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[Outdated] SMPlayer Portable 0.6.9 Development Test 5

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[Outdated] SMPlayer Portable 0.6.9 Development Test 5

This has been released. See SMPlayer Portable.

Application: SMPlayer
Category: Music & Video
License: GNU GPL
Language: Multilingual
Description: SMPlayer Portable is the popular SMPlayer packaged with a Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your video player with you. It has all the same great features as SMPlayer including remembering the settings of all the files you play, configurable subtitles, audio track switching, seeking by mouse wheel, video equalizer, multiple speed playback, playlists and more plus, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your favourite video player with you wherever you go.

Download SMPlayer Portable 0.6.9 Development Test 5 [15MB download / 19MB installed (24MB incl. languages)]
(MD5: 60e3756863a38cbaeed438c90a18722f)

Download MPlayer Codecs for SMPlayer Portable Development Test 3 [1+10MB download / 22MB installed]
(MD5: b2de8b67f89cc6cfd7b38f2be30fc62c)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.

Release Notes:

0.6.9 Development Test 5 (2010-08-27):

  • "Other\Source\Readme.txt" replaced.
  • "App\readme.txt" added.
  • "App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" typo corrected.
  • Removed [Languages] section from "installer.ini".
  • Non-English docs & all translations are now an optional component.
  • Single quotes in CommandLineArguments removed (although that's not how I read the docs). But tested and working.
  • SingleAppInstance is still "true" (mplayer.exe will crash if the local and portable versions both try to access the same DVD at the same time).
  • "DirectoryMoveOK=yes" added. Still compiled with PAL 2.0 though.
  • Removed unused & empty "App\SMPlayer\imageformats" & "App\SMPlayer\screenshots" folders.

0.6.9 Development Test 4 (2010-07-30):

  • Converted to PAL 2.0.
  • Added "-config-path" to command line (no more moving files).
  • Added appicon_128.png.
  • Re-compiled plugin installer with the latest gizmos (no change in files/functionality).

0.6.9 Development Test 3 (2010-05-20):

  • Looks like I messed up my relative paths in the last release. It's fixed now (again!) but if you have "X:PortableApps\Data\settings\fontconfig" you can probably delete it :-). Sorry about that one.

0.6.9 Development Test 2 (2010-05-14):

  • "%USERPROFILE%/fontconfig" was sometimes being created so the font cache is now redirected by "App\SMPlayer\mplayer\fonts\fonts.conf" to the settings directory, just in case.
  • Screenshots redirected to "Data\screenshots" (requires clean install).
  • Corrected languages in "installer.ini".
  • Removed some INI options, added SecondaryLaunch check.
  • Clean install recommended.

0.6.9 Development Test 1 (2010-02-25):

  • Removed "imageformats\qjpeg4.dll" (creates Trolltech regkey).
  • Compressed "App\SMPlayer" with PA.c AppCompactor (default settings).

0.6.8 Development Test 3 (2010-01-13):

  • Removed DefaultData. INI files now written on first run.
  • $PROFILE\.dvdcss still backed up & restored but not saved to $SETTINGSDIRECTORY anymore (same as VLC).
  • 256 icon removed from appicon.ini.
  • Minor PA.c Format/launcher tweaks incl. NSIS 2.46/Installer 1.02 (app + plugin).

0.6.8 Development Test 2 (2009-08-19):

  • Improved language switching.
  • Fixes for inconsistent language codes between Platform 1.5.2 and 2.0 Beta.

0.6.8 Development Test 1 (2009-07-28):

  • No major issues with the update to SMPlayer 0.6.8.
  • Good to see "qjpeg4.dll" has also been removed from the official package.
  • App\SMPlayer directory compressed with NRV2E (AppCompactor default).

MPlayer Codecs (2009-07-24):

  • Added plugin installer. This is a 'live' (not sure of the naming convention yet) installer which will download and install the codec packs from here.

