacro: end of MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL
Function: ".onInit"
SetSilent: normal
ReadEnvStr: PortableApps.comLocaleID->$0
StrCmp "$0" "1033" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1078" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1052" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1025" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1069" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1059" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "5146" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1150" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1026" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1027" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1050" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1029" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1030" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1043" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1061" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1065" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1035" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1036" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1110" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1031" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1032" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1037" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1038" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1039" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1057" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "2108" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1040" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1041" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1042" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "9999" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1062" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1063" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "4103" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1071" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1086" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1104" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1044" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "2068" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1045" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "2070" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1046" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1048" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1049" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "3098" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "2074" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "2052" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1051" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1060" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1034" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "3082" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1053" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1054" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1028" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1055" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1058" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1091" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
StrCmp "$0" "1160" equal=SetLanguageFromEnvironment, nonequal=
Goto: ShowLanguageSelector
StrCpy $LANGUAGE "$0" () ()
Goto: GetCommandLineOptions
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
!insertmacro: GetOptionsCall
!insertmacro: end of GetOptionsCall
IfErrors ?CheckLegacyDestination:
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$R0EclipsePortable" () ()
Goto: CheckForPlatform
!insertmacro: GetOptionsCall
!insertmacro: end of GetOptionsCall
IfErrors ?NoDestination:
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$R0EclipsePortable" () ()
Goto: InitDone
!insertmacro: GetDrivesCall
!insertmacro: end of GetDrivesCall
StrCmp "$FOUNDPORTABLEAPPSPATH" "" equal=DefaultDestination, nonequal=
Goto: InitDone
StrCpy $INSTDIR "\EclipsePortable" () ()
Goto: InitDone
!insertmacro: GetParentCall
!insertmacro: end of GetParentCall
DetailPrint: "$(checkforplatform)"
IfFileExists: "$0\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe" ?  : InitDone
File: "MoreInfo.dll"->"$PLUGINSDIR\MoreInfo.dll" 23040 bytes
Plugin Command: GetProductName $0\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe
Pop: $1
StrCmp "$1" " Platform" equal=, nonequal=InitDone
File: "MoreInfo.dll"->"$PLUGINSDIR\MoreInfo.dll" 0/23040 bytes
Plugin Command: GetCompanyName $0\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe
Pop: $1
StrCmp "$1" "" equal=, nonequal=InitDone
File: "FindProcDLL.dll"->"$PLUGINSDIR\FindProcDLL.dll" 31744 bytes
Plugin Command: FindProc PortableAppsPlatform.exe
StrCmp "$R0" "1" equal=, nonequal=InitDone
StrCpy $AUTOMATEDINSTALL "true" () ()
!insertmacro: GetOptionsCall
!insertmacro: end of GetOptionsCall
IfErrors ?InitDone:
StrCmp "$R0" "true" equal=, nonequal=InitDone
StrCpy $AUTOCLOSE "true" () ()
StrCmp "$LANGUAGE" "1033" equal=LeaveUnselected, nonequal=
SectionSetFlags: 1->1
Function: "PreWelcome"
StrCmp "$AUTOMATEDINSTALL" "true" equal=, nonequal=PreWelcomeEnd
Abort: ""
Function: "PreComponents"
StrCmp "$AUTOCLOSE" "true" equal=, nonequal=PreComponentsEnd
IfFileExists: "$INSTDIR\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" ?  : PreComponentsEnd
ReadINIStr $0 [Details]:InstallType from $INSTDIR\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
StrCmp "$0" "Multilingual" equal=, nonequal=PreComponentsCheckNotSelected
SectionSetFlags: 1->1
Abort: ""
StrCmp "$0" "English" equal=, nonequal=PreComponentsEnd
SectionSetFlags: 0->1
Abort: ""
Function: "PreDirectory"
StrCmp "$AUTOMATEDINSTALL" "true" equal=, nonequal=PreDirectoryEnd
SectionGetSize: 0->$1
SectionGetFlags: 1->$9
IntOp: $9=$9&1
IntCmp $9:1 equal=,  
SectionGetSize: 1->$2
IntOp: $1=$1+$2
!insertmacro: GetRootCall
!insertmacro: end of GetRootCall
!insertmacro: DriveSpaceCall
!insertmacro: end of DriveSpaceCall
IfFileExists: "$INSTDIR" ?  : CalculateSpaceLeft
!insertmacro: GetSizeCall
!insertmacro: end of GetSizeCall
IntOp: $3=$3+$4
IfFileExists: "$INSTDIR\Data" ?  : CheckPluginsDirectory
!insertmacro: GetSizeCall
!insertmacro: end of GetSizeCall
IntOp: $3=$3-$4
StrCmp "NONE" "NONE" equal=CalculateSpaceLeft, nonequal=
IfFileExists: "$INSTDIR\NONE" ?  : CalculateSpaceLeft
!insertmacro: GetSizeCall
!insertmacro: end of GetSizeCall
IntOp: $3=$3-$4
IntCmp $3:$1 equal=NotEnoughSpaceNoUpgrade,  
Goto: DoAutomatedInstall
MessageBox: 48: "$(notenoughspace)"
Goto: PreDirectoryEnd
Abort: ""
Goto: PreDirectoryEnd
Function: "LeaveDirectory"
IfFileExists: "$INSTDIR" ?  : CheckInstallerError
StrCmp expects 3-4 parameters, got 2.
Usage: StrCmp str1 str2 label_to_goto_if_equal [label_to_goto_if_not]
Error in script "J:\PortableApps\EclipsePortable\Other\Source\PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi" on line 721 -- aborting creation process

