Using my generic PortableApp Launcher ( I configured a Freemind
setup, available here:
I rolled the Freemind version back to the stock version 0.9 beta9 downloadable from the website to
demonstrate the new and improved launcher The more people test the latest version the faster we
get to version 1.0!
If your java.exe isn't in PortableApps\jre\bin, then you will have to modify the ini file, replacing
"..\..\..\jre\bin" with the relative path to your java.exe (for example:
"..\..\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin" will work for you folks running the latest portable OpenOffice).
Hopefully there will be some kind of standard config file for listing the paths to these kinds of
shared resources in the near future. Once there is it will be easy to modify PortableApp Launcher
to read it and avoid this confusion.
Anyway, commentary aside, please test the new launcher and let me know what you think!
The latest OpenOffice beta can use Java in the Common Files folder (PortableApps/Common Files). It would be nice if your App could do so too.
See here for more infos of check the Launcher Sourcecode.
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Thought it was "\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java" without space in "Common Files".
I adjusted the path for me, but i don't have a clue why there are 2 sources in the folder. I think the path in one of them is wrong.
Works like charm on a PC without Java installed. Didn't Test if it leaves anything behind.
about the CommonFiles.
What do yu mean with "2 sources"?
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Theres one source in
and one in
I noticed that freemindportable leaves a folder and some files in it behind. Location: "%userprofile%\.freemind" Could somebody confirm that?
I run it without administrative rights.
Wow, I'm surprised to see so many Freemind users! Rock on!
I updated the rar file with a new version that fixes the two problems mentioned. Also, it will check "..\..\..\CommonFiles\Java" (relative to the app\freemind directory) for a JRE before looking for "..\..\..\jre\bin" (old behavior).
I extracted the OpenOffice paf and didn't see a CommonFiles\Java directory so will someone please test it and let me know if it works?
Also, I updated Freemind to the latest beta (seems stable enough to me, but is definitely still beta). Compiling a new version is pretty simple so if someone is looking for a "portable" version of a different Freemind version let me know.
It works for me now, although I didn't test it again on another PC without Java installed because I made the same adjustement to the path.
Finally someone did it. Very good Job Steve, thanks.
Your version didn't use my CommonFiles Java.
After changing line 38 from
in the sourcecode and recompiling, it used my Java in F:\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java.
But it left some stuff in the Reristry:
The temp folder had the newsadsplash.dll in it. It is from the plugin which shows the splash screen.
Hope this helps.

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
You're right there has to be "bin" at the end.
Maybe build a portable wrapper for java.exe?
Updated to support the new launcher. Check it out!
Works great
How do I change the icon and description?
Just changed the PortableApp.ini file as follows.
;copied Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin folders onto portable drive
;made specific reference to java folder in ProgramDir line
;Made specific reference to the java folders in EnvVar1...
SplashScreen=disabled ;there is already a splash screen
Problems without recommendations is just whining.
I'm interested, but lost. Have all of these "fixes" been rolled up and where do I find the result? Thanks.
-- Would also like to know status of Portable version for FreeMind. I can wait until .paf load version is ready; I've been using it for some time now as stand alone app on PC and can wait a while longer. Finally got around to checking to see if P-Apps effort was underway before trying to suggest it -- happy to see it coming.
-- I searched long & hard to finally discover FreeMind as good functional replacement for the old "Idea Processor" outliner applications that ran in the old DOS days back in the early 1990's. The only thing that seemed to come close for was the outline function that came with MS Word -- the one, most critical function for me that seems still missing in (OOo).
-- FreeMind fits the bill better than I had hoped. I find it critical for drafting new content, taking meeting notes, creating & managing projects & 2DO lists, using vice slide presentations for briefing/teaching, among other things. The graphical presentation works great for right-brained thinking. (But, it may seem not as useful for those who prefer concrete sequential style thinking -- see for discussion of learning/thinking styles.)
-- A better ref for helping to understand learning/thinking
styles would be:
It's much more direct and to the point -- boils down to the essence what the Gregorc site seems to cloud with high philosophical and academic rhetoric.
I've tried many suggestions but can't get it to work!
Any help?
Many thanks !
--- Note I am a newcomer so if I missed something obvious it is because of that.
Tried, but doesn't work!
I have the same problem: I'm not into programming, so I hope that with the next portable apps release an easy installer for Freemind will be released, too.
Maybe a release for portable java, too, and new installers with proper settings for all the applications!
thank you all PortableApps launchers, for all the efforts you spend..
I enthusiastically use FreeMind and want to carry it with me but although there are lots of posts on how to make it portable, I just don't seem to manage as I am not able to write a single line of code (although I'd love to learn it veery much, it's just not the suitable time for the moment)
pleease, could somebody make a simple .paf file for dumbs like me to install it easily from the menu?
thanks a lot
[Double post removed by moderator SL]
Hello World!
USB Portable FreeMind
Just add the following Java option in the freemind.bat or and everything is contained on the USB stick:
As an example see the new content of my BAT-file, which looks like:
@echo off java -Duser.home=. -cp lib\freemind.jar;lib\commons-lang-2.0.jar;lib\forms-1.0.5.jar;lib\jibx\jibx-run.jar;lib\jibx\xpp3.jar;lib\bindings.jar freemind.main.FreeMindStarter
This lets FM create and use the subfolder .freemind in the location of the freemind.bat.
As we know, USB flash drives support only limited number of writes. It means that reliability of such device drops down as time advances. Freemind, by default, saves your open maps every minute to .freemind dir which is in this case on the flash drive. If you aren't too paranoid you can avoid this by setting autosave dir to tmp dir of your OS. Freemind will automatically delete autosaves on exit so your precious data won't be left on a host machine. Go to Tools->Preferences->Path to automatic saves and set it to 'default'. Freemind will understand this on Windows probably as c:\windows\temp, Linux - /tmp or /var/tmp.
That's it and have fun!
Here is FreeMind (Portable)
It does integrate it self into the PortableAppsCom menu
It will do some registry stuff as FreeMind would do
and it moves some files in the User\.FreeMind directory.
It is starting and it keeps the settings.
Inside is a Splash.jpg and a second one, if you like you can rename the second one into Splash.jpg and vice versa.
The FreeMind version it self is from FreeMind-Windows-Installer-1.0.1-max.exe
If you are a hoster, you can host it please