0.6.7 Development Test 13 (2009-07-14):

  • Removed qjpeg4.dll. Video preview now defaults to .png and SMPlayer will no longer write anything to the registry. All related code has been removed from the launcher. Thanks invasion.
  • A couple of minor code optimizations...

0.6.7 Development Test 12 (2009-06-08):

  • Now with added UPX! App\SMPlayer directory (except imageformats\qjpeg4.dll) compressed with NRV2E (AppCompactor default). Thanks Hubbabub.
  • Installer compiled with Installer 0.91.1.

0.6.7 Development Test 11 (2009-05-29):

  • Updated to Format 0.91.
  • Installer compiled with Installer 0.91.0.
  • Rewritten help file.
  • Tried compressing the App\SMPlayer directory with NRV2E (Default) but "smplayer.exe" crashes immediately! So... still no UPX.

0.6.7 Development Test 10 (2009-05-17):

  • Updated to Format 0.90 and installer compiled with Installer 0.90.0.
  • "SMPlayer_portable.reg" now deleted by installer.

0.6.7 Development Test 9 (2009-05-16):

  • Changed registry handling to play nice with other apps which use the "HKCU\Software\Trolltech" key.
  • You can now delete the "SMPlayer_portable.reg" file in Data\settings.

0.6.7 Development Test 8 (2009-05-14):

0.6.7 Development Test 7 (2009-05-11):

  • Launcher updated to latest paf specs.
  • Removed rename & messagebox from file check (dev test 5).

0.6.7 Development Test 6 (2009-04-24):

  • Updated to Installer 0.13.3.

0.6.7 Development Test 5 (2009-04-24):

  • Compiled with new makensis.exe (Windows 7 bugfix).
  • SMPlayer now checks for "Data\settings\.dvdcss-Backup" and prompts for action if found.

    • 1. At startup, SMPlayer copies .dvdcss to the local system and renames the folder in "Data\settings".
    • 2. At shutdown, SMPlayer moves the folder from the local system back into "Data\settings" and deletes the backup.

    If SMPlayer doesn't shut down properly (hasty removal of USB stick/power cut etc.) the folder is left on the local system (and may or may not be recoverable) but you are still left with the backup folder in "settings" and given the choice of whether to restore it or not.

    See the script for details or just manually create the folder ".dvdcss-Backup" in "Data\settings" to test it.

  • Default directory is now "X:\Documents\Videos"

0.6.7 Development Test 4 (2009-04-07):

  • APPDATA Redirect removed and replaced with the previous "CopyFiles" method.

0.6.7 Development Test 3 (2009-04-07):

  • "Per file" settings now correctly saved (changed from SMPlayer 0.6.6).
  • .dvdcss now handled by a modified version of Chris Morgan's APPDATA Redirect.
  • Non-standard NSIS includes now in Other\Source.
  • A clean install, although not required, is recommended.

0.6.7 Development Test 2 (2009-04-05):

  • A copy of the .dvdcss folder is now left in Data\settings until the launcher closes.

0.6.7 Development Test 1 (2009-04-01): Initial release

Install Notes:
This package uses SMPlayer's own portable version and is not an update of any previous dev test releases so a clean install is required.

Tested with:
XP Home SP2 (Admin)

Thanks to Patrick for hosting.

Previous Development Test:
SMPlayer Portable 0.6.1 Development Test 5

Cheetah's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-07 14:36
Launcher loops from old profile

If I launch this with the Data folder from an older dev/test release, the launcher goes into an infinite loop somwehere. Works fine with a clean data folder.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Thanks for the report.

This is built using SMPlayer's own portable version and isn't an update of any previous dev test releases so I guess that's the reason. I should have noted that in the initial post. Corrected.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Updated to dev test 3

See release notes for changes.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14
Windows 7 Beta

Just tested this on the Win7 beta and so far it works great. I've been using SMPlayer's portable version for a while now, but it's nice to finally have a properly PAF'd version.