It reports a bug on line 721.

This is line 721.

StrCmp ${CHECKRUNNING} "NONE" CheckInstallerError

Shouldn't there be 4 parameters... right?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

You probably have CHECKRUNNING set as a blank entry. It needs to be either omitted or filled in.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Okay... But what if you don't


But what if you don't want it to check? (In my packages I do... but... the user should still have an option for it not to check if an exe is open)

And over on the Format...

It says both CloseEXE and CloseNAME are optional.

Also, should the installer be deleting AppNamePortableOptional1?

It's annoying.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Has To

It has to check. Because it can't upgrade an app if it's already running. So, if your app is already installed and running... *something* must be running.

CloseEXE and CloseName are optional. If you omit them they use the info for the launcher specified in the appinfo.ini. This is detailed in the PAF spec in the entries.

Yes, AppNamePortableOptional1 is automatically deleted. Oops... I forgot the section in the specs on how we handle that now (hint: it's now automatic). I'll add that in right now.

UPDATE: The PAF Spec is fixed. The options are OptionalDirectory1, etc and OptionalFile1, etc. Both are part of the OptionalComponentsSection. You don't have to manually move any files to AppNamePortableOptional1 from now on. The wizard does it all for you.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Wait but... If I leave

Wait but...

If I leave CloseEXE blank, it gives me errors.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

It says to fill it in... or omit it (as in leave the whole line out). You can't leave it blank.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Another solution

Another solution here is to use

StrCmp "${CHECKRUNNING}" "NONE" CheckInstallerError

That way it'll have a string there whatever.

Note that I'm not commenting on whether it's right or not, I'm just saying if you do it that way you'll avoid an error if CHECKRUNNING is defined but blank.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

That's correct. I've updated the spec to mention that.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John Bentley
John Bentley's picture
Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-24 13:26
I have one question about the

I have one question about the licensing. Does the exception allow for commercial open source apps?

cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The simple rule is, if they sell it, they contact us. If they give it away free (and the recipient users can share it with others for free like open source licenses state), the freeware/open source exception applies to them.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
Hmm, so if there is a

Hmm, so if there is a freeware application that does not allow it's users to re-distribute (which is quite common) it's not allowed to use the installer creator? Is this because PortableApps wants to redistribute the freeware apps themselves or by alternative roads? (redistribution (ie downloading from other site than the author's site) might make keeping tabs on downloads harder.

What is the preferred developement path for developers?

Will this app or a future version include the latest installer/launcher combinations to facilitate developers only keeping an eye on the specs and this package and not specs, installer and launcher separate? Also does this application includes the platform specs as reference?

