GanttProject is a cross-platform desktop tool for project scheduling and management. It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOSX, it is free and its code is opensource.
Even if it is compatible with MS Project it would be helpful if one could have it when traveling.
ever considered to make it portable?
I would like to add a "Yes" vote to see this turned into a Portable App.
Limits are for people with no imagination.
How about this application:
Outdated Beta Tests
Planner Portable 0.14.2 paf
Updated 15/02/07
Moved 21/02/07
However i think it's written in Java which is currently waiting until it's completely OSS then there will be likely a plethora of Java based apps released. Until then, does anyone have any reliable alternatives? Advocate
I have had a brief look at GanttProject in order to understand its portability or otherwise.
1. It doesn't meet portability specifications.
2. It's a java app, and therefore requires java to exist on the host machine to run. It's mostly there these days, and installs happily even when you don't have admin rights.
GanttProject does run off a USB stick, and for all intents and purposes is a very happy little portable application.
Does it leave anything behind on the host? Don't know, haven't looked. If you are into stealth, then use only released apps from this site. If you are a little more flexible, and a little less paranoid, then GanttProject runs well off a USB stick with or without admin rights.
However, you may care to note this...
3. For it to be recognised by a launcher it may need the application bat file to be converted to an exe file. (it is very simple to do - using a bat to exe program - google it)
It works without any trouble at all - so I haven't considered putting together a fully fledged portable launcher. You are also probably stuck with the R34 mod menu/launcher without a little more hard work. I haven't looked at how to get it working with the x:\PortableApps\CommonFiles\ USB stick java.
GanttProject is a nice little project manager. I am more attracted to the open source version of Onepoint Project Basic, if you want a more fully featured project manager. The above advice also applies to Onepoint.
There is no need for a special version to make GanttProject portable.
That's the way I did it for Windows-Computers:
1. You have to install or to copy Java (JRE) on your memory-Stick. (e.g. \java\jre1.6.0_07)
2. Then you have to download the following version of GanttProject from "For any operating system - Platform-independent ZIP archive for any OS with Java Runtime"
3. Extract this archive to your memory-stick (e.g. \apps\java\ganttproject-2.0.9)
4. Then you have to insert two lines to the ganttproject.bat-file in the ganttproject-folder after the command "@echo of"
SET JAVA_HOME=%THIS_DRIVE%\java\jre1.6.0_07
The first line finds the current drive-letter of the memory-stick on the current machine.
The second line sets the path to the java-directory on the memory-stick. You have to put in the path to the directory where the "bin"-directory is.
5. Save and close the ganttproject.bat-file.
6. Then doubleclick the ganttproject.bat-file and now the program should run.
It works fine on my machines.