One thing I did notice, though, is that the launcher is redirecting AppData. However, it appears the only thing that's been written to AppData while I was testing this is a folder, Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer, which appears to contain a bunch of thumbnail cache files. Surely those have nothing to do with SMPlayer given that they're in the Microsoft\Windows folder?

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Yes, you're right

Visiting the web-based FAQ from the Help menu produces similar results (Mozilla\Firefox folders) so I have gone back to the 'old-fashioned' way of copying the files (.dvdcss) in and out of AppData on launch and exit.

I will try and have a look into this, perhaps it was my implementation of the script, but it seems more sensible to return to the tried and trusted method for the moment, hence the update. Thanks for the find and the report.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Just a follow up

to Bruce's report, I've tested the APPDATA Redirect script in it's default configuration and I'm getting the same results - using Help-FAQ opens Firefox and creates Mozilla folders in "Data\settings\Application Data". Which would explain the "Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" folder scenario too. Not ideal.

So we'll stick with "CopyFiles". Thanks for testing.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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AppData redirection has issues

Sorry about that. I really need to put in a "Caveats" section about it. In fact, I've decided to deprecate it - there are few applications for which it will not make a mess of things. Anything which could start the system default web browser or which uses the Windows file open/save dialogs is automatically disqualified from using it as it'll break things - the file selection dialogs actually don't open when redirected unless certain subdirectories (which you won't be able to accurately predict without messily reading certain registry values) exist.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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I always thought

that it was okay to redirect %APPDATA%, you just couldn't redirect %USERPROFILE% without causing issues. I guess I was wrong...

Another issue I noticed (obviously this is moot now but I thought I'd mention it anyway) was that the AppData folder in Data\settings would instead be called "Application Data" under XP.

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 days ago
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me too

I thought the NSIS-Launcher would only redirect APPDATA for the launcher and its child processes and not system wide. So I thought it would be ok to use.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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It's not system-wide, but anything launched by the app (like your local web browser, for instance) inherits the new values, so you still have to be careful. Also, this inheritance is recursive, so if said web browser then launches something else (like an email client), that app also inherits the settings...

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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Sorry, more confusion ;-)

APPDATA redirecting by itself (viz, without USERPROFILE redirecting) with will not interfere with things like the file selection dialogs, but it will mess with things like Internet Explorer which use the complex USERPROFILE/APPDATA method, making them dodgy.

APPDATA+USERPROFILE redirecting will also cause issues with file selection dialogs.

The technique which one uses for such redirection applies to the current process (viz, the launcher), and all processes which get started from that process (viz, the program and any programs it starts, including things like IE for links online)

BTW Bruce, my redirection script automatically worked out the proper directory structure - "Application Data" on XP English, "AppData\Roaming" on Vista English, etc. But as you say, it is now moot Smile

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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What I meant was that

since the launcher stored a different AppData folder structure in Data\settings depending on the version of Windows, running it again on a different version would result in it trying to read the portabilized AppData from the wrong folder, i.e. not fully portable.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Renames back

My APPDATA redirection script works fine. If it's abnormally terminated it won't work (fix was on the way but I don't think I can be bothered now) but under any other circumstance it'll rename it back to AppData on conclusion, from which it will start again next time you start it.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
Good app

Good app. I like having MPlayer on my flash drive as an alternative to VLC, but let's face it, it's a pretty lousy media player. The engine is good but the features are lacking. It's a nice backup but not something I enjoy using when I have to. On the other hand, I like where SMPlayer is heading. Same engine as MPlayer so it still serves as that VLC alternative, but it does more, so I don't feel like I'm compromising for the sake of a potentially more stable engine (I've had one DVD, and a couple different .avi videos fail in VLC, but MPlayer played them just fine).

I can't use your version with the .paf launcher because my employer's net nanny doesn't like your web host, but I'm using the portable one from the Sourceforge site. I just had to hide (rename to dash) a helper app and it's good to go.

Perhaps one day soon SMPlayer could replace MPlayer in the applications directory?

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14
Couldn't you just download

Couldn't you just download the .paf.exe at home, then, if it's just your employer's setup that doesn't like the download? Or do you not have Internet access at home...?