Big thanks to offer freeware publishers to join the platform and I hope they can find their way around the PortableApps specs.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
They Can

Freeware publishers can do that. I was just answering the question about commercial open source (which can mean a lot of different things).

This is for compiling the installer only. It does not have to do with the current launchers.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
Ok thanks for clearing that

Ok thanks for clearing that up. I'll still have to look into the latest launcher (which uses the ini and doesn't need compiling) to get up-to-date with the platform again Smile

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

There are a couple unofficial ones, but the official one will be posted soon.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
Doesn't having the launcher

Doesn't having the launcher you need to compile yourself for freeware (that is not distributed by, as noted in the previous exception) go against the exception?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

If the publisher makes their own freeware launcher, they're good. If they use our new one, they're good.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

At the moment, with each app having its own launcher, another app maker can make their own launchers. There would be a question though about it if they based it off an existing launcher as they'd be likely to...

Anyhow, with John and I working on the launcher now, we should soon be able to have a common launcher to all our apps, with a similar exception or something. After the release of Test 2 of mine, I'll be going more methodically through all our launchers and making sure they can all work with my thing, and adding new features as necessary. I think BPBible is going to be the hardest one as it's got pretty deep logic in it, even after my simplifying it significantly (code committed to BPBible SVN yesterday).

When I get my hands on a copy of John's launcher, then we can start amalgamating them properly. His has (or will have) some features which mine doesn't have and which I won't be putting in until we amalgamate, for example service handling.

I reckon that launcher work is a better area for me to be useful in than in the release team at the moment. Smile

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
From a non-technical point of view

The red graphic in the new installer looks great = ) Advocate

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26
I meant to make that comment

I meant to make that comment earlier too. Snazzy red arrow looks nice.

Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Um... I'm not sure If I'm


I'm not sure If I'm being paranoid or anything, but...

Is the new installer somehow bigger?

My last Eclipse installer was about 160 megs, the new one is somehow 190.

The size installed is the same though...


richo's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 days ago
Joined: 2007-01-31 22:03
Optional Components

What about multiple optional components?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Not supported

Multiple optional components are not supported. Optional components is primarily for additional languages when they add a lot of size to an app.

If there is a specific reason to support multiple optional components, it will be considered, though.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

richo's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 days ago
Joined: 2007-01-31 22:03
It's all about choice.

Just for those apps that have extra files included but not actually being required by the app.
It wouldn't hurt to have the support included anyway, even if most apps don't use it.
(Just like all other variations of installers.)

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Corner case bug

(Viz, bug for BPBible Portable :P)


657			StrCmp $0 ${OPTIONALSECTIONSELECTEDINSTALLTYPE} "" PreComponentsCheckNotSelected


Should be:

657			StrCmp $0 "${OPTIONALSECTIONSELECTEDINSTALLTYPE}" "" PreComponentsCheckNotSelected


For multi-lingual things it'll be fine ("Multilingual" or "English") but for BPBible, they're "with resources" and "" - both of which won't work.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Got It

Got it. It'll be included in 0.91 which I'm targeting for tomorrow.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Transparent background to icon

I'm having this issue also. The system is XP SP3, and has 32-bit colour on.

Interesting... when running through the Installer, first time, this happened, but then when I ran MakeHeader.exe manually, it made an apparently white-backgrounded image (which pesky Adobe PhotoDeluxe couldn't open, complaining of bad data), but then when I tried the Installer again it made a grey-backgrounded one. Could it possibly be transparency of some sort or something? I tried changing the "3D objects" appearance property in Windows... my grey background disappeared! Somehow though lime green is worse Blum

Edit: the icon, bpbible.ico, was generated by IcoFX. I even tried resaving it with IcoFX - nothing doing.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

a quick thought, would it be worth putting a quick check in the installer to make sure that the Data folder is empty, if it doesn't already that is. My thinking being it would help to add an extra layer of security.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

The Data directory is not included in the installer.

