wish granted, but he stole all of the Mozilla devs causing Firefox development to slow to a crawl preventing Firefox 3.5 from being finished before 2010. Happy now?
I wish for world peace.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Everyone put down there guns, knives, bombs, snowballs and nunchuks. For 200 years we were like hippies stopping to smell lilies. Then the aliens came and we were too busy with our vegan practices to defend ourselves from the massacres (Bloody well hope not :p)
I wish there was some legal thing where the UN sued Microsoft, made it open source and after ten years of open source forking turmoil the OS distros were cut down to like 2 or 3 different competing (But friendly competition, just enough so they are all on their toes and working hard to produce the best possible OS) versions of "Open Windows" which were cross compliant.
Everyone went open source. And there were only 3 operating systems: Windows (Which was open source, but still as buggy as before), Mac (Which could still only be run legally on Apple hardware), and PC-DOS (Which changed all of its commands before being released as open-source, so no one knew how to use it).
I wish PortableApps.com bought Microsoft and made all MS programs free, open source, and portable.
...but John re-licensed PAP so it was closed source and SUPER DUPER REALLY EXPENSIVE! It also had some DRM (digital rights manager) that made the FBI knock your door if you pirated it or used it in more than 3 different computers (even tough it was made to use in multiple computers).
I wish double posts were impossible according to quantum physics.
You made millions but due to the IRS's intensified efforts that have resulted from the economic "crisis" you were charged with fraud, had all your cash confiscated by the federalli's. As an example to others you were imprisoned for 4 years in a cell with "Big Bubba" who had a racket making money of "Webcam Sessions" on the net
I wish you appeal and are released before Big Bubba gets any alone time with you
You bought the hottest piece of machinery on the market only to find your brand spanking new top of the line pc was manufactured dodgy and wouldn't even turn on. When you went to call up for a replacement you discover the company who built it had gone bankrupt already! and couldn't help you.
I wish some of you guys would have a go at The "T: in John T Haller game I thought up in the OT forum.
There is no such thing as homework anymore. Instead kids have to stay at school an extra two hours everyday to get their work done
I wish VirtualBox could be developed to a point that it did not require admin rights or driver installs so that it could be made into a PortableApp : ) Oh and that it didn't have the graphics driver limitation.
Your brain is restored to it's previous condition. However sergentsiler snapped after his pc exploded and took his frustration out on you with the charred remains of his keyboard.
I wish John won the lottery so he could hire a team of developers to work on PortableApps.com full time Canonical style.
...but it was always down, had problems every 5 minutes and the fixing fee was twice as you payed monthly before. Plus it only allowed http traffic, so no torrents, no streams, no ftp, no messenger, no safe https connection, no nothing!
I wish my Internet connection was DSL instead of cable.
All the spammers decided to group together for a viral attack o PA.com which took down the site permanently, infected every file in the sourceforge pages and mashed the servers of everyone doing their own hosting on the site. Also the attackers got a hold of the PA users database and spammed every user and distributed the addresses among the spammer community
... you knew that C++ (read as "C Plus Plus") is a general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language and originally named "C with Classes". It was renamed to C++ in 1983.
(taken from wikipedia)
Wish Granted but you and the human race are required to eat so much beans and flatulance producing food that you are unable to replicate the population due to the high turn off value of people in general. this led to a massive decline in the population leading to the extenction of the human race albit those who are unable to flatulate but those are probibly dead anyways!.
wish granted but your internet connection that follows you everywhere is at 2400 baud making it nearly impossible to download the apps in a reasonable amount of time.
But everybody in that channel went to jail because there were under-aged kids in there (oh, and also because the themes you talked in there were so gruesome, disgusting and illegal that when probing the channel for illegalities the FBI agents puked 13 times in 10 minutes).
I wish the new Chrome OS by Google is OpenSource and kicks Windows out of the market!
Wish Granted but Microsoft has taken over Apple, Sony and Nintendo and is now making a MS lite and a Xbox360 portable as well as the WindowsPod[tm] and ZuneMan(c). Oh and you will love the MSii.