And I too long for the day SMPlayer is in the directory. The MPlayer engine itself is second to none, but MPUI's interface is ancient.

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Updated to dev test 5

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Updated to dev test 6

See release notes for changes.

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Updated to dev test 7

See release notes for changes.

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Updated to dev test 8

See release notes for changes.

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Updated to dev test 9

See release notes for changes.

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Updated to dev test 10

See release notes for changes.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
All Good

I've been using this since dev 7 or 9 and haven't had any issues at all. It's good to see your keeping it up to the cutting edge with regards to PAF spec. I look forward to seeing it go to pre-release. Advocate

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glad to hear it's all going well Smile

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Updated to dev test 11

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-13 08:04
UPX compressing

It will work if you don't UPX compress the DLL file (qjpeg4.dll) in smplayer/imageformats

I have compressed most of the files in SMPlayer with
upx --best --compress-icons=0 --nrv2d --crp-ms=999999 -k

> Tried compressing the App\SMPlayer directory with NRV2E (Default)
> but "smplayer.exe" crashes immediately! So... still no UPX

Big bubbles! No troubles!

Last seen: 4 days 11 hours ago
Joined: 2008-05-07 16:54
I also had problems

I also had problems when trying to compress this program - always getting program crashes.
I then went to the original portable version, not the paf one, and compressed everything with appcompactor with the default settings. I added in some codecs (also compressed) for rmvb.
The package set up this way is 13.9 Mb and is 100% reliable.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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I'm not following...

this is the original (not quite) portable version, the one downloadable at the SMPlayer site (see install notes above). Or do you mean the original MPlayer?

Yeah, I saw your thread on the MPlayer codecs. I might do a plug-in installer if there's any interest, or even if there isn't Smile

I'm only using that pack from the MPlayer site at the moment...

Last seen: 4 days 11 hours ago
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It was the portable one from the smplayer site

I am not sure of all the file types that MPlayer/SMplayer can actually play & my suggestion is for people to just try the program and only install the extra codecs as needed as opposed to installing a complete codec pack.

Here is a list of the 6 files needed to play rmvb. You can find these in Real Alternative or in the Windows essential codec pack.

C:\Program Files\smplayer-portable-0.6.7\mplayer\codecs\cook.dll
C:\Program Files\smplayer-portable-0.6.7\mplayer\codecs\drv33260.dll
C:\Program Files\smplayer-portable-0.6.7\mplayer\codecs\drv43260.dll
C:\Program Files\smplayer-portable-0.6.7\mplayer\codecs\pncrt.dll
C:\Program Files\smplayer-portable-0.6.7\mplayer\codecs\sipr3260.dll
C:\Program Files\smplayer-portable-0.6.7\mplayer\codecs\tokr3260.dll

I would also suggest that if anyone else is using any unusual video format to provide a similar list for the users here.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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So do you think there should

So do you think there should be a plugin installer per format or per pack?

Yes, it would be interesting to know which files in those packs related to which formats.

Last seen: 4 days 11 hours ago
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Consider these numbers: 416kB or 13.29MB

I did a double check with the SMPlayer site which leads back to the MPLayer site for the codecs.

As you all probably know, SMPlayer/MPlayer will play a large number of file types through its built in codecs, but you still need to add in extra codecs for some of the less popular file types.

In my example above, there are only 6 files at 416 kB (compressed) needed to play rmvb.

Windows essential 20071007 codec pack is available from the MPlayer site - A total of 64 files at 13.29 Mb after being compressed with appcompactor. Remember this is addition to the installed program so it basically doubles the program size.
If you look at the contents of the codec pack, you will see that they have included some QuickTime codecs which are already in the SMPlayer package. Also note that these Quicktime codecs are in the main program directory whereas in comparison, all additional codecs are installed into the "codec" sub-directory. There is no point in duplicating codecs.

