Below is a table of translations that need updating for Toucan 2.1.0, I would be very grateful if you could contribute updates for languages that you are familiar with. If you wish to be attributed with something other than your user name (or not attributed at all) then please also post that, otherwise your username will be included in the about box.
Please Note: if the translation you wish to update is not yet available in Toucan then you will need to create a new one, the instructions are available here.
Word | Bulgarian | Czech | German | Spanish | Italian | Korean | Portuguese | Portuguese Brazilian | Russian | Turkish | Simplified Chinese |
Mirror | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
Rename | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Setting up progress bar | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
Renamed | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Failed to rename | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | X- |
Elapsed | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Creating file list, this may take some time. | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Clean | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
Tab style | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Remember Entered Information | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Variables | X | - | - | X | X | X | # | # | X | - | - |
Differential only supports one folder | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
Overwritten | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
If needed | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
Status | X | X | # | X | X | X | # | # | X | X | X |
- X - Translation needed
- - - Translation not needed
- # - Translation added
One thing I'd like to add is that my real name is José Pedro Arvela.
These translations may be a little iffy (even more having in mind I don't use Toucan), so if anybody wants to add a correction, don't hesitate.
I am not sure about Brazilian Portuguese, because I am not Brazilian, but the differences are probably only these:
much appreciated
jancj, as Toucan doesn't currently have a complete Danish translation a new one needs to be created. If you wish to do so the instructions are here:
I know that you aren't asking for a Swedish translation but if you would need one then here you go:
Mirror = Spegel
Rename = Döpa om
Setting up progress bar = Bygger upp förloppsmätare
Renamed = Omdöpt
Failed to rename = Misslyckades med omdöpningen
Elapsed = Förfluten
Creating file list, this my take some time = Skapar fillista, detta kan ta lite tid
Clean = Rensa
Tab style = Flikstil
Remember = Kom ihåg
Entered = Inskriven
Information = Information
Variables = Variabler
Differential only supports one folder = Differential stödjer bara en mapp
Overwritten = Överskriven
If needed = Vid behov
Status = Status
as I mentioned above for a language that is not listed you will need to create a new one. If you wish to do so the instructions are here:
Mirror Spiegeln
Setting up progress bar Bereite Fortschrittsanzeige vor
Clean Säubern
Differential only supports one folder Differentiell unterstützt nur einen Ordner
Overwritten Überschrieben
If needed Falls notwendig
Status Status
Chinese also added to the list.
Mirror Espelhar
Rename Μετονομασία
Setting up progress bar Δημιουργέιται η μπάρα προόδου
Renamed Μετονομάστηκε
Failed to rename Η μετονομασία απέτυχε
Elapsed Έχει περάσει
Creating file list, this may take some time. Δημιουργία λίστας αρχείων, ίσως διαρκέσει αρκετά.
Clean Καθαρισμός
Tab style Στυλ Παραγράφου
Remember Υπενθήμιση
Entered Εισήχθη
Information Πληροφορίες
Variables Μεταβλητές
Differential only supports one folder Το διαφορικό υποστηρίζει μόνο έναν φάκελο
Overwritten Γράφτηκε από πάνω
If needed Σε περίπτωση που χρειαστεί
Status Κατάσταση
Failed to rename – 重新命名无效
Mirror - sorry no idea
Setting up progress bar - 正在设定进度显示棒
Clean – 清除
Differential only supports one folder - sorry no idea
Overwritten – 已覆写
If needed – 如有需要
Status – 状况
Setting up progress bar
Configurando barra de progreso
Failed to rename
No se pudo renombrar
Creating file list, this may take some time.
Creando lista de ficheros. Esta operación puede llevar un tiempo.
Tab style
Estilo de Pestañas
Differential only supports one folder
Diferencial solo soporte una carpeta
If needed
Si es necesario