(BTW, BPBible Portable's optional section uses files in Data\resources)

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“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Steve Lamerton
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am referring to the fact that at the moment I can package up an app that has a load of the developers settings in the Data folder (for example from testing). Then when a user runs the installer it happily overwrites the users settings. Admittedly it is a fairly small risk (I personally have my own build script that deletes the contents of the Data folder before building the installer), I just thought it might be a nice idea to reduce accidents, if some apps do have files in there though it isn't such a good idea Smile

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the installer DOESN'T include the Data folder. My Data folder is never empty, but the packages are fine Smile

Steve Lamerton
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you are right, I was looking at the wrong copy of installer code, ignore this whole set of comments Wink

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
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Hi John, how about not including the AppnamePortable\AppnamePortable.ini in the installer?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
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Got it

In 0.91 (should be tomorrow) it'll only get *.exe and help.html.

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John T. Haller
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Update Coming Tomorrow (ish): 0.91

I'm currently putting the finishing coding on 0.91 of the spec and installer maker. This will fix the above mentioned bugs like the section name having spaces, excluding INIs in the root directory. It'll also be using new icons in AppInfo in PNG format. appicon_16.png and appicon_32.png. The 16px one will be used in Menu 1.6 PR1 and later which will solve display issues in Vista/Win7 120dpi (icons partially cut off) and Wine (16 color icons). The 32px one will be used to generate the app icon in the installer header and alleviate the need to have your PC in 32-bit color mode in Windows XP/Vista/7 as well as enable proper header creating in Windows 2000 and Wine (and possibly Win 9x though I'm not testing that or listing it as supported).

I'm also working to get download support in this release. You'll be able to download files from web or ftp servers automatically using the local PC's proxy settings (and prompting for a password if needed), check the file's MD5 sum to ensure it's legit, extract it if it's a ZIP/XPI and even some installers (like LZMA compressed ones) and then get all that in your app. Some of the translations will be in English for now, but we'll put out a call and get them translated for the release after. This will open the door to some freeware apps for us.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

gluxon's picture
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Um... In the


In the AppInfo.ini

There's a entry called


From which directory is this?

For example, The FirefoxPortable plugins directory is "FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\plugins"

Would I type in "App\Firefox\plugins" in that entry...

or something else?

[Edit:Nevermind, I figured it out, sorry for troubling you Sad (from the app directory)]

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
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How to configure a plugin-installer (0.90)?
Any special installer.ini or appinfo.ini settings necessary?
BTW: Old plugins don't have an appinfo.ini yet.

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Out of all the languages I'm

Out of all the languages I'm using in installer.ini, not all of them are showing up in the installer. What am I doing wrong? Hungarian, as an example.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
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Supported Code Page

It's based on what your install of Windows has available. It will only show the ones it can display based on your current code page.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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OK, thanks. I thought I was

OK, thanks. I thought I was messing it up Smile

Last seen: 6 days 16 hours ago
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[Bug] FilesToPreserve wildcards fail (0.90)

PreserveFile1=App\Appname\abc.def works, file is preserved
PreserveFile2=App\Appname\*.ab fails, all files are removed

John T. Haller
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Seems it's been like this the whole time as the NSIS Rename function doesn't support wildcards. I'll fix this up in 0.91 which I'm posting today.

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Support for unofficial apps

One comment that you may consider unimportant, but it will probably impact many users. I apologize for jumping in with this so late in the game, but better late than never.

The way the appinfo.ini file is structured, category support within PAM will have to be implemented on a per-folder basis. This is fine for "proper" portableApps, which have a launcher executable in the root folder and nothing else, but it may make things more difficult for users who use applications which are designed to be run from a portable drive.

As an example, if a folder has multiple executables in it, each of these would presumably be controlled by the categorizations, icon settings, labels, descriptions etc. This hit me when I started re-working category support in to support the official format. It can certainly be worked around, but it may bear an official note in the spec.

So, I guess the consideration is whether the platform needs to build in support for un-official apps in the specification.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 3 hours 39 min ago
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Non-PAF apps will be classified as 'Other' by default. Users can reclassify them per-EXE.

BTW - Do you want to keep doing Geek.Menu? Or do you still want to work on the official menu? We're gonna incorporate most of the features, though we we won't be doing a per-app sizing. It's gonna be 10 or 20 (or maybe 30) and based on the theme. It's just taken a back seat while I flush the rest of the spec out.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Happy to help with the official menu

I'd love to help, just got tired of waiting.

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