I have copied a list of supported file types from the MPlayer site.
(I take this to mean "supported - subject to installed codecs")

Supported Input Formats

(S)VCD (Super Video CD)
CDRwin's .bin image file
DVD, including encrypted DVD
AVI file format
ASF/WMV/WMA format
QT/MOV/MP4 format
RealAudio/RealVideo format
Ogg/OGM files
NSV (Nullsoft Streaming Video)
VIVO format
FLI format
NuppelVideo format
yuv4mpeg format
FILM (.cpk) format
RoQ format
PVA format
TV grabbing

Supported Video and Audio Codecs
most important video codecs:

MPEG-1 (VCD) and MPEG-2 (SVCD/DVD/DVB) video
MPEG-4 ASP in all variants including DivX ;-), OpenDivX (DivX4),
DivX 5 (Pro), Xvid
MPEG-4 AVC aka H.264
Windows Media Video 7/8 (WMV1/2)
Windows Media Video 9 (WMV3) (using x86 DLL)
RealVideo 1.0, 2.0 (G2)
RealVideo 3.0 (RP8), 4.0 (RP9) (using Real libraries)
Sorenson v1/v3 (SVQ1/SVQ3), Cinepak, RPZA and other QuickTime codecs
DV video
Intel Indeo3 (3.1, 3.2)
Intel Indeo 4.1 and 5.0 (using x86 DLL or XAnim codecs)
VIVO 1.0, 2.0, I263 and other H.263(+) variants (using x86 DLL)
MJPEG, AVID, VCR2, ASV2 and other hardware formats
various old simple RLE-like formats

In summary, the SMPlayer program will play most of the normally accepted file types. I think that it is up to people like myself and others who use these oddball file types to let the others know what codecs to add in to play certain files and perhaps a "stickied posting" or prominent text file in the codec directory of the program might be a good idea so that there is an eventual list formed showing file type versus codecs required. Finally, the sooner that SMPlayer officially replaces that horrible MPui(mplayer) player, the better for us all.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Yeah, that seems to have done the trick...

leaving out imageformats\qjpeg4.dll. I'll run it for a few days and then do dev test 12. Thanks a lot Smile

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Updated to dev test 12

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-15 01:11

Hello and thank you for your work.

Just tried this player and I think there are some registry keys left behind:


Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Hmm, those Qt keys are a nuisance :-)

If you could answer a couple of questions...

Are you installing to the default "X:\PortableApps" directory?

What does "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Trolltech" contain? You could use RegShot and post the results if you like.

Thanks for testing and reporting back.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-15 01:11
Hi, I use SMPlayer on my


I use SMPlayer on my local PC and just tried it on USB stick. It seems that those reg keys are only when using it locally.

Searching on google I've found something about those registry:

If qjpeg4.dll is deleted, there will be no Trolltech registry even when using the player locally.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Thanks for the info and the

Thanks for the info and the link, I'll definitely check that out.

Unfortunately, there will be issues removing those keys if it's not installed to the default path, whether locally or on the stick. Perhaps I'll add a note up at the top there for the time being.

Thanks again for your report Smile

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
I had a read through that

I had a read through that thread and yes, you're right, deleting "imageformats\qjpeg4.dll" does prevent any writing to the registry. It's only used for the video preview feature and this defaults straight to .png (and works fine) if the file isn't found. Problem solved. I'm presuming user "rvm" is the dev, too.

I think there's a good case for repackaging this without that file and stripping the registry code from the launcher. This would prevent any possible conflict with other apps that use the Qt GUI. Anybody else have any thoughts before I just go ahead and do it? Smile

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Updated to dev test 13

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-15 01:11
Thank you for the update! It

Thank you for the update! It works great now!

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Added plugin installer.

Added plugin installer.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Updated SMPlayer to 0.6.8

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-28 00:39
I think this should be one of

I think this should be one of the official apps here.

