This is a continuation of a old post, here. I've moved it since I'm starting over at Dev Test 1.
Category: Games
Description: FakeNES is a NES emulator written in C, and thus its very portable. I like it, and thought it'd be a good place to start in the world of portablizing things.
Download FakeNES Portable Development Test 1 [953 KB download / 1.44MB installed]
(MD5: 42845ced6b0cecae80da90b081212c4a)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2008-03-04): Initial release
For the interested, I would say bottom rate is 1.6 ghz, with 512 sdram. Its still kind of buggy, but it runs
You should probably just delete your data folder before installing.
However link is currently down. Also have you considered the new emulator that I beleive is by the team that created FakeNES that combines Nes and N64 emulation? Advocate
I haven't seen that. Got a link?
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Checked out the FakeNES site recently? It redirects to the new site
Also the new emulator doesn't seem to have even a source code repository up on yet... just FakeNES stuff still.
FakeNES actually looks dead, hasn't had an SVN check in for over a year. No news or anything about the "new" emulator for over four months, not even a source code repository or anything. Doesn't look promising.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
Note recently, no.
I've noted that its dead, I wish I had the C skills to pick it up again, though
oh well
Interesting. I wouldn't have said that it failed, myself, since its always ran when I asked it too . . . Neat, well, look forward to that if it ever comes to fruition.
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Kadence Advocate
Just thought I'd report this bug to whomever it may concern (don't worry, I'm not looking for support, just reporting really). My copy here won't find the folder in which the roms are. This is very misterious.
For example, if I put my roms in \Documents\roms\, the program won't find folder \Documents so I can navigate to the roms location (still showing the other folders and files normally. If I move them to \PortableApps\FakeNES\roms\, it will revert to finding \Documents\, but will stop finding \PortableApps\.
Hope it means something to anyone. Now I'm back to using Nestopia
The FakeNES Portable has a folder within the App or Data folder called roms. The launcher might be coded to look there each time? Advocate
Huh?. That's really odd. I just tested it on my machine, and it works fine.
In the Data\settings folder, there's a .cfg. Can you pastebin that? Actually, all I really need is the part that looks like this:
You can delete anything incrementing.
FakeNES was a beta, so that may be bug just from the beta.
Does this error happen when you switch drives?
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maybe it's just me and my inexperience, but how do you run fakeNES?
i downloaded your GZ file and tried to open it...
but my computer asked me what to open it with...
and now i don't know what to do...
Download that and run it.
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I think Nestopia would be a better one to make portable, imo.
I agree with the Nestopia idea.
I can think of many ways to respond to what you two have just posted.
If you had tried Searching, you would have found a ton of posts to add your voices to. If you had read the old forum post, you would have found people commenting on its stability as well.
Personally, I think that saying to somebody, "oh you should have done this other piece of software" is quite rude. Commenting on the portabilization code is fine. I appreciate the poking people have done for me on this.
The software is actually a beta, but for the places I use it,I have found it to be stable.
Please, if you want another piece of software, request it in the forums or do a search and add you voice to those who have already asked. Asking here will get you nothing.
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I'm sorry about that. I just saw the new post in this thread, recognized the program as one that I use and like, and wished it was portable also. I wasn't really advocating for its production as much as agreeing that it would be neat to have.
You are totally right though, I didn't mean to say you should have coded a different project, I just meant I would like the other one as well.
Again, sorry about my post, and I'll try to watch where I post production requests in the future. Thanks for the response!
When I saw this I wondered how a PC could emulate cartridge software. After reading the old posts I discovered that these old NES/N64 games are converted to ROM software, yes?
Yet it was stated the legality of these ROM's was in question. That being so, where exactly are you supposed to get the software to run on FakeNES/Kadence?
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Theoretically, you get the ROMS from your own cartridges.
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You are suppose to own a original of the game to make having the rom legal. For example i made a dump of my Final Fantasy GBA games into the rom format that vba-m portable supports (.gba) using my M3REAL and some home brew software.
So this is a program for programmers?
Shame, nintendo n64 games were real good. A mate still got one but controllers are buggered from playing mario kart!
Just out of curiosity, how do you connect the snes/n64 carts to a PC?
Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.
You use a cart copier, and they're illegal to sell (but not to own) in the US.