I wish i knew what is so addicting about these chips.
Wish Granted it is because Mir has invested so much money in Soylent Green in the development of a new product called Soylent Red which is also know by the trademark of I Still Cant Belive Its not Real People[tm].
Wish Granted but the place you work for went out of business 2 days into your paid vacation and where unable to pay you for the rest and you are now unemployed.
I wish some body would find the nutritional facts for mucus.
But before you could slaughter the defenseless little piglet and roast him, the unnaturally intelligent spider named Charlotte wrote "Some Pig" and "Humble" in her web above his stall, and you were too guilt-ridden to do the deed, so you had a tofu, lettuce and tomato sandwich instead.
I wish the PA Platform was set up to use extensions like Firefox, so we wouldn't have to put so much pressure on JTH to code in new functionality.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
...but the extensions platform was horribly limited, incredibly hard to code in, and incredibly heavy on the Platform. This caused the Platform to become sluggish, and nobody wrote extensions due to how complicated it was.
I wish I had total control over the HTML/CSS code used to display all webpages, so I could make the entire Internet a semantic place.
But you started out so badly at the clarinet, that your noise killed 15 people, and deafened 50 more. You were charged for murder, assault, disturbing the public peace, and malpractice.
I wish that somebody would rename this thread "Corrupt a Wish--The Final Season!"
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Everybody used Netscape 1, that has a great and complete interpretation of HTML 1 (I suppose ) specs. That means no cool websites like this, because not even the ancient flawed ways of displaying style weren't available.
I wish everybody used the latest version of a decent rendering engine, with support for the entire latest versions of (x)HTML/CSS/JavaScript specs.
wish granted, but then the World's governments made a world-wide ban on all (x)HTML/CSS/JavaScript, then, as everyone kept using it, most of the world was punished for their crimes by being sent to Vulkan, where there is no internet. The remaining World's population made all made their websites out of Perl.
Wish granted but his being alive caused a massive rift and while he and chuck norris fought for ultimate domination the world suffered destruction due to the fighting between the two and the world is left as a desert wasteland.
I wish verizon would actualy keep my internet connection at the speed i pay for.
I wish Obama would release evidence demonstrating that the Bush administration deliberately lied to the world to justify invading Iraq. Also that the US and rest of the world's people reacted to the news positively giving America back some of its lost moral leadership.
Your wish breaks Corrupt A Wish. Little did you or anyone else know that corrupt a wish was the conduit through which the gods sent their energies to the universe in the form of its participants imaginations. With the energy source cut off the world slowly dies. The universe begins to retract and eventually there is nothing but void and the gods shaking their heads in despair. After aeons of nothingness the gods hatch a plan to revive the world. They re-initiate Corrupt-A-Wish. The Earth is reborn. All that once was is again. The entire history of man is relived in an instant. The only difference is the delivery of this message warning of what has happened. There is only one chance. Mir must corrupt his own wish.
You saw blight, hatred, war, fighting, etc.
In your quest to stop and save the world, you tripped over the leader of Russia's netbook, which got you and him into a fight, and then the U.S. sent over a nuclear missile to help, and World War III thus commenced.
I wish I had a portable video editor.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but Bawls® sued you for getting the illicit copies "Bawls(r)" and you had to sell all your Balws® and Bawls(r) to pay the lawsuit and the damages penalties, so you ended having no Bawls® or Bawls(r).
... but the money devalued sooo much that 10 000$ could only afford a gum.
... and John and Tim and all admins locked Corrupt a Wish X (that was already made by other person but didn't catch up) and banned you for life because they were sick of OT getting filled with Corrupt a Wish threads.
But the wish granter took you literally and female deer all over the world started rolling around on the ground and it did not help John or PA.c at all.
I wish all the folks who have made a similar wish would actually send money themselves to support PortableApps.com
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I wish Google decided to phase Chrome out and actively contribute to the development of Firefox and dropped Chrome OS to actively contribute to the development of Ubuntu.
wish granted, but he stole all of the Mozilla devs causing Firefox development to slow to a crawl preventing Firefox 3.5 from being finished before 2010. Happy now?