Thanks for keeping this updated and keep up the good work

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 1 year 12 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
So far so good, prelim

So far so good, prelim testing was on Windows 7 RC which ran good no errors and also in a plus side passes commandline parameters very nicely,
everything looks good also in a vm copy I have of Windows XP SP3 and also on my desktop running Windows Vista Home Premium SP2, so I personally think this is ready for a pre-release hopefully the other release team members test this, this may become final Smile

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Thanks Zach, all good to

Thanks Zach, all good to hear.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Updated to 0.6.8 dev test 2

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-28 00:39
the settings aren't being

the settings aren't being saved in \SMPlayerPortable\Data\settings\smplayer.ini but instead only in \SMPlayerPortable\App\SMPlayer\smplayer.ini

the previous versions worked fine thought

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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I can't reproduce this. It

I can't reproduce this. It behaves as expected here. You haven't, by any chance, got the file in both locations have you?

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-28 00:39
yeap, i did. i guess that was

yeap, i did. i guess that was the problem.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
You're welcome, glad you got

You're welcome, glad you got it sorted out :-)

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Updated to 0.6.8 Development Test 3

I went to download a fresh copy of MPlayer yesterday and saw that it had been pulled and was linking here so I did a quick update. Nothing major... See release notes for changes.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

What are you talking about, MPlayer had been pulled and was linking here? MPlayer and SMPlayer Portable are two different things, you're going to have to clarify what you mean...

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look at

"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 2 min ago
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MPlayer on Windows

MPlayer on Windows is basically dead and unsupported. At least from a stable (or even alpha or beta quality) release standpoint. The MPlayer team itself doesn't even recommend using their direct Windows builds anymore. They point to SMPlayer now instead as their recommended download.

The last MPlayer release for Windows was 1.0 RC 2, over 2 years ago. It has multiple major security vulnerabilities and should not be used. There doesn't appear to be any effort to doing any additional Windows milestones, so your only choice is to download a nightly build.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Love it!

Just wanted to say thanks for making this available.

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Updated to 0.6.9 Development Test 1

See release notes for changes.

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Updated to 0.6.9 Development Test 2

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-17 05:43
Looks good here

Win7Pro x64. Can't see anything left behind in USERPROFILE.
fontconfig is definitely no longer created there.

App runs fine, and actually seems to start way faster for being a fresh install (I must have built some cruft up over time).


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Thanks Jimbo

Always nice to hear that things are working as expected Smile

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Updated to 0.6.9 Development Test 3

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Updated to 0.6.9 Development Test 4

See release notes for changes.

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-17 16:43
Does not work on win7

installed smplayer
attempted to install codecs = error and stops there.
smplayer doesn't play anything. Starts and then crashes. . . where the previous portable worked fine for the same video.

This is also true for the portable smplayer not from portableapps. . . even after adding codecs.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-17 05:43
Works fine here on win7 (32bit and 64bit)

Sounds more like you have a codec problem. The codec installer is an online-installer, so it may be that it couldn't download the codec pack for whatever reason. Which rather sounds like what you say you're seeing.

Could it be hitting a firewall at your end?

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-17 16:43
Found the problem

the online codec is "extra" which I can download directly, thus the portableapps installer for the codec still does not complete-no firewall problem; however, to get smplayer working I did. . .

1. after installing smplayer launch it
2. preferences->advanced->options for Mplayer
3. delete -nofontconfig
4. open and play a known good file.
5. close smplayer
6. launch smplayer
7. preferences->advanced->options for Mplayer
8. add -nofontconfig back

Everything now works. . .

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Online codec installer

Online codec installer just checked and seems to be working fine. I'm not sure what -nofontconfig has to do with it though?

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Test results

Tested: SMPlayer Portable 0.6.9 Development Test 4

  • Audio, video, screenshots
  • Fiddling with preferences and other things with switches or knobs
  • Installation of MPlayer codecs
  • PAF compliance
  • Not leaving anything behind
  • Language switching (French and a language SMPlayer doesn't have, and preserving the last set language when run without PAP)
  • Functionality on Server 2003 R2 with admin
  • Briefer test to make sure it runs on Ubuntu 10.04 with Wine 1.2
  • Secondary launch (SMPlayer seems to pretty much keep a secondary instance separate.)
  • Interface switching (wow. 18pt bold Comic Sans MS with underline and strikethrough makes for a weird-looking UI.)
  • Running from a directory with a space in it

Not tested:

  • MPlayer codecs (don't know of anything I have to test them on)
  • Playing a CD or DVD

Results: minor improvements could be made. Ready for pre-release and pending these few changes official release.