One I heard about operated thusly: Imagine a Game Genie but with a wire leading to a parallel port. The idea was you put this device between your game and console, and connected the parallel port to your PC. As you start the game it copies the ROM image to the PC, and then, I guess you could play the games on the PC on your console via the adapter. Something like that.
As somebody above me pointed out, you can use microSD to GBA/DS adapters to dump ROM images from those platforms, and those devices are both common and readily available, often for less than the cost of a game. For disc-based systems, raw ISOs are used, and those are made by using DVD-ROM drives with altered firmware. But back in the day (N64 and prior) it was a lot harder. I've never done it, but I've read about it, and I've played my share of Nintendo games on the PC (and modded DS).
More than 99.9% of emulator users downloaded their ROM images from a filesharing service, or a web site specializing in such files before it was inevitably shut down. The remaining 0.1% are lying and think they're clever. I'm neither good at lying, nor very clever, so I'll stick with the first group.
Pretty sure we can't tell you how to actually get the ROMs, though. You're on your own there.
Still, it's ironic. ThinWare apps are a no-no because they're not to be redistributed (although they're able to be by design). We're not allowed to redistribute freeware such as CCleaner without permission. And the R34 MOD menu is simply frowned upon because it's a fork of the official menu. Yet, a program that is used illegally 100% of the time is not frowned upon at all. I'm all for the freeing of what amounts to abandonware (or at least it was until the Wii brought the virtual console) but looking at things, it seems a funny place to draw the line.
I have games that I own the cartridges for
Thinware apps are frowned on due to the license issues (to the tune of several thousand dollars). CCleaner isn't redistributed, only a launcher was made (as far as I know). R34 is frowned on yes because it is a fork, but you'll find plenty of things for it, and you'll find plenty of people using it. It has some issues of its own, and you need to be prepared to deal with them is all.
It all goes back to how you use something that makes it illegal. FakeNES isn't illegal, scamming ROMS from rapidshare is.
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dont forget Torrents or . Those are illegal too
Spoil Sport
Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.
Using this software is not illegal. The illegal part is either A. Possessing any ROM that you do not own the cartridge for or B. Obtaining any ROM by any means other than a cart copier on your own cartridge. While, as you said, the VAST majority of (as in "nearly all") users violate the second one there, that is a separate action. DOWNLOADING the ROM is illegal, but once you have the ROM file, using a downloaded ROM is no different than using a dumped ROM. Granted, this is splitting hairs but a ROM that you dumped vs one that someone on the internet dumped are (depending on the device used and the settings) identical. Possession is not illegal (provided you own the cartridge), and use is not illegal. Distributing and/or obtaining a ROM from a source not authorized to distribute it is illegal. This application does neither. So really, it's more likely that Firefox Portable is being used illegally than FakeNES. But obviously it's still being released, now isn't it?
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
I love the interface. it runs perfect on admin XP home. but i try to run it on admin Vista home premium, it gets buggy. It the main interface is literally shaky. its slow to load some roms. overall, it is pretty nice no testing possible...
i still have it. But that hosting provider went down. I'll see about putting it back up online since someone would like to use it
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That would be nice as this one runs "playable" on my EeePC!!
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But I got problems...
Right after installing it and finishing the setup, an aplication from papps menu gets started magically. Tried this several times, but it only happens sometimes.
The launcher works, but the emulator doesn't.
I managed to "fix" this by copying the original and obviously bigger files over to the app folder. Maybe the package needs to be updated.
I will check if the rom folder I made directly in \App\roms will be recreated as soon as I get it on my stick.
THX so far!
You have to be able to reporduce it or I can't fix it :p. That being said, there's no code I put in there to do it.
Win7? I haven't tested it on anything other then winxp.
I may have compressed it which caused issues with a newer OS.
Honestly, support for this is probably going to be dropped seeing as there hasn't been any updates in a while. And it probably has a ton of issues with Win7 (I don't have my laptop booted to check). Aside from the fact that its unlikely anything like this (and indeed probably anything I come up with will go official in the near future).
I also have no time in my RFL. I'm avoiding schoolwork right now
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I don't have a problem with it being dropped, as it doesn't work anymore... Just changed the settings in the emulator, like I have them set in the standard version. All I get now is a black screen!
I will check some more NES emulators from sourceforge and report which ones work correctly and are playable. But thanks anyway for the upload!!
BTW school is more important than this!
Edit: Nevermind lol