I wish for world peace.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Everyone put down there guns, knives, bombs, snowballs and nunchuks. For 200 years we were like hippies stopping to smell lilies. Then the aliens came and we were too busy with our vegan practices to defend ourselves from the massacres (Bloody well hope not :p)
I wish there was some legal thing where the UN sued Microsoft, made it open source and after ten years of open source forking turmoil the OS distros were cut down to like 2 or 3 different competing (But friendly competition, just enough so they are all on their toes and working hard to produce the best possible OS) versions of "Open Windows" which were cross compliant.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Everyone went open source. And there were only 3 operating systems: Windows (Which was open source, but still as buggy as before), Mac (Which could still only be run legally on Apple hardware), and PC-DOS (Which changed all of its commands before being released as open-source, so no one knew how to use it).
I wish PortableApps.com bought Microsoft and made all MS programs free, open source, and portable.
Use the search box! Please!
but then what would we be doing here?
i wish john would take my suggestion on supporting 1.1 style themes on the new 1.5 menu
...but then the 2.0 menu was out 2 days after John made that fix and it was incompatible with both 1.1 and 1.5 themes, making your effort useless.
I wish I already started porting my themes to PAM 1.5 and 2.0.
Blue is everything.
But then John licensed PAM so that changing the theme was illegal.
I wish that when PAP 3 comes out, it's a whole OS that boots over the running OS, doesn't require admin rights, and runs really fast.
Use the search box! Please!
...but John re-licensed PAP so it was closed source and SUPER DUPER REALLY EXPENSIVE! It also had some DRM (digital rights manager) that made the FBI knock your door if you pirated it or used it in more than 3 different computers (even tough it was made to use in multiple computers).
I wish double posts were impossible according to quantum physics.
Blue is everything.
But then everyone quadruple posted.
I wish I got $1000 of real US currency every time someone corrupted a wish (Including previously made wishes).
Use the search box! Please!
You made millions but due to the IRS's intensified efforts that have resulted from the economic "crisis" you were charged with fraud, had all your cash confiscated by the federalli's. As an example to others you were imprisoned for 4 years in a cell with "Big Bubba" who had a racket making money of "Webcam Sessions" on the net
I wish you appeal and are released before Big Bubba gets any alone time with you
PortableApps.com Advocate
but he dropped the soap reeeeealy early on
i wish i had monies to build a new comp
You bought the hottest piece of machinery on the market only to find your brand spanking new top of the line pc was manufactured dodgy and wouldn't even turn on. When you went to call up for a replacement you discover the company who built it had gone bankrupt already! and couldn't help you.
I wish some of you guys would have a go at The "T: in John T Haller game I thought up in the OT forum.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Everyone attempted to figure out what the T was, but then John announced that the T wasn't real and just made his name look cool.
I wish for pie!
Use the search box! Please!
wish granted, but it was made of plagued rats.
I wish that I could take my laptop camping.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
but the battery died and u had no way to charge it
i wish i had an lcd to replace my crt (20"+ prefreabbly ;D)
wish granted, but it leaked.
I wish there was a way to create dynamically running NSIS scripts or plugins or somethings.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but they were obsolete
i wish i wasnt so tired -_-
You aren't tired, you are having a mental breakdown!
I wish there was no such thing as homeworks.
Blue is everything.
There is no such thing as homework anymore. Instead kids have to stay at school an extra two hours everyday to get their work done
I wish VirtualBox could be developed to a point that it did not require admin rights or driver installs so that it could be made into a PortableApp : ) Oh and that it didn't have the graphics driver limitation.
PortableApps.com Advocate
but it only ran on solaris XP
i wish i didnt have to wait till saturday to get my desktop back so i could stop using my lappie
But while you were waiting, It exploded and you never got it back!
I wish my brain wasn't corrupted
Have a swiss!