  • Other\Source doesn't match the app template for the Launcher. Unimportant.
  • App\readme.txt is missing. While not in the PAF spec, most or all apps include it. The PAL app template has it provideed.
  • App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini: [Details]:AppId should be AppID (typo in PAF spec, now corrected).
  • App\AppInfo\installer.ini:
    • I would recommend that you get rid of the [Languages] section. Better to make the installer available in as many languages as possible rather than miss one someone wants just because it's not supported in SMPlayer itself, in my opinion.
    • I reckon that 5.2MB of App\SMPlayer\translations and App\SMPlayer\docs\[* except en] is worth while splitting off into the optional component. It works with these directories missing, too.
  • Launcher:
    • No need for the single quotes in CommandLineArguments='-config-path "%PAL:DataDir%\settings"' (doesn't start with a quote)
    • I think you could probably have SingleAppInstance=false, in view of the multiple-instance behaviour I observed. The only point where the portable and non-portable versions touch is ~/.dvdcss. If you've played DVDs with it then you'd know what goes on there and whether it's safe to have it being moved by SMPlayer Portable while SMPlayer is playing a DVD or such. It might not be.
    • Moving the whole directory is supported, so for better PAL 2.1 compatibility you could put in [Launch]:DirectoryMoveOK=yes (default is warn, you can probably guess what it does).

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
Updated to 0.6.9 Development Test 5

See release notes for changes.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

OK, you're ready to go. I wonder whether we could skip Pre-Release here when John produces the splash screen, and just release it on Monday or Tuesday without a Pre-Release before; it's been used by a fairly vast number of people compared to most apps, and there are no longer any issues from my thorough test.

Just to clarify the quotes in INI reading for the command line arguments thing, INI reading doesn't pay any attention to the contents of the string, just the first and last characters, for quoting. It's character-based, rather than nesting-based. So that means that if the first and last characters are both " or both ', they will be removed, but if you just have " at the end but not " at the start, it's an unquoted string.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-15 16:35
What's the difference between this and the one from Sourceforge?

Could somebody explain in a few words please the difference between this and smplayer-portable from Sourceforge?


Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
More portable

That's fairly portable but it still has a few issues; this makes that package more portable and also puts it in Format.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-15 16:35
settings while running locally

I've unset language in smplayer.ini to get "Autodetect". That worked well so far.
But when I set RunLocally=true in SMPlayerPortable.ini the language is en_US again!

%TEMP%\SMPlayerPortableLive\Data\settings\smplayer.ini seems to contain the default settings and not to be a copy of ...\Data\settings\smplayer.ini.
Both %TEMP%\SMPlayerPortableLive and %TEMP%\SMPlayerPortableTemp are gone after ending SMPlayer.

How to preset the settings when using RunLocally=true?

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-15 16:35
how to use the -config-path option?

I have a couple of different smplayer config settings and use to start it with the -config-path option pointing to the specific config.
But it seems this smplayer ignores this parm.

Any help appreciated!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 2 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
One Config

The launcher uses config-path to point to the portable config. So the setting isn't available for you to use on top of that. You can use two copies of the app if you really need entirely different sets of configuration.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-15 16:35
One config

It might be helpfull to have a new parameter for the PA-wrapper to select one of several settings, say

  • Data\settings1
  • Data\settings2
  • Data\settings3
  • ...

which would be copied to %TEMP%\SMPlayerPortableLive\Data\settings then resp. let config-path point at it.
It would give you the flexibility to have one config for interlaced videos, one for noninterlaced, for large videos, for small videos, loud and silent videos, ...

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