Your brain is restored to it's previous condition. However sergentsiler snapped after his pc exploded and took his frustration out on you with the charred remains of his keyboard.
I wish John won the lottery so he could hire a team of developers to work on PortableApps.com full time Canonical style.
PortableApps.com Advocate
...but instead he blew all of the money on real-estate investments.
I wish Flubber was real.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Wish granted, but it happens to turn evil and you wish you didn't wish that.
I wish I could have a way fast internet connection that costed only a penny a year.
Have a swiss!
...but it was always down, had problems every 5 minutes and the fixing fee was twice as you payed monthly before. Plus it only allowed http traffic, so no torrents, no streams, no ftp, no messenger, no safe https connection, no nothing!
I wish my Internet connection was DSL instead of cable.
Blue is everything.
but your dog OM NOMd every phone cable u had making it impossible to use your dsl
i wish people would not spam D:
All the spammers decided to group together for a viral attack o PA.com which took down the site permanently, infected every file in the sourceforge pages and mashed the servers of everyone doing their own hosting on the site. Also the attackers got a hold of the PA users database and spammed every user and distributed the addresses among the spammer community
I wish I knew C++
PortableApps.com Advocate
... you knew that C++ (read as "C Plus Plus") is a general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language and originally named "C with Classes". It was renamed to C++ in 1983.
(taken from wikipedia)
I wish I knew how to program in C++.
Blue is everything.
... you learn how to program in it, but your code is messy and cannot run on anything that doesn't run Windows 95.
I wish that Windows was free as in freedom, like linux.
"Variables won't; constants aren't."
But then Microsoft started suing Windows users for FAT filesystem patent infringements
I wish gas was cheap and in infinite supply
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Wish Granted but you and the human race are required to eat so much beans and flatulance producing food that you are unable to replicate the population due to the high turn off value of people in general. this led to a massive decline in the population leading to the extenction of the human race albit those who are unable to flatulate but those are probibly dead anyways!.
I wish for more candy!
This wish was already corrupted a few topics below.
Anyway, I'll try to corrupt it on the bottom of the thread.
Blue is everything.
Mod, delete this please!!
"Variables won't; constants aren't."
We're still doing this? I though it was told to move?
Na na na, come on!
But in order to produce the gas, you had to eat baked beans 24/7 and hook up a gas collection system to your butt.
I wish I psychically knew when all the Portable Apps would be released so I didn't ever again need to read "It'll be done when it's done".
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
wish granted but your internet connection that follows you everywhere is at 2400 baud making it nearly impossible to download the apps in a reasonable amount of time.
i wish #portableapps-adult was still active.
But everybody in that channel went to jail because there were under-aged kids in there (oh, and also because the themes you talked in there were so gruesome, disgusting and illegal that when probing the channel for illegalities the FBI agents puked 13 times in 10 minutes).
I wish the new Chrome OS by Google is OpenSource and kicks Windows out of the market!
Blue is everything.
Wish Granted but Microsoft has taken over Apple, Sony and Nintendo and is now making a MS lite and a Xbox360 portable as well as the WindowsPod[tm] and ZuneMan(c). Oh and you will love the MSii.
I wish i knew what is so addicting about these chips.
The chips are made of humans and have poison, so they can kill the human eating them to make more chips.
I wish I knew why is Mir eating chips made of humans
Blue is everything.
Wish Granted it is because Mir has invested so much money in Soylent Green in the development of a new product called Soylent Red which is also know by the trademark of I Still Cant Belive Its not Real People[tm].
I wish i knew what video game console God has.
He owns a Sega Genesis
I wish for a paid month off of work
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wish Granted but the place you work for went out of business 2 days into your paid vacation and where unable to pay you for the rest and you are now unemployed.
I wish some body would find the nutritional facts for mucus.
Wish granted, but the man died from a heart attack upon finding out how bad mucus was for you and his results were lost.
I wish that people would stop mispronouncing my username
Simplifying daily life through technology
Wish granted now due to you choosing such a difficult to pronounce user name everyone else's nick is unpronouncable creating mass hysteria and lolz.
i wish this wish was meaningful.
Wish Granted. But what was that meaningful wish about?
I wish John would get Pnotes 4.7 out so I can see his new code.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Wish granted. But John made it closed source, so you wern't allowed to legally read the source no more.
I wish for ham!
Use the search box! Please!
But before you could slaughter the defenseless little piglet and roast him, the unnaturally intelligent spider named Charlotte wrote "Some Pig" and "Humble" in her web above his stall, and you were too guilt-ridden to do the deed, so you had a tofu, lettuce and tomato sandwich instead.
I wish the PA Platform was set up to use extensions like Firefox, so we wouldn't have to put so much pressure on JTH to code in new functionality.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
...but the extensions platform was horribly limited, incredibly hard to code in, and incredibly heavy on the Platform. This caused the Platform to become sluggish, and nobody wrote extensions due to how complicated it was.
I wish I had total control over the HTML/CSS code used to display all webpages, so I could make the entire Internet a semantic place.
Blue is everything.
but you grew mad with power.
i wish i could make the perfect os
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
You got a job at General Mills making Cheerios, and you got so good at it, you eventually made perfect o's
I wish I could figure out what the heck happened to the admin interface of my Joomal Site.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
...it blew up.
I wish I gave some quality uses to my free time to learn a programing language or an instrument, for example.
Blue is everything.
But you started out so badly at the clarinet, that your noise killed 15 people, and deafened 50 more. You were charged for murder, assault, disturbing the public peace, and malpractice.
I wish that somebody would rename this thread "Corrupt a Wish--The Final Season!"
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted... but then the 1337 h4x0rz renamed it.
I wish I knew how to make potato chips
Use the search box! Please!
Wish granted, but then all the potatoes suddenly died, so you couldn't use your awesome potato chip-making skills at all.
iWish no one ever used IE.
Have a swiss!
Everybody used Netscape 1, that has a great and complete interpretation of HTML 1 (I suppose
) specs. That means no cool websites like this, because not even the ancient flawed ways of displaying style weren't available.
I wish everybody used the latest version of a decent rendering engine, with support for the entire latest versions of (x)HTML/CSS/JavaScript specs.
Blue is everything.
wish granted, but then the World's governments made a world-wide ban on all (x)HTML/CSS/JavaScript, then, as everyone kept using it, most of the world was punished for their crimes by being sent to Vulkan, where there is no internet. The remaining World's population made all made their websites out of Perl.
I wish more people would made Perl CMS's.
Use the search box! Please!
wish granted, but they all failed to work :3
i wish i could use a regular irc client at school D:
Wish Granted!
But you could only connect to SchooLirc, all assignments, all the time!
I wish I could have a pony (well . . not really)
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Wish granted but the pony has a back problem and cannot carry a load of more than 20lbs.
I wish there would be a Episode 10 of Corrupt a wish!
But Ryan McCue came like a bat out of hell and deleted with nano seconds of it being put up
I wish Tupac was still alive
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wash granted, but then everyone else died
I wish that Season 10 came out and had an anti-Ryan-deletion field on it!
Use the search box! Please!
But Tim Clark came like a bat out of hell and deleted within nano seconds of it being put up
I wish Bruce Lee was still alive
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wish granted but his being alive caused a massive rift and while he and chuck norris fought for ultimate domination the world suffered destruction due to the fighting between the two and the world is left as a desert wasteland.
I wish verizon would actualy keep my internet connection at the speed i pay for.
Wish granted. But you started paying $0.01 so you got a 5bps connection speed and you weren't allowed to upgrade.
I wish Season 10 came out and had an anti-PA.c-Moderator field around it.
Use the search box! Please!
Wish Granted but then the site went down... for good.
I wish people would stop using the "reply" button
Wish granted, but then all new posts became replies.
I wish that season 10 would come out, be immune to mods, internet fails, sites going down, etc.
Use the search box! Please!
But everyone kept using Season 9 anyway
I wish Obama would release evidence demonstrating that the Bush administration deliberately lied to the world to justify invading Iraq. Also that the US and rest of the world's people reacted to the news positively giving America back some of its lost moral leadership.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wish Granted! But then it turned out that Bush actually knew what he was doing and prevented NewYork from being nuked.
I wish for server in my house.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But Cheney accidentally shot it when he was "hunting". Doesn't work now
I wish I wasn't so tired.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wish Granted but the server is a dual pentium 1 with a whopping 16mb ram and 6X 500mb SCSI-1 drives.
I wish the last wish was wishy enough to be granted
but you were so hyperactive that you had a heart attack.
i wish i could have ftp access to my home server from school D:
...but you didn't have
access from schoolI wish I could afford a
host (.pt
would be fine too (for those who don't know,.pt
is the portuguese domain (nested parenthesis FTW!))).Blue is everything.
Wish granted but the internet community stopped using .com and removed the ability to access .com host from all web browsers.
I wish for a wish that was uncorruptable.
Your wish breaks Corrupt A Wish. Little did you or anyone else know that corrupt a wish was the conduit through which the gods sent their energies to the universe in the form of its participants imaginations. With the energy source cut off the world slowly dies. The universe begins to retract and eventually there is nothing but void and the gods shaking their heads in despair. After aeons of nothingness the gods hatch a plan to revive the world. They re-initiate Corrupt-A-Wish. The Earth is reborn. All that once was is again. The entire history of man is relived in an instant. The only difference is the delivery of this message warning of what has happened. There is only one chance. Mir must corrupt his own wish.
I wish Mir makes the right choice.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wish granted, but then throughout the confusion it ended up to be wrong.
I wish I know the future.
You saw blight, hatred, war, fighting, etc.
In your quest to stop and save the world, you tripped over the leader of Russia's netbook, which got you and him into a fight, and then the U.S. sent over a nuclear missile to help, and World War III thus commenced.
I wish I had a portable video editor.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted but the videoedito edited videos that you dont like or should not watch.
I wish i had more Bawls(r)!
...but Bawls® sued you for getting the illicit copies "Bawls(r)" and you had to sell all your Balws® and Bawls(r) to pay the lawsuit and the damages penalties, so you ended having no Bawls® or Bawls(r).
I wish for a ceramic tile.
Blue is everything.
It broke :P.
I wish I had $8000, with no strings attached, and I didn't lose it.
BTW, I want to make Corrupt-A-Wish Season X.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
... but the money devalued sooo much that 10 000$ could only afford a gum.
... and John and Tim and all admins locked Corrupt a Wish X (that was already made by other person but didn't catch up) and banned you for life because they were sick of OT getting filled with Corrupt a Wish threads.
I wish I had a plastic ceramic looking tile.
Blue is everything.
It melted }:)
I wish that the OP would rename this darn thing.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted, but it was a very obscure name, and no one knew what it was renamed to, so Corrupt a Wish on PA.c died.
Use the search box! Please!
I wish that daBomb69 knew the rules and had made a wish.
Blue is everything.
It came true. }:)
I wish.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
... but your wish wished a lot of wishes that illegally wished the wishing of wishes wishing the wishes wished, so you got in jail.
I wish for a brick.
Blue is everything.
DigitXP threw a brick at you
I wish we could get some doe rolling for PA.com so John could hire some developers.
PortableApps.com Advocate
But the wish granter took you literally and female deer all over the world started rolling around on the ground and it did not help John or PA.c at all.
I wish all the folks who have made a similar wish would actually send money themselves to support PortableApps.com
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
But John received so many rolls of loose change that he was unable to keep working on PortableApps.com for many months.
I wish Fall was a warmer season.
Hey, maybe it'll come true then global warming goes a bit further...
I wish for a wish that I can wish without a wish that is a wish.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
You get nothing
I wish Google decided to phase Chrome out and actively contribute to the development of Firefox and dropped Chrome OS to actively contribute to the development of Ubuntu.
(Well I can wish can't I :p)
PortableApps